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1、智课网IELTS备考资料雅思口语衣服类话题详细解读摘要: 雅思口语衣服类话题不同于其他话题,因为它不仅是part1的高频考题,而且是part2的高频甚至是超高频考题,那么自然在part3中也会出现。也就是说在同一次考试中三个部分可能都是同一个话题衣服。但是每一部分却有着自己的特点。雅思 口语衣服类话题不同于其他话题,因为它不仅是part1的高频考题,而且是part2的高频甚至是超高频考题,那么自然在part3中也会出现。也就是说在同一次考试中三个部分可能都是同一个话题衣服。但是每一部分却有着自己的特点。所以今天我们就是想针对这个话题在 雅思口语 part1和part2部分的考试内容进行全面的解

2、读。首先,自然是part1中衣服类话题的分析。先来看看具体的问题:1. What styles of clothes do you like to wear?2. Do you think its important what clothes a person wears?3. Do you wear the same clothes both at work and after work?4. Do you prefer informal or formal clothes?5. Are you very interested in fashion or clothes fashions?因

3、为part1部分就是以问答的形式进行的提问,所以对这些问题的熟悉是必须。然后就是思考如何作答。只要我们掌握一定的素材,对于此类与生活十分接近的话题还是很好表述的。下面为大家介绍的就是一下常见的句式,也可以熟记加以转换作为备考答案:1. The style of clothing I like is modern and kinda vintage. I love the modern-vintage look with the denim jacket or crop jacket and shirts.我喜欢的衣服风格是有些现代有些复古的。我喜欢粗棉布夹克或短夹克配上T恤的现代复古混搭。2.

4、 I think that a persons clothing is important in matters of taste and cleanliness. Im all for personal style and whatnot, but I dont appreciate it when people look like theyve just dragged themselves out of the laundry hamper. Im not a label snob or anything, far from it.我觉得就一个人的洁净程度和品味而言,衣服很重要。我喜欢个

5、性风格相类似的东西,但我欣赏不了那些像刚从脏衣篓里爬出来的人。我不是追求品牌的人,远不是。3. Yes. I dont have too many dressing rules. I wear whatever I feel comfy in. I dont take my uniform off after work and will even have a nap in it, or I will put on pajama pants and leave my uniform top on.我没有太多的穿衣原则。我穿我觉得舒服的衣服。我下班不脱工作服,有时候还穿它睡个小觉呢,或者有时候我

6、下半身穿着睡裤,上半身穿着工作服。4. I love to wear casual clothes rather than formal. I would much rather be in a jacket than in a suit. Im a t-shirt and jeans type of boy. Although Im trying to get away from that somewhat, I still find its easy to move with.比起正装,我更喜欢休闲。我宁愿穿夹克也不穿西服。我是个T恤加牛仔裤风格的男孩。虽然我正在尝试多少改变,但还是觉得穿

7、这样行动方便。5. I find that its extremely important to find clothes that flatter your specific body type, regardless of whether the particular item is trendy or not. You can buy inexpensive clothings, to “look like a million bucks“ without “breaking the bank.我发现找到能展现身材的衣服很重要,不管它是否时髦。你完全可以买那些穿在身上像价值千金,又不用花

8、费很多的便宜衣服。接下来,我们来具体看一下关于part2衣服类话题的内容。话题卡:A piece of clothing you likeDescribe a piece of clothing you likeYou should say:What it is?How often you wear it?Where you buy it?And explain why you like it.对于这类话题,我们首先要对话题卡进行分析,因为很多时候话题卡上的信息就是答题的思路和方向,例如:What it is?这件衣服是什么样的?How often you wear it?你多久穿一次?Whe

9、re you buy it?你在哪买的?And explain why you like it.解释一下你喜欢这件衣服的原因。从这里我们不难看出,拿到答题卡后根本不需要多做其他的考虑,话题卡上的信息已经足够了,其实就是我们答题的思路,我们只需要把素材整理,对号入座即可。下面我们从范文来做具体的分析,你会发现这些其实和答题卡信息是十分吻合的。雅思口语范文:A piece of clothing you likeAs a young college student, what I favor is sport wear an jeans but in my clothes what I like

10、is a suit my father bought for me for my high school graduation ceremony. (这里介绍的就是这件衣服的来历和样子,高中毕业典礼时爸爸买的衣服)My father bought in a local store in my hometown. Indeed, because it is too formal, I seldom wear it and only wear it on some formal occasions like my brothers wedding ceremony or my friends bi

11、rthday party. (这里则解释的是穿的频率和买这件衣服的地点)Despite this, I like it because whenever I see it or wear it I will think of my graduation day in my high school. On that day both of my parents came. They were proud of me for my excellent performance in high school and my admission to the university. I still rem

12、embered on that day my parents hugged me saying,”Son, we are proud of you”. For me, the suit stands for my parentslove for me and their pride because of me. And I will do better and will never let them down.(这里则解释的是喜欢这件衣服的原因)所以,这里我们很明显的就能够发现答题卡的重要性解题答题的关键。不仅衣服类话题如此,其他话题卡题亦是如此。从这两个部分衣服类话题的分析,我们可以看出,虽然是同一话题,但是侧重点是完全不同的,part1就是考查生活常见问题的简单了解,而part2则是对话题的发挥程度和逻辑思维能力的体现。所以还是要有针对性的复习。以上就是雅思口语衣服类话题的详细解读,包括part1和part2两个部分,所以大家可以先做了解然后再有针对性的复习。更多雅思口语学习资料扫码免费下载。IELTS雅思口语真经PDF下载最新雅思考前冲刺模考卷-口语分卷PDF下载剑桥雅思12周完全攻略PDF下载相关字搜索: 雅思口语话题,雅思口语考试,雅思口语材料,



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