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1、1Module 1 British English and American English教材分析教材分析I. 教学内容分析教学内容分析 必修 5 是 NSE 教材必修系列的最后一册,是高中英语第一轮最后阶段的内容,通过本 书的学习,学生应该达到高中英语七级的要求。教师应该意识到本书实际上也是一个小节, 应该做到前后联系,把握整体性,为学生下一阶段的学习打下坚实的基础。模块 1 的主题 是 British English and American English。要求学生能够认识和了解两者的区别和联系,理解 英语的发展和它的多元性。并且能够表达自己对 Varieties of English

2、 的看法。 本模块从四句名人名言开始,介绍了人们对于英式英语和美式英语之间关系的看法。 Introduction 部分设计四则对于英式英语和美式英语关系的名人名言和一些问题帮助 分析观点,另外通过两封 E-mail 让学生找出英式英语和美式英语的区别,所以极能激发学 生的好奇心,达到导入整个模块的效果。 Reading and Speaking 是介绍英式英语和美式英语的区别的文章,分别介绍了两者在 words, grammar, spelling, pronunciation 方面的不同,并认为两者的区别并不影响沟通和交流。Vocabulary 部分学习英式英语和美式英语的词汇,进一步理解两

3、者在词汇方面的区别。Grammar 部分主要是复习两项语法项目: 1. Present simple, present continuous, present perfect and future reference. 2. for and since with present perfect Vocabulary and Listening 部分第一部分设计一个 pair work 探讨留学生的困难,从而 引导学生说出语言沟通方面的难题。第二部分是通过选词填空复习常用词:ask, exist, happen, give, live, speak, talk 和 think。第三部分是通过听一

4、段美国留学生和英国留学生的 对话了解两种英语的区别和共同点。 Everyday English 通过学习复习 Vocabulary and Listening 中的句子学会一些非常有用 的日常生活用语:How are you getting on? I didnt get what people were saying. get used to, so far, Thats a good point. made a fuss of sb, cute, a couple of, pick up, wear off. Learning to learn 是关于学会利用因特网学习研究英语,对于提高学

5、习策略水平有很 大的帮助。 Function 介绍不同的方式介绍理由。 Speaking and Writing 集说话和写作于一体,培养的是学生语言综合运用的能力。首 先是阅读一篇关于 Varieties of English 的文章。其次根据表明你对 British English, American English and World English 的看法,选出你认为最好的英语并给出理由。最后用英语的思维 写一篇介绍汉语的由来、内容、变体和发展的文章。 Cultural Corner 通过阅读 The Man Who Made Spelling Simple 的文章,了解对美式英 语有

6、杰出贡献的诺亚韦伯斯特,从而进一步了解美式英语发展的历程,并且要求同学们 做出关于简化汉语方面的思考。 Task 要求学生通过英特网学习两种英语在拼写和语法方面的区别,是对 Learning to learn 学习策略水平的一个体验。(一般来说,在每个模块的第一课时就明确任务是很有必 要的,学生会在学习过程中完成任务。最后一个课时留给学生展示他们的成果,既达到了 复习的效果,又让他们获得了学习的成就感。) Module File 归纳了本单元的重点词汇,语法知识,功能用语和日常用语,有利于学2生的复习总结,自我检验和自学的能力。 II. 教学重点和难点教学重点和难点 1. 教学重点 (1) 本

7、模块的生词和短语 (2) Present simple, present continuous, present perfect and future reference. (3) for and since with present perfect (4) 了解英语和美语的区别,让学生学会比较,从而学会辨认不同类别的英语。 2. 教学难点 (1) 让学生找出英式英语和美式英语的区别 (2) 学会利用因特网自主学习 (3) 对世界英语采取开放和接受的态度,学好英语的同时进一步认识汉语,热爱我国 的语言文化 III教学计划教学计划 经过对教材内容的分析和重组,本模块可以分六课时教授: 第一课时第

8、一课时 Speaking and Writing, Task, Introduction 第二课时第二课时 Reading and Speaking (1) 第三课时第三课时 Reading and Speaking (2), Reading (Workbook) 第四课时第四课时 Vocabulary, Grammar, Function 第五课时第五课时 Vocabulary and Listening, Everyday English, Learning to learn 第六课时第六课时 Cultural Corner, Workbook, Module File IV教学步骤:教学

9、步骤:Period 1 Speaking and Writing, Task, Introduction Teaching Goals: 1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about Varieties of English 2. To develop Ss speaking and writing ability. 3. Enable Ss to get some information about British English and American English Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Leading-in P

10、urpose: To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about varieties of English. Ask Ss to discuss the following question in group of four or five: How many varieties of English do you know? Suggested answers: British English, American English, Australian English and World English. Step 2 Speaking Purpose

11、: To lead Ss to the topic of this classlearning about varieties of English. 1. Pair work: Get Ss to read the notes about varieties of English on P8 and decide which is the best variety of English to learn. 2. Group work: Divide the whole class into three groups and get Ss to have a debate about whic

12、h is the best variety of English to learn. Add some more ideas in favour of your chosen variety. After the debate, get Ss to vote for the variety of English they think is best to learn. 3. Conclusion: English doesnt belong to one group of people, and we should learn English well to develop our count

13、ry. Step 3 Task Purpose: To help Ss know about the task of this module (task-based teaching).3Enable Ss to understand the task of this module. After finishing this module, they will give a presentation of their task. Step 4 Introduction Purposes: To get the main topic of this moduleBritish English a

14、nd American English To develop Ss reading and speaking ability To enable Ss to compare different things 1. Question: What are the main varieties of English? Are they the same? Suggested answers: They are British English and American English. They are different in many aspects, such as accent, vocabu

15、lary and so on. 2. Pair work: Get Ss to read the quotations and answer the questions in Activity 1 on P1. Suggested answers: (1) The topic is the difference between British English and American English. (2) d is the most optimistic. (3) b is the most pessimistic. (4) In my opinion, b is very funny.

16、Because communication is more and more important among the countries nowadays. Communication will bridge the gap between British English and American English. (5) d is good news for students of English. (6) a, b and c.(Oscar Wilde- Irish, Henry Sweet- English, George Bernard Shaw- Irish, Dave Sperling- American) 3. Group work: Read the two emails in Activity 2 and discuss in group of four or six what the writer have in common. 4. Individ


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