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1、In the party to carry out thought people honest and pragmatic as the main content of the partys mass line of educational practice, the partys eighteen to make a major deployment. The Central Committee issued .6 month on the 18th, the Central Committee held the partys mass line of educational practic

2、e working conference on, Xi general secretary at the meeting made an important speech, Comrade Comrade attended the meeting and on how to carry out the mass line is good education practice of the arrangement of deployment of 6 April 22 to 25, Central Political Bureau held special meeting, control im

3、plement the central The eight prescribed ideological reality and the actual work, to carry out criticism and self-criticism, further study on strengthening and improving the style construction of specific measures, for the whole party to carry out educational practice made an example. Group Party at

4、taches great importance to educational practice, respectively on June 23, July 3, held special meeting, the documents of the Central Committee General Secretary Xi and a series of important speech to convey the spirit of learning, study and formulate the Corporation of party work plan for the mass l

5、ine of educational practice and on the activities of the arrangements for the deployment of. Now, I talk about the four aspects of the problem. A full understanding of the significance of the partys mass line of educational practice The mass line is the lifeline and the basic line of work of the par

6、ty. To carry out the partys mass line of educational practice is party in the new situation must insist on the party manage the party, strictly is great and decision-making, conform to the expectations of the masses, to strengthen the learning type, service and innovation of Marxist ruling partys co

7、nstruction of a major deployment, is the important measure to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Education practice activities, to keep the partys advanced nature and purity, consolidating the partys ruling foundation and ruling position, to effectively change the sty

8、le of work, to further promote the spirit of “Three Gorges“, the strategic goal of building a world-class clean energy group, has significant and the profound Significance. First, to carry out the partys mass line of educational practice, is implementing the spirit of the partys eighteen and realize

9、 the dream of China, is the inevitable requirement of the Three Gorges dream. Party 18 put forward the struggle goal of “two hundred years“, namely in the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in China to completed a comprehensive well-off society, in New China was founded 1

10、00 years built a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country. Party after eighteen, General Secretary Xi proposed the Chinese dream of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The Chinese dream is the dream nation, peoples dream and dream of every Chinese

11、 enterprise. The full realization of the goals of the Twelfth Five Year Plan , in 2020 to basically completed a world-class clean energy group is in the hearts of the Three Gorges new “Three Gorges dream“, is an integral part of the Chinese dream. To realize the partys eighteen identified goals and

12、realize the Chinese dream, dream of the Three Gorges, we must develop in close contact with the masses of the fine style of work, bearing in mind the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, and resolutely oppose formalism, bureaucracy, and hedonism and extravagant wind; must adhere to the prin

13、ciple of seeking truth from facts, all from a practical point of view, follow the rules of market economy and the development of enterprises, promote enterprise of scientific development; must fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all the cadres and workers, initiative, creativity, Boost Qi God, twisted

14、into a vigor, unite as one to tackle tough, in order to realize the dream of China, the Three Gorges dream and struggle. The second, to carry out the partys mass line of educational practice, is to strengthen the state-owned enterprise party construction, keep the partys advanced nature and purity,

15、consolidating the partys ruling foundation and ruling status of inevitable requirement. The partys advanced nature and the partys ruling status is not a once and for all, immutable. Past advanced does not equal the present advanced, now advanced is not equal to advanced forever. In the past have not

16、 equal to now have, now have is not equal to always have. Keep the partys advanced nature and purity, consolidating the partys ruling foundation and ruling position, is the partys Facing the construction of the fundamental problem and the subject of the times. Central enterprises is completed a comprehensive well-off society in an important force, is an important pillar of socialism with Chinese characteristics, is an important basis for the Communist Party of China. To c


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