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1、免免费费获获取取价价值值万万元元英英语语学学习习软软件件、图图书书和和CD 超超值值大大礼礼包包 http:/ QQ: 仁仁爱爱英英语语八八年年级级下下册册 期期中中测测试试卷卷满分满分 100 分,考试时间分,考试时间 100 分钟分钟听力部分笔试部分总得分题号 得分听力部分(听力部分(2020 分)分).听句子和问题听句子和问题, 选择正确的图片。选择正确的图片。(5 分分) B. C. 1_ 2. _ 3. _ 4_ 5._ .听句子,选择正确的答语。听句子,选择正确的答语。 (5 分)分) ( ) 1. A. Ill show you. This way, ple

2、ase.B. Im from Shandong Province.C. To the nearest station.1一一 套套 英英 语语 单单 词词 记记 忆忆 的的 革革 命命 性性 教教 程程 谷谷雨雨 单单词词王王彻彻 底底 摆摆 脱脱 记记 单单 词词 的的 苦苦 恼,比恼,比 普普 通通 人人 快快 1010 倍、倍、2020 倍倍 记记 牢牢 英英 语语 单单 词词h ht tt tp p: :/ / /w ww ww w. .g gu uy yu ue en ng gl li is sh h. .c co om m Q QQ Q: : 免免费费获获取取价价值值万万元元英英语

3、语学学习习软软件件、图图书书和和CD 超超值值大大礼礼包包 http:/ QQ: ( ) 2. A. Oh, no. B. Just a moment. C. Yes, thats right.( ) 3. A. Yes, I do. B. Sure. C. Its a pleasure. ( ) 4. A. No, I dont like it at all. B. I feel disappointed.C. I think its very interesting. ( ) 5. A. Noise makes me angry.B. I like light music. It make

4、s me happy.C. Sad movies always make me cry.听短文,选择正确答案。听短文,选择正确答案。 (5 分)分) ( ) 1. What does Steve do in the factory? A. A worker. B. An engineer. C. A manager. ( ) 2. How does he go to work? A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By train. ( ) 3. How does he spend his time on the way? A. Reading newspaper.B. Rea

5、ding novels.C. Chatting with someone else. ( ) 4. Why was he late for work one Thursday? A. He forgot the time. B. He forgot to get off at the right station.C. He deserved to be late. ( ) 5. How did the boss treat him for his being late? A. The boss encouraged him to carry on his work. B. The boss s

6、houted to him angrily. C. The boss hardly fired(解雇) him.IV. 听对话听对话, 选择正确的答案。选择正确的答案。(5 分分) ( ) 1. Is Beth bored of English? A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt . C. I dont know. ( ) 2. What color can make us feel better? A. White. B. Red. C. Green. ( ) 3. Who is strict with Maria? A. Her father. B. Her

7、mother. C. Maria. ( ) 4. What is he anxious about? A. Falling behind others. B. Waiting in line . C. He doesnt know. ( ) 5. How do we feel when it rains? A. We feel well. B. We feel better. C. We feel worse.笔试部分笔试部分 (80(80 分分) ).词汇词汇(10 分分) A)根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。(5 分)1一一 套套 英英 语语 单单 词词 记记 忆忆 的的 革革 命命 性性

8、 教教 程程 谷谷雨雨 单单词词王王彻彻 底底 摆摆 脱脱 记记 单单 词词 的的 苦苦 恼,比恼,比 普普 通通 人人 快快 1010 倍、倍、2020 倍倍 记记 牢牢 英英 语语 单单 词词h ht tt tp p: :/ / /w ww ww w. .g gu uy yu ue en ng gl li is sh h. .c co om m Q QQ Q: : 免免费费获获取取价价值值万万元元英英语语学学习习软软件件、图图书书和和CD 超超值值大大礼礼包包 http:/ QQ: 1. My parents are going to the t_ to see Beijing Opera

9、. 2. Im looking f_ to meeting him. 3. His father is very h_. He often makes us laugh. 4. Tom is an e_ student. He does his best in lessons. 5. People cant live w_ air or water. B) 根据汉语提示完成句子。(5 分) 1.Betty sang the song _ _ _(再三) last night. 2.How about _ _(处理) the problems? 3.We should _ _ _(对满意) ou

10、r life. 4.Riding our bicycles to explore Beijing _ _(一定)great fun. 5.The teacher was able to _ _(使振作起来)the class by teaching them to sing lively songs.选择填空选择填空(15 分分) ( ) 1. Ill _ later today. A. ring her up B. ring up her C. call her to D. call up her ( ) 2. Dont complain _about your problems. A. m

11、uch too B. too many C. many too D. too much ( ) 3. You dont know the way. Why _ the policeman for help? A. dont ask B. no ask C. not ask D. not to ask ( ) 4. I have two brothers. One is a worker, _ is a driver. A. another B. the others C. other D. the other ( ) 5.There are _ books in our library. A.

12、 five hundreds B. hundred of C. hundreds ofD.five hundred of ( ) 6. The girl is new here and she lives _. So she seems _. A. lonely; lonely B. alone; alone C. lonely; alone D. alone; lonely ( ) 7. Theres too much noise here. Lets go_. A. somewhere quiet B. quiet somewhere C. anywhere quiet D. quiet

13、anywhere ( ) 8. Well go on a field trip if it _ this weekend. A. wont rain B. isnt raining C. doesnt rainD. will rain( ) 9.We missed a chance to win a goal. _! A. Well done B. Good luck C. What a pityD. How lucky ( ) 10. This film is as _ as that one. A. interested B. more interesting C. interestingD.more interested ( ) 11. What _ girl she is! A. a beautiful B. beautiful C. beautifullyD. the beautifully ( ) 12. The Greens will have _ holiday in China.1一一 套套 英英 语语 单单 词词 记记 忆忆 的的 革革 命命 性性 教教 程程 谷谷雨雨 单单词词王王彻彻 底底 摆摆 脱脱 记记 单单 词词 的的


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