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1、编号: 毕 业 论 文题 目: 广东省广东省 LEDLED 产业发展现状、产业发展现状、趋势分析及对策建议趋势分析及对策建议 学 院: 商学院 专 业: 国际经济与贸易 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 职 称: 教授 题目类型:题目类型: 理论研究 实验研究 工程设计 应用研究 软件开发2013 年 06 月 05 日摘 要LED 产业作为“十二五”规划中重点发展的七大战略性新兴产业之一,有着广阔的发展前景,而广东是我国最重要的 LED 产业基地之一,规模位居全国首位。战略性新兴产业的培育,是以产业技术创新为突破口,引导优势资源向所确定的新兴产业集聚,使其快速增长,形成引导经济发展的主导产业

2、。随着全球 LED 市场需求的进一步加大,未来我国 LED 产业发展面临巨大机遇。为推动广东省 LED 产业真正成为支柱产业,应根据 LED 产业的技术特点和发展规律,在发挥现有的产业优势基础上,努力培育突破性创新型组织的发展,尽快突破制约我省 LED 产业发展的关键核心技术,抢占 LED 产业制高点,完善服务体系,培育龙头企业,引导企业集群式发展,形成规模效应,实现 LED 产业从战略性新兴产业向支柱型产业转变。近年来在响应国家号召、推广 LED 照明普及应用等工作中,广东一直处于全国前列。在科技部和广东省政府的大力支持下,广东在规划布局、资金投入、技术攻关、推广应用等方面进行了一系列部署,

3、推动 LED 产业规模迅速壮大。本文将从产业、技术、市场、企业、政府等各方面出发,利用 SWOT 模型,分析广东省 LED 产业、技术的发展现状,侧重于从市场经济体系和区域优势探寻其发展趋势、LED 市场与产业竞争力的关系进行分析,从而对广东省的 LED 产业竞争力提升提出对策。关键词:广东省;LED 产业;产业竞争力;发展现状;政策建议AbstractLED industry as the “twelfth five-year“ plan one of the focus on the development of seven strategic emerging industries, w

4、ith broad prospects for development, and guangdong is one of the most important LED industry base in China, ranking first in the country. Foster strategic emerging industries, is the industry technology innovation as the breakthrough point, guide the advantage resources to determine emerging industr

5、ies agglomeration, make its rapid growth, form a guide leading industry of economic development. As the global LED market demand further, the future development of Chinas LED industry is faced with great opportunities. To promote LED industry become a pillar industry of guangdong province, should ac

6、cording to the technical characteristics and development of LED industry pattern, based on giving full play to the advantages of existing industries, efforts to foster the development of innovative organization breakthrough, the breakthrough in the development of LED industry in our province as soon

7、 as possible the key core technology, take the LED industry commanding heights, and perfect service system, cultivating leading enterprises, guide the enterprises cluster development, formed the scale effect, achieve the LED industry from the strategic emerging industry to pillar industry. In recent

8、 years in response to the national call, the promotion of LED lighting, popularize and apply work in guangdong has been at the top. In the ministry of science and technology and the support from the government of guangdong province, guangdong in the planning and layout, capital investment, technolog

9、y research, popularization and application in a series of deployment, promote the LED industry is rapidly growing. This article will from the industry, technology, market, enterprise, government and other aspects, using the SWOT model, analyzing the development of the LED industry, the technology of

10、 guangdong province, from focus on technology development path and the regional advantage exploring its development trend, LED the market and industry competitiveness is analyzed, and the LED industry competitiveness of guangdong province improve countermeasures are put forward.Key words: Guangdong

11、province; The LED industry; Industrial competitiveness;Development present situation; Policy recommendations 目 录引言.11 广东省 LED 产业发展现状.31.1 产业链基本形成,产业规模不断扩大 .31.2 LED 产业发展布局加快.31.3 突破形成了一批核心技术 .41.4 LED 产业发展的政策环境趋于完善.52 广东 LED 产业发展的 SWOT 分析.62.1 优势 .62.1.1 广东具备完善的市场经济体系和发展环境 .62.1.2 广东拥有国内最好的照明市场体系,形成

12、了较强的 LED 市场 .62.1.3 广东 LED 产业上下游配套较为齐全,具备明显的产业优势 .62.2 劣势 .72.2.1 产业链高端环节比较薄弱, ,产品附加值低 .72.2.2 企业规模小,缺乏龙头企业和品牌产品,产业集中度低 .72.2.3 产业发展和技术研发等资源配置不合理,核心竞争力不强 .82.3 机遇与挑战 .82.3.1 良好的外部环境为 LED 产业发展提供了广阔空间 .82.3.2 LED 作为新兴产业的特点使实现行业赶超成为可能.92.3.3 经济全球化趋势为 LED 产业发展创造了有利条件 .92.3.4 广东大力推进战略性新兴产业发展也为 LED 产业发展提供了机遇 .93 广东 LED 产业发展的趋势及存在问题.113.1 广东 LED 产业发展的趋势 .113.1.1 LED 产业核心技术高端化.113.1.2 LED 产业规模扩大化.113.1.3 LED 照明市场渗透化.123.2 广东省 LED 产业发展中存在主要问题.123.2.1 产能过剩、市场竞争激烈 .123.2.2 LED 行业整体利润不断下滑,市场整合速度加快.



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