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1、2011-2012 年第二学期高二英语导学案 编制人 王清华王腊梅 审核人王宏修1Class:_ group:_ Name: _ 组内评价:_ 教师评价_Book 7 unit 2 单词导学案单词导学案【使用说明及学法指导】1.自学:自学课文,完成预习案。2.A 层完成以下内容,并做到背诵自学成果。B 层可结合课文完成以下内容并掌握用法。C 层要理解文章大意及细节。3.必须记住讲义上出现的短语句子单词短语方法。4.单词要求:1)读出正确单词读音。2)根据实用学案和精讲精练掌握单词用法。3)加强单词识记。【学习目标】1.学习掌握本单元单词,为扫清文章理解障碍。2.通过学习,培养对单词的归纳总结的

2、能力。3.自主学习,合作探究,激情参与,快乐学习。【预习案】一 【自学引导】 Task 1:自读以下单词。注意单词重音。 Fiction desire household satisfaction test out bonus bedding apron sympathy pile elegant alarm overweight scan pile favor fingernail haircut clerk necklace affair declare digital accompany cuisine awful counter makeup absurd armchair envy

3、digital mailbox aside receive let alone be bound to grand set aside affection part-time obey disobey assessment divorce framework theoretical empire chapter talent biography transfusion masters degree junior navy imagination grand biochemistry staff Task2:根据汉语读出这些单词:根据汉语读出这些单词。 1 小说,虚构出来的事 _ 2.海军_ 3

4、 渴望,想要_ 4 满意,满足_ 5 实验考验_ 6 家庭的一家人_ 7 额外津贴,奖金_ 8 使警觉_ 9 围裙_ 10 优雅的,高雅的_ 11 同情_ 12 堆,堆积_ 13 手指甲_ 14 发型,理发_ 15 将放在一边_ 16 服从顺从_ 17 超重的_ 18 喜爱恩惠_ 19 寝具,铺盖_ 20 项链_ 21 极坏的,极讨厌的_ 22 扶手椅_ 23 宣布,声明_ 24 嫉妒,羡慕_ 25 不管,别惹,让一个人待着_ 26 数字的数码的_ 27 邮筒信箱_28 柜台,计数器_ 29 售货员_ 30 烹饪菜肴_ 31 大的豪华的_ 32 评价评定_ 33 收件人,电话听筒_34 喜爱,

5、爱,感情_ 35 理论上的,假设的_ 36 框架结构_ 37 离婚,断绝关系_ 38 章,篇回_ 39 一定做_ 40 天才天赋 _ 41 一共总计_42 传记_ 43 输血_ 44 叫年幼的,资历较浅的_45 生物化学_46 全体员工_ 学习 方法 引导 Task 1: 根据 音标, 正确 读出 这些 单词。Task 2: 根据 汉语 意思, 正确2011-2012 年第二学期高二英语导学案 编制人 王清华王腊梅 审核人王宏修247 硕士学位_48 兼职的_ 49 荒谬的可笑的_ 50 化妆品_51 转向回转_ 52 给打电话_ 53 软垫靠垫_ 读出 单词。二 【能力提升】: 熟读单词,并

6、利用单词组句。 三 【预习检测】单词拼写,写出单词的正确形式。 Please raise your hand if you are in f_of the new plan. Tom has the d_to take part in the school race and he has been longing foe it for a long time. All of us felt _(同情) for the victims of the earthquake,so we donated money to help them. Im grateful to all the _(职员)

7、who have been working so hard. After graduation from a _(初级的) middle school ,he entered a senior middle school. Will you please _(陪伴) me in travelling to Shanghai on business? His actions d_him to be an honest man. Please give the a_when you are trapped in danger. In his opinion,doing such a job is

8、a waste of his _.(才干) 10Much to his parents s_,the boy has again made great progress in his schoolwork. .四 【我的疑问】请将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,等到课堂上与老师和同学探讨解决。_ 五【我的收获】写出预习本课的收获。 1._ 2_探究案探究案【课内探究】 1.desire_ n: have a desire for/to do sth/that _ vt: desire to do sth/ desire sb to do sth/ desire that_ 翻译:1)

9、 我们都渴望健康和幸福 _。 2) The old man desired his sons to come to see him from time to time _. 3) The manager desired that you (should) visit him next Friday. _ 4) He has a strong desire that you (should) go abroad together with him _. 2.satisfaction 词义_v_ satisfied_ satisfing_ 翻译:1)The man nodded with sati

10、sfaction. _ 2)使我非常满意的是,他提前完成了任务。 _ 3sympathy 词义_ 方法指 导 :根据提 供的问 题合作 探究, 找到正 确答案, 并进行 积极展 示。2011-2012 年第二学期高二英语导学案 编制人 王清华王腊梅 审核人王宏修3feel/have/give/show sympathy for _ 翻译 :He felt sympathy for her sufferings. _I had a lot of sympathy for her;She had to bring up the children on her own. _ 4.favour_do sb a favour_ask a favour of sb_owe sb a favour_ in favour of sb/sth_ 翻译:1.Many women were in favour of Obama as president of America. _2. 请帮我一个忙搬这个箱子。 _ 5.accompany_ accompany sb=keep sb company_accompany sb to sp_ 翻译:1.Lighting usually accompanies thunder. _


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