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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读机经背景美国巴基斯坦关系出现缓和迹象Ties between the intelligence agencies of Pakistan and the United States have been severely strained since the killing of Osama bin Laden in a covert U.S. raid in Pakistan in May.自从美国今年5月秘密派人前往巴基斯坦打死基地组织头目本.拉登以来,美国同巴基斯坦情报机构之间的关系大受影响。Both sides have attempted to play

2、 down the tensions through public statements, but the expulsion of American security personnel by Pakistan and the suspension of some U.S. military assistance have highlighted the distrust on both sides.双方都试图通过公开讲话淡化他们之间的紧张关系,但是巴基斯坦驱逐美国安全人员,以及美国暂停对巴基斯坦的部分军事援助突显了双方的互不信任。In an interview with VOA, U.S.

3、 Ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter acknowledges that the bin Laden raid was a setback for bilateral ties.美国驻巴基斯坦大使卡梅伦.芒特在接受美国之音采访时承认本.拉登事件影响到双边关系。“I think in the wake of what happened on May 2, there was a great deal of consternation on the side of Pakistan because of the issue of the sovereignt

4、y, the questions that were raised,“ Munter said. “There were questions that were raised in the United States because people did not know whether there was a role of Pakistani authorities in him being here. This was a source of great amount of unhappiness on both sides because there were questions th

5、at could not be answered.“芒特说:“我认为在5月2号本.拉登被打死之后,巴基斯坦方面由于主权问题而惊惶失措。美国国内也提出了一些问题, 因为人们不知道巴基斯坦当局是否参与窝藏本.拉登。由于本.拉登事件,双方都很不愉快,因为有些问题没有答案。”But after months of their tense relationship playing out in public, this week the Pakistani military made a rare public acknowledgement that U.S. agents provided key

6、informationthat helped them plan the successful raid that captured senior al-Qaida planner, Younis al-Mauritani, along with two aides.在之后的几个月里,美国和巴基斯坦的紧张关系公开化。但是这个星期巴基斯坦军方少有地公开承认,美国情报人员提供的重要情报帮助他们策划并成功地逮捕了基地组织的资深领导人毛利塔尼和他的两名助手。Army spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said the authorities watched the

7、 group for months.巴基斯坦陆军发言人阿巴斯少将说,当局几个月来一直对这些人进行监视。“We have been on alert we have been following the case since last October when it was surfaced that there is a group which will pose threat to the outside world, “ said Abbas. “We have been connecting dots and therefore when we found out that they a

8、re there in the suburbs of Quetta then we conducted this raid.”他说:“我们从去年10月以来一直保持戒备, 跟踪这些人。当时有消息说,有一组人会对外国构成威胁。我们把零星的线索联系起来,发现他们在奎达郊区,我们就采取了突袭行动。”The announcement is a sign the relationship is getting back on track, said Hassan Askari Rizvi, a former head of the political science department at Punja

9、b University.旁遮普大学政治学系的前系主任哈桑.阿斯卡里.瑞兹维认为,巴基斯坦军方的宣布是一个迹象,表明两国关系正在重回正轨。“This shows that the two agencies are now cooperating, and they need to do that because that is how they can produce results,“ he said. “Hopefully there will be continued cooperation and they will be able to overcome the difference

10、s that had developed between the two authorities.”他说:“这表明美国和巴基斯坦情报机构在进行合作。他们需要合作,因为这样作才会有结果。希望他们能继续合作,克服两国政府间的分歧。”The Pakistani military says al-Qaida leader al-Mauritani was mainly responsible for the networks international operations and was suspected of planning attacks on important American econ

11、omic interests, including oil pipelines.巴基斯坦军方表示,基地组织头目毛利塔尼主要是负责基地组织的国际运作,并涉嫌策划对美国的一些重要经济设施、包括石油管道等发动攻击。Officials have identified the other two detainees as senior operatives Abdul Ghaffar al-Shami and Messara al-Shami.有关官员说,被逮捕的还有基地组织的两名高级运作人士,阿卜杜哈法尔阿尔夏米和梅赛拉阿尔夏米。Although the arrests may help ongoin

12、g negotiations between the two sides on how to conduct future joint-operations, professor Askari Rizvi points out that important disagreements remain.瑞兹维教授说,虽然巴基斯坦这次逮捕基地组织头目的行为有助于美国和巴基斯坦之间改善关系、就未来的合作继续展开协商,但还有一些重要问题,目前双方之间并没有达成协议。“They still diverge on certain matters whether to take action in North

13、 Waziristan and also on the issue of presence of American intelligence and security personnel in Pakistan.”他说:“对于是否要在北瓦济里斯坦等地展开行动、以及美国在巴基斯坦的情报和安全人员等问题,双方之间还存在着分歧。”Pakistan has resisted U.S. pressure to mobilize its forces against militants of the Haqqani network based in North Waziristan border regi

14、on. The militants are believed to be launching cross-border raids on U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan.巴基斯坦一直没有应美方要求、对北瓦济里斯坦边界地区的哈卡尼激进组织,进行有力的打击。据信,这一组织常对在边境那一边的美国和联军部队展开袭击。Pakistani military authorities also have objected to the presence of U.S. Central Intelligence Agency operatives gathering

15、intelligence about militant groups inside Pakistan.巴基斯坦军方官员同时还不同意美国中央情报局人员在巴基斯坦境内搜集激进组织及其人员的情报。In Washington, U.S. officials have long maintained that elements within the Pakistani spy agency have links to Taliban and al-Qaida associates. The allegation is rejected by Pakistani authorities.在华盛顿,美国官员

16、一直认为,巴基斯坦情报部门内的一些人和塔利班以及基地组织都有联系。巴基斯坦方面对此予以否认。But over the past decade the Pakistani agency has dispelled those suspicions by arresting dozens of senior al-Qaida operatives, said former Pakistani intelligence brigadier Asad Munir.巴基斯坦前情报官员穆尼尔说,过去10年来,巴基斯坦情报部门抓获了好几十名基地组织的高级成员,从这一点上来看,美方不应该继续怀疑巴基斯坦。“All those people have been caught by the ISI with the support of CIA, so they have been working together. They have to have good relations. If there is mistrust it is directly going to affect the


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