必修四 Unit 4 Body language 课下作业

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《必修四 Unit 4 Body language 课下作业》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修四 Unit 4 Body language 课下作业(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、591up 有效学习(http:/ )必修四必修四 Unit 4 Body language.单项填空单项填空1.(2010哈师大附中检测哈师大附中检测)After class they will discuss the to the study of physics. A.approaches B.meansC.methods D.ways解析:解析:approach 方法。表示方法。表示“方法方法”时,只有时,只有 approach 才能和介词才能和介词 to 连用。连用。答案:答案:A2.Adults who dont go through university get jobs wit

2、h a low pay.A.are possible to B.are unable toC.are likely to D.are equal to解析:解析:be likely to 有可能,可以接人作主语,符合句意。句意:那些没有上过大学的有可能,可以接人作主语,符合句意。句意:那些没有上过大学的成年人有可能找到工资低的工作。成年人有可能找到工资低的工作。possible 不可以用人作主语。不可以用人作主语。to be equal to(能胜任能胜任)的,的,to 为介词,后接为介词,后接 v.ing, B 项逻辑上不对。项逻辑上不对。答案:答案:C3. ,the northerners

3、 are much taller than the southerners.A.In total B.In particularC.In common D.In general解析:解析:in general“一般来说一般来说” ;in total“总计总计” ;in particular“尤其尤其” ;in common“有共同之处有共同之处” 。由句意知选。由句意知选 D。答案:答案:D4.We must avoid a bad impression on others in public places.A.to leave B.leavingC.to have left D.leave解

4、析:解析:avoid 接宾语时,宾语通常是名词或接宾语时,宾语通常是名词或 v.ing 形式。形式。答案:答案:B5.A healthy life is frequently thought to be with the open countryside and homegrown food.A.tied B.windC.involved D.associated591up 有效学习(http:/ )解析:解析:句意:健康的生活通常被认为是和乡村户外生活,以及自种的食物有联系。其句意:健康的生活通常被认为是和乡村户外生活,以及自种的食物有联系。其他选项不符合题意。他选项不符合题意。答案:答案:

5、D6.His words only the viewpoint of several people.A.spoke B.stoodC.told D.represented解析:解析:句意:他的话只代表一些人的观点。句中句意:他的话只代表一些人的观点。句中 represent 意为意为“代表代表” 。答案:答案:D7.(2010浙江嘉兴高三检测浙江嘉兴高三检测)We are told not to be too about things that we should not know.A.strange B.curiousC.conscious D.amusing解析:解析:考查形容词辨析。考查

6、形容词辨析。strange“奇怪的奇怪的” ;curious“好奇的好奇的” ;conscious“有意识有意识的的” ;amusing“好笑的好笑的” 。句意:我们被告知不要对我们不应该知道的事情太好。句意:我们被告知不要对我们不应该知道的事情太好奇。奇。答案:答案:B8.He wears a hat to himself the burning sun.A.defend;against B.protect;againstC.argue;against D.fight;against解析:解析:protect sb. against.保护某人免受保护某人免受的伤害。句意:他戴了顶帽子来保护他

7、的伤害。句意:他戴了顶帽子来保护他不受炙热阳光的伤害。不受炙热阳光的伤害。defend 侧重侧重“保卫,护卫,免遭伤害保卫,护卫,免遭伤害” ; fight against 与与作斗争;作斗争; argue against 通过辩论反对。通过辩论反对。答案:答案:B9.Take this medicine three times a day.It can you of your pain.A.ease B.stopC.reduce D.relieve解析:解析:句意:每天三次服药。这药能够缓解你的疼痛。四个词中只有句意:每天三次服药。这药能够缓解你的疼痛。四个词中只有 relieve 能用于能

8、用于“relieve sb.of sth.”结构。结构。ease, stop, reduce 在意思上都可以,但结构不符。在意思上都可以,但结构不符。答案:答案:D10.(2010山东省济南市检测山东省济南市检测)How do observers watch birds? At times they them quietly;at times they use telescopes.591up 有效学习(http:/ )A.approach B.catchC.shoot D.wound解析:解析:考查动词考查动词 approach 的含义。的含义。approach 用作动词时有用作动词时有“接

9、近;靠近接近;靠近”之意。既之意。既然然上文是上文是“观察者观察者”(observers),那么就不可,那么就不可“射中射中”(shoot),不可,不可“抓住抓住”(catch),不可不可“使受伤使受伤”(wound)。答案:答案:A11.One Sunday several former classmates gathered at Toms for lunch, their high school reunion the year before.A.talking about B.having talked aboutC.to talk about D.talked about解析:解析:

10、句意:一个星期天,汤姆以前的几位同学聚集在他家吃午饭,谈论着前一年的句意:一个星期天,汤姆以前的几位同学聚集在他家吃午饭,谈论着前一年的高中同学聚会的事情。此题要用高中同学聚会的事情。此题要用 talking about.作伴随状语。作伴随状语。答案:答案:A12.In order not to ,he spent the whole night preparing for the speech of next day.A.lose courage B.lose heartC.lose face D.lose voice解析:解析:考查动词短语的辨析。考查动词短语的辨析。lose heart“

11、灰心灰心” ;lose face“丢面子丢面子” 。句意:为了。句意:为了不丢面子,他一整夜都在为第二天的演讲做准备。不丢面子,他一整夜都在为第二天的演讲做准备。答案:答案:C13.I dont expect children to be rude,nor expect to be disobeyed.A.do I B.I do C.did I D.I did解析:解析:nor 位于句首应用倒装句式。根据前一句的时态可知,后一句应用一般现在时位于句首应用倒装句式。根据前一句的时态可知,后一句应用一般现在时态。故答案为态。故答案为 A。句意:我不希望孩子们太粗鲁,我也不希望他们不遵守规矩。句意:

12、我不希望孩子们太粗鲁,我也不希望他们不遵守规矩。答案:答案:A14.It is necessary that you present at the discussion.A.will be B.areC.should be D.being解析:解析:考查考查 It is necessary that 这一句型,这一句型,that 从句中的谓语应用从句中的谓语应用 should do 进行虚拟。进行虚拟。591up 有效学习(http:/ )答案:答案:C15.How about some coffee?Its very kind of you. .A.Thats all rightB.It t

13、astes nice and sweetC.Just a little,pleaseD.I enjoyed it very much解析:解析:根据语境根据语境“Its very kind of you.”可知是表示对对方的感谢。选项可知是表示对对方的感谢。选项 A 是对对方是对对方表示谢意或歉意的回答;选项表示谢意或歉意的回答;选项 B 是说明口味的;选项是说明口味的;选项 D 表示以往的看法。选项表示以往的看法。选项 C 符符合语境的意思。句意:合语境的意思。句意:“喝一点咖啡怎么样?喝一点咖啡怎么样?” “谢谢,来点吧。谢谢,来点吧。 ”答案:答案:C.阅读理解阅读理解AThe mate

14、rial below is taken from a column called “Question and answer” at .Call Me BabsObama claims change and he is something different.The financial condition in this country is very serious and the rest of the world is blaming us for their like financial positions.A lot of people lose their life savings.Banks go belly up(破产破产).We have our military in Iraq and Afghanistan.The Iranian government is going nuclear.The Russians are putting in missiles close to Poland because we put ours there.Just everyone around the world finds fault in the


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