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1、东东 华华 理理 工工 大大 学学 长长 江江 学学 院院毕毕 业业 论论 文文题目:题目:基于信息不对称的医患关系分析基于信息不对称的医患关系分析英文题目:英文题目:TheThe AnalysisAnalysis ofof Physician-patientPhysician-patient RelationshipRelationship BasedBased onon AsymmetricalAsymmetrical InformationInformation学生姓名:学生姓名: 申请学位门类:管理学申请学位门类:管理学学号:学号:09320932专业:信息管理与信息系统专业:信息管理

2、与信息系统系别:数学与信息管理系系别:数学与信息管理系指导教师指导教师 : 职称:职称:20132013 年六月年六月2摘摘 要要随着我国经济社会的不断发展和改革开放的深入进行,在计划经济条件下 形成的医患关系的弊端逐渐暴露。目前我国的医疗改革正逐步深化,医院和医 生作为医疗服务最直接的供给方,与医疗服务的需求方患者一起,构成了 医疗服务的供求关系。医患关系中,一个最突出的特征是医方和患者处于信息 不对称状态,从而导致医疗市场失灵。这就构成了本文的研究主题:在信息不 对称框架内分析医患关系。 医疗服务作为一种特殊的产品,在提供服务过程中存在影响医患交易行为 的非对称信息,而这些非对称信息的存在

3、造成了医疗服务市场的低效率,医疗 资源的浪费和因医疗服务价格过高导致的需求不足并存的“悖逆”现象。深入 剖析医疗服务过程中医患间的非对称信息,探讨医患信息调节的优化机制和以 信息互动为基础的医患关系良性互动模式不仅有利于深入了解医疗服务市场, 也可能成为制定医疗服务市场管理政策的基本依据。关键词:医患关系; 信息不对称3ABSTRACTABSTRACTThe deficiency of the Doctor-patient Relationship under planned economy system was exposed gradually with the unceasing dev

4、eloping of the economy-society in our country and the in-depth reform and open. Now days medical reformation in China is developed toward marketization step by step, hospital and doctor whos the direct provider of medical treatment service and the patient have constituted the supply and demand of me

5、dical treatment service together. Malfunction of the market system result in information dissymmetry state between doctor and patient is the most notable character of the Doctor-patient Relationship and it constitutes the main subject: analyze the Doctor-patient Relationship under the frame of infor

6、mation dissymmetry. As a kind of special production, there have some asymmetric information in the process during medical treatment service providing. Those so called reversion phenomena such as low efficiency of medical treatment service, waste of medical treatment resource and Lack of Demand resul

7、t in high medical treatment service price occur together because of the existing of asymmetric information. Studying on optimizing the adjustment of Doctor-patient information and the benign interactive mode of Doctor-patient Relationship based on information interaction does not only benefit to in-

8、depth understanding the medical treatment service market but also be the basic foundation of establishing the management policy in the medical treatment service market. Key words: Doctor-patient Relationship, Information Dissymmetry4目 录摘 要.2ABSTRACT.3 绪论.6 1 导论 .7 1.1 医患关系的研究现状.7 1.1.1 院方因素.7 1.1.2 患方因素.8 1.1.3 医学因素.8 1.1.4 社会因素.8 1.2 本课题的研究目的与意义.9 1.3 本课题的研究方法(调查统计法).9 1.3.1 调查对象.9 1.3.2 问卷的设计思路.9 2 信息不对称的理论分析 .10 2.1 信息不对称的内容概述.10 2.2 信息不对称下的逆向选择.10 2.3 信息不对称下的道德风险.11 2.4 信息不对称问题的分析框架.11 3 医患关系理论研究 .12 3.1 医患关系的内涵.12 3.1.1 经济利益关系.13 3.1.2 法律关系.13 3.1.3 社会学角度.13 3.1.4 伦理关系.14 3.2 医患关系的基


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