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1、1高二英语选修高二英语选修 7 教学设计教学设计Unit2 RobotsReading satisfaction guaranteed.Teaching goals 教学目标教学目标1.Knowledge goal 知识目标知识目标(1). Read a passage about robot and get some information from it.(2). Practice the skills of careful-reading and fast-reading.2. Ability goal 能力目标能力目标:Enable students to acquire some i

2、nformation needed from reading material and deal with related questions. 3. Moral goal 德育目标:德育目标:Encourage students to cooperate with each other and express themselves through discussion.Teaching important points 教学重点教学重点The training of reading skills and the ability to deal with the information fro

3、m reading material.Teaching difficult points 教学难点教学难点How to get students to take an active part in class activities and have a better interaction.Teaching methods 教学方法教学方法Discussion, fast-reading, careful-reading and solo work.Teaching aids 教具准备教具准备ppt, textbook, chalk and blackboard.Teaching proced

4、ures 教学过程教学过程Step I Warming up& Lead-in 导入导入1.Let students know what a robot is 2.Show students some pictures about robots to arouse their interest.3.Discussion:What do you think robots can do ?Do robots have feelings as human?Step II Skimming 略读略读Ask students to skim the passage and then finish the

5、 following questions:1.Whats the main idea of the story?The story tells us how a robot used for housework was tested out in a family.22.What are the main characters in the story?Larry Belmont ClaireTonyGladys ClaffernStep III Fast-reading 速读速读Ask students to read the story quickly and decide whether

6、 the following statements are true or false.Suggested answers: (1)F(2)T(3)T(4)FStep Careful-reading 细读细读Ask students to read the text carefully again, and then choose the best answer for each of the following questions. This step is to train students to get some detailed information from reading mat

7、erial.Suggested answers:(1)A(2)A(3)DStep.Post-reading 读后读后1.Ask students to retell the story with the given words2.let students find out the information about Tony.Step Discussion and writing: 讨论与写作讨论与写作 Let students work in group of four to discuss the following topic and take some notes about diff

8、erent opinions at the same time. After that, ask a few volunteers to express their own opinions.Step. Homework arrangements 作业布置作业布置 1. Write an article on“Will robots take the place of human?” 2.Finish the exercises from page31 to 35(导学案)and preview learning about language.Step. Blackboard writing design 板书设计板书设计 Unit2 robots Reading satisfaction guaranteedDiscussion Skimming Fast-reading Careful-readingHomework Write an article Topic: Will robots take the place of human some day?Self-assessment(教学反思):(教学反思):


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