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1、 Quiz OneMultiple Choice Part B, Unit 1 1.What do you know about Peter? a. He is an active sportsman. b. He is a keen cyclist. c. He enjoys playing baseball. d. He exercises regularly.2. Where might the two speakers have this conversation? a. In Peters home b. In the street. c. In the gym d. On thei

2、r way to the gym.3. Why does Laura work out?a. For enjoyment. b. For her health.c. To look good. d. Both b and c.4. What sports does Peter go in for?a. Baseball and cycling. b. Baseball and swimming.c. Cycling and swimming. d. Tennis and swimming.5. Why doesnt Peter play baseball now?a. Because he i

3、s quite lazy about it.b. Because he prefers to watch sports on TV.c. Because he doesnt get a guest pass.d. Because its impossible to get enough people together for a game now.Part B, Unit 2 1. What are Alan and Michelle doing?a. They are planning a picnic for the department.b. They are having a picn

4、ic organized by the department.c. They are discussing how to escape from the sun.d. They are drinking and talking about the weather.2. What can you infer from their talk?a. Michelle likes having a picnic on a sunny day.b. Alan is expecting a gentle breeze to cool himself off.c. They havent had much

5、sunshine on a sunny day.d. Much to their surprise, bad weather is setting in.3. What do you know about Alan?a. He thinks the department has misjudged the weather situation for the day.b. He dismisses the idea of having an annual picnic as silly.c. He dislikes pre-arranged activities and would rather

6、 go somewhere on his own.d. He prefers having a little doze after drinking.4. What happened to the department picnic last year?a. It was so hot that no one planned to participate in the picnic. b. It was so hot that they cancelled the picnic. c. They went to the picnic but their fun was spoiled by t

7、he hot weather. d. They enjoyed the picnic on such a sunny day.5. Why wont Alan worry about the weather even if it rains?a. Because he doesnt think itll rain.b. Because he thinks itll only be a short shower that cools things off a little.c. Because he thinks they can enjoy themselves at the picnic e

8、ven without good weather.d. Because he wants to take a shower to cool himself off at the picnic. Part C, Unit 3 1. What is the relationship between the two speakers?a. Classmates. b. Co-workers. c. Waiter and diner. d. Strangers.2. Where does the conversation take place?a. At McDonaldsb. At Kentucky

9、 Fried Chicken.c. At an Italian fast food restaurant.d. At Pizza Hut.3. Why does one of the two speakers prefer something lighter? a. Because he is still full.b. Because he thinks pizza is too greasy.c. Because the prices of light food are great.d. Because he thinks light food is healthy.4. Why didn

10、t they order red wine?a. Because one of them doesnt like red wine.b. Because they have to go back to work after the diner.c. Because it is expensive.d. Because red wine is expensive.5. What have they ordered?a. Pizza, chicken salad and iced water.b. Soup, hamburger and cola.c. Sandwich and red wine.

11、d. Spaghetti, coffee, Coke and iced water.Compound Dictation Dictation 1 Background music may seem S1_, but it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it. Recorded background music first S2_ into factories, shops and restaurants in the USA. Very soon it S3 _ to other parts of the world. Now it

12、is becoming difficult to go shopping or eat a meal without listening to music. To begin with, background music was intended simply to create a S4_. Recently, however, its becoming a big business. An American marketing expert has shown that music can S5 _ or increase factory production by as much as

13、a third. But it has to be the light music. Lively music has no effect at all S6 _. Slow music can increase receipt by S7 _ . This is probably because shoppers slow down and have more opportunity to S8 _ items they would like to buy. Yet, slow music isnt always the answer. The expert found that in re

14、staurant slow music meant customers took longer to eat their meals, which reduced S9 _. So restaurant owners might be well advised to play faster music to keep the customers moving unless, of course, the resulting S10 _ leads to complaints. Dictation 2 Celine Dion is the youngest of 14 children in a

15、 _ in Quebec, Canada. Her parents, who both loved music, encouraged her to develop her _. At 12, Celine had composed the song “It Was Only a Dream“. Her mother and brother helped her to_ that song and sent it off to an address they found on an album of a popular French singer. The address was that of Rene Angelil, who became her first conquest, but there would be millions more.Celines rise from a teenage singer to a pop superstar has been steady, but not _. Record companies were at first less _ about investing in a


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