初二年下Unit6topic 3导学案

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《初二年下Unit6topic 3导学案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初二年下Unit6topic 3导学案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1课题课题: : UnitUnit 6 6 Topic3Topic3 SectionSection A A、B B 备课人: 沈文仲 审核人: 许延芬、陈培云 班级: 学生: 一、学习目标一、学习目标 1、 学习条件状语从句的用法。 2、 了解骑自行车的利弊,注意行车安全。 3、了解交通规则。【预习达标预习达标】1、get used to sth_ 2、害怕做某事_3、obey the traffic rules_ 4、save energy_5、air pollution_ 6、Its easy to park bikes,too. 7、break the traffic rules_ 8、

2、get a fine_9、be in danger_【学习流程学习流程】课文重点讲解课文重点讲解 get used to doing sth 相当于相当于 be used to doing sth.习惯于习惯于 used to 过去常常过去常常 1. 我习惯于骑自行车去上学。I _bikes to school.2. 康康过去常常上网玩游戏。Kangkang _ games on the Internet. a little more confident 更自信一点。更自信一点。a little, much, even 等可以修饰比较级。等可以修饰比较级。She is a little you

3、nger than he.The box is _heavier than that one,A. more B. very much C. much D. very 条件状语从句条件状语从句 (主将从现主将从现) If 表示表示“如果,假如如果,假如” , 在这里引导条件状语从句。在条件状语从句中,如果主句在这里引导条件状语从句。在条件状语从句中,如果主句 是一般将来时,从句常用一般现在时。是一般将来时,从句常用一般现在时。 If everyone obeys the traffic rules, the roads will be much safer. We wont go there

4、next Saturday if it rains.如果不下雨,我们下星期六去那里。(主将从现) 练习 1.We will go to the park if it _ fine tomorrow.2. We will be very happy if he _(come) here tomorrow.合作探究合作探究:条件状语从句的应用条件状语从句的应用(写出含有条件状语从句的句子写出含有条件状语从句的句子) If we break the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger. (1) fine 作动词,意为作动词,意

5、为”罚款罚款“=ticket :a ticket for speedingI got a 40 yuan fine for speeding,我因超速驾车被罚了 40 元。 (2)fine 作形容词时,含义有很多:“健康的, 令人满意的,天气晴朗的等。 How are you doing? I am finewell.教师复备栏教师复备栏/ /学生笔记栏学生笔记栏2【当堂检测,点击中考当堂检测,点击中考】 ( )1._you get up late,you may miss the early bus. A.If B.While C.After D.When ( )2.Its bad _abo

6、ut waste paper everywhere,we must avoid _that.A.to,throw B.to ,doing C.throwing,to do D.throwing,doing ( )3.I dont know if it _tomorrow.If it _,we will go to the Great wall.A.will rain,doesnt rain B.will rain,wont rain C.rains,wont rain D.rains,doesnt rain ( )4.If she _the early bus,she _there on ti

7、me. A.catches,will get B.will catch,wiil get C.will catch,gets ( )5.The math problem is too difficult.Its _for me to work it out.A.easy B.impossible C.useful D.bad ( )6.Well go there if it _ A.doesnt rain B.will rain C.rains D.wont rain ( )7. Jack is a little _ than Peter. A. strong B. stronger C. s

8、trongest 完形填空 In China, traffic keeps to the right. Cars, trucks, buses 16 bikes must all keep to the right side of the 17 . In most other countries, traffic 18 to the left. How can you 19 the roads safer?20 you cross the road, stop and look each side. 21 left, then right, and then look left again.

9、Dont cross the road if you are not sure whether the road is clear or not. Dont 22 across the road. 23 is dangerous. If you 24 small children, old people, or blind people walking across the road, help 25 cross the road in safety. Helping others is a kind of virtue (美德). ( )16. A. orB. andC. butD. whi

10、le ( )17. A. roadB. riverC. bridgeD. city ( )18. A. goB. comingC. leaveD. keeps ( )19. A. makeB. knowC. guessD. see ( )20. A. OftenB. BeforeC. DuringD. As ( )21. A. LookB. TurnC. WalkD. Across ( )22. A. runB. jumpC. smileD. walk ( )23. A. ThereB. ItC. ThisD. Here ( )24. A. watchB. lookC. readD. see

11、( )25. A. herB. himC. themD. they【点评检测结果点评检测结果】教学反思:3课题课题: : UnitUnit 6 6 Topic3Topic3 SectionSection CDCD 备课人: 沈文仲 审核人: 许延芬、陈培云 班级: 学生: 一、学习目标一、学习目标 1、 进一步学习条件状语从句的用法。 2、 了解自行车比赛。 3继续谈论有关大型国际自行车比赛的话题。【预习达标预习达标】(一)独立学习(一)独立学习1、use bicycles for work _ 2、become fit _ 3、cause pollution_ 4、share with_5、

12、pay attention to _ 6、in the front ofon the back of_7、give first aid_ 8、in a word _ 【学习流程学习流程】课文重点讲解课文重点讲解 win 意为“ 获胜,赢得” 后接物,如奖项,比赛,战争等。win sth.beat 意为“在竞赛或战争中战胜对手” , 后接人或一个集体名词。beat sb.Our team _the game. The boy _ all the runners in 100-meter race.Today the race covers 2000 miles, and there are 21

13、 timed stages over three weeks.如今,赛车的路程长达 2000 英里,有 21 个记时赛段,历时 3 周多.time 动词,记录 所需要的时间,测定 的速度.Time how long it atkes me to swim 4 lengths.stage 名词,舞台的意思.The plan is still in the eraly stage.2.He can do that without winning even one of the stages.即使他没有在任何赛段赢过,他也能获胜.even one 相当于 any 任何一个.Without doing

14、 sth 没做。 。 。 。He leaves alone without (说)a word.教师复备栏教师复备栏/ /学生笔记栏学生笔记栏4【当堂检测,点击中考当堂检测,点击中考】用正确的连词填空用正确的连词填空 as soo as, notuntil, before, after, because, so that, sothat, asas, not asas ,when 1.The children arrived at the Summer Palace _ they rode bikes for one and a half hours. 2._ we got to the Tiananmen square, the crowd of people became larger. 3.The man rode _ fast _ he could not stop his bike. 4.You must look both ways _ you cross the road. 5.Helen is sad _ she didnt pass the exam. 6.We should



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