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1、摘摘 要要1 1引引 言言,-1 1、减减刑刑制制度度的的定定义义及及其其存存在在的的必必要要性性- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -2 2(一) 减刑制度的定义 .2(二) 减刑制度存在的必要性 .2(三) 现行减刑制度存在的意义 . 6二二、我我国国减减刑刑制制度度存存在在的的主主要要问问題題及及其其原原因因-8 8(一) 我国减刑制度的总体特点 .8(二) 我国减刑制度适用中存在的问题 .8(三) 存在上述问题的主要原因 .15三三、 我我国国减减刑刑制制度度的的

2、完完善善- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 18 8(一) 我国减刑制度的立法完善 .18(二) 我国减刑制度的司法完善 .20结结 语语-31参参考考文文献献-3 32 2致 W-35随着目的刑和教育刑思想的兴起,刑罚的重心由注重已然转向关注未然, 作为国家刑事司法活动最后阶段的刑罚执行,已不再是对犯罪的消极处罚而是 着眼于对犯罪人的积极矫正,由压制、惩罚的行刑报复走向促进、转化的行刑 教育,矫正罪犯、预防和减少犯罪已成为刑罚

3、执行(行刑)之目的,以教育为主 的功利论和一体论思想指导下的积极行刑时代已经到来。与此相适应,刑罚执 行的机能也由机械、盲目、被动的接受走向合目的性、富有理性和能动性的机 动调控。在刑罚执行过程中,通过减刑、赦免、减免(如罚金)等法定方式,对 确定刑进行一定限度的修正和调整,最终实现刑罚目的,已成为积极行刑时代 下各个国家和地区普通遵循的行刑调控模式。减刑是在刑罚执行过程中的一项 经常性的刑事司法活动,是我国刑罚制度的重要组成部分,在行刑司法实践中 发挥着不可低估的功用。理论上作为与假释制度具有同样重要地位的行刑调控 手段的减刑制度,由于现阶段诸多因素的作用,在司法实践中其适用率常远远 高于假

4、释等其他行刑制度。作为我国刑法特有的一项刑罚执行制度,减刑制度 充分体现了我国惩办与宽大相结合、惩罚与教育相结合的刑事政策,体现了社 会正义与社会功利的有机统一,是实现刑罚特殊预防目的的重要手段。当前,我国减刑制度在立法方面存在的问题主要是减刑条文的设置过于简 陋,“确有悔改表现”的减刑条件规定操作性不强,由此造成执行标准的不统一, 减刑后的制约机制缺乏,减刑程序规定过于简单等。在司法方面存在的问题主 要是减刑适用有扩张、滥用的趋势;减刑偏重客观考察,主观思想考察不到位; 人为规定减刑比例,没有法律和科学依据;减刑比例、减刑幅度与罪犯的罪行 轻重不对称;减刑适用比例偏低,其效能被极大削弱;减刑

5、案件审理程序缺乏 公开,影响公正性等。减刑制度存在问题的原因既有立法技术的问题,也有法 律监管机制不协调,法律不能及时适应社会的发展变化,司法中的腐败等因素。改革完善我国的减刑制度,必须坚持以社会主义法治理念为指针,以实现 社会公平正义、构建和谐社会为价值追求,以建设公正、高效、权威的司法制 度为目标,立足于中国国情,在中国特色社会主义政治制度和司法制度框架内 进行。对于减刑制度在立法和司法过程中存在的问题,应在鉴域外先进立法经 验的基础上,有针对性的采取相应的措施,以确保减刑制度的设计取得其应有的法律和社会效果。关键词:减刑;减刑程序;减刑监督AbstractThe rise of crim

6、inal thinking with the purpose of punishment and education, the center of gravity of the penalty by the focus is already turned to concern the first place, the execution of punishment as the final stage of the national criminal justice activities, is no longer a negative punishment for crime but rat

7、her focus on the offenders positive correction, by repression, punishment execution retaliation toward promoting the transformation execution education, correction of offenders, crime prevention and reduction has become the purpose of the execution of punishment (execution). This suggests that educa

8、tion utilitarian theory and the theory the mountain thinking under the guidance of the positive execution times one has come with this adaptation, the penalty enforcement function by mechanical blind, passive acceptance towards Purposiveness endowed with reason and regulation initiative motor. In th

9、e process of execution of punishment, by commutation, pardon, relief (such as fines) and other legal way to determine the punishment is a limit of amendments and adjustments, and ultimately achieve the purpose of punishment has become the executioners of the various countries and regions actively ex

10、ecution times under ordinary follow regulation mode. The commutation of the sentence is in the process of execution of punishment in a regular criminal justice activities, is an important part of Chinas penal system,the function of play should not be underestimated in the execution of judicial pract

11、ice. The execution regulation means -remission system theoretically as the parole system has an equally important role, because at this stage many factors role in the judicial practice applicable rate is often much higher than the parole and other execution system. The face of the reality of the sit

12、uation and the urgent need of this stage execution judicial activities, and we think that is very necessary grasp the commutation of execution of the function and purpose of the development context, explore ideas improve and perfect this important execution system, from the height of the perspective

13、 of the theory to explain this phenomenon and methods. This entire article is divided into four parts. The first is the introduction part, then the remission system overview andillanalysis of the meaning of the commutation,summarize according commutation. The third part is the main problems and tiie

14、ir causes of the remission system exists in China, mainly from the legislative and judicial perspectives the remission system exists in China, and then summarizes the reasons for the remission system problems. The fourth part of the Perfection of remission system countermeasxires to improve the legislation on the remission system, based on the analysis of overseas experience for reference, judicial perfect about the remission syste


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