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1、ExamExam 1 1 PracticalPractical - - SolutionsSolutions1. ListList twotwo ofof thethe factorsfactors thatthat contributedcontributed toto thethe “software“software crisis“crisis“ inin thethe earlyearly historyhistory ofof softwaresoftware development,development, andand explainexplain howhow software

2、software engineeringengineering life-cyclelife-cycle approachesapproaches attemptattempt toto addressaddress thosethose factors.factors. 列出软件开发早期的导致列出软件开发早期的导致“软件危机软件危机”的因素,并解释软件工程生命周的因素,并解释软件工程生命周 期试图解决这些因素的方法期试图解决这些因素的方法Many answers are possible. For example: high cost of maintenance addressed by

3、better documentation, better design for understandability and extensibility, formal reviews, testing procedures, etc; high cost of development addressed by more emphasis on analysis and design before implementation begins; etc.(维护成本高解决办法为更好的文案,对于可理解维护成本高解决办法为更好的文案,对于可理解 性,可扩展性更好的设计,正式的评审,测试程序等性,可扩展性

4、更好的设计,正式的评审,测试程序等; ;开发成本高解决办法为在实现开始前进行更全面开发成本高解决办法为在实现开始前进行更全面 的分析与设计的分析与设计) )2. WhatWhat softwaresoftware life-cyclelife-cycle modelmodel wouldwould youyou useuse ifif therethere isis significantsignificant technicaltechnical riskrisk andand thethe customerscustomers requirementsrequirements areare

5、 notnot well-knownwell-known inin advance?advance? JustifyJustify youryour answeranswer inin a a shortshort essay.essay. ( (如果有重大技术风险和客户的要求是不明确的,你会使用什么软件生命周期模型?在一篇短文如果有重大技术风险和客户的要求是不明确的,你会使用什么软件生命周期模型?在一篇短文 中证明你的答案中证明你的答案) )Either spiral or rapid prototyping, or a combination of both. Spiral has goo

6、d risk management characteristics, and can be implemented to include early prototypes or simulations to show to the customer. Rapid prototyping is good for clarifying requirements with the customer, and can be used to put early pressure on components with technical risk.(无论是螺旋模型或快速原型模型,还是两者的结合都可以。螺旋

7、模型具有良好的风无论是螺旋模型或快速原型模型,还是两者的结合都可以。螺旋模型具有良好的风 险管理特性,可以实现早期原型或模拟显示给客户。快速原型技术有助于明确客户的真正需求,减少险管理特性,可以实现早期原型或模拟显示给客户。快速原型技术有助于明确客户的真正需求,减少 由于软件需求不明确带来的开发风险由于软件需求不明确带来的开发风险)3. TheThe engineersengineers atat adoptedadopted thethe incrementalincremental modelmodel forfor thethe developmentdevelopment ofof

8、theirtheir intelligentintelligent Web-basedWeb-based searchsearch agent.agent. AfterAfter implementingimplementing versionversion 1.01.0 (which(which supportedsupported basicbasic keywordkeyword searchingsearching ofof a a listlist ofof sitessites usingusing keywordkeyword query)query) theythey foun

9、dfound thatthat theythey couldcould notnot implementimplement versionversion 2.02.0 (which(which supportssupports searchingsearching usingusing BooleanBoolean combinationscombinations ofof keywords)keywords) withoutwithout completelycompletely re-designingre-designing thethe queryquery module.module

10、. WhyWhy dodo youyou thinkthink thisthis problemproblem mightmight havehave arisen?arisen? SuggestSuggest twotwo waysways thatthat thethe problemproblem mightmight havehave beenbeen avoided.avoided. JustifyJustify youryour answeranswer inin a a shortshort essay.(essay.( 工程师们在工程师们在 工程采用增量模型用于他们的基于工程

11、采用增量模型用于他们的基于 网络的智能搜索代理的开发。在实现网络的智能搜索代理的开发。在实现 1.01.0 版本(支持基本的关键字搜索的网站,使用关键字查询),版本(支持基本的关键字搜索的网站,使用关键字查询), 他们发现,他们无法实现他们发现,他们无法实现 2 2 版本(支持搜索使用布尔组合的关键字)没有完全重新设计的查询模块。版本(支持搜索使用布尔组合的关键字)没有完全重新设计的查询模块。 你为什么认为这个问题会出现?给出你为什么认为这个问题会出现?给出 2 2 种该问题可能被避免的方法。在一篇短文中证明你的答案。种该问题可能被避免的方法。在一篇短文中证明你的答案。) )The probl

12、em was probably caused by a lack of detail in the requirements analysis phase, a lack of detail in the design phase, or some combination of both. More attention to detail in these areas could have remedied the problem, assuming that all of the basic functional requirements were known in advance. If

13、the requirements were underspecified and/or not completely known, then a better choice of development model might have been the rapid prototyping model or spiral model. Or, the incremental could have been used after an initial rapid prototype was used as a technique for firming up the requirements.(

14、 这个问这个问 题很可能是在需求分析阶段缺少细节或者在设计阶段缺乏细节,或者是两者的结合。如果在分析,设题很可能是在需求分析阶段缺少细节或者在设计阶段缺乏细节,或者是两者的结合。如果在分析,设 计阶段,考虑到更多的细节,或许可以纠正这个问题,假设所有的基本功能要求已知。如果要求是未计阶段,考虑到更多的细节,或许可以纠正这个问题,假设所有的基本功能要求已知。如果要求是未 指定的,或着是不完全清楚的,那么开发模式更好的选择可以是快速原型模型、螺旋模型。或者,增指定的,或着是不完全清楚的,那么开发模式更好的选择可以是快速原型模型、螺旋模型。或者,增 量模型可以在经过最初的快速原型模型之后,作为一个坚

15、定的开发技术模型。量模型可以在经过最初的快速原型模型之后,作为一个坚定的开发技术模型。)4. CaseCase StudyStudy: : ConsiderConsider anan automatedautomated librarylibrary circulationcirculation system.system.oEveryEvery bookbook hashas a a barbar codecode andand everyevery borrowerborrower hashas a a cardcard bearingbearing a a barbar code.code.oWhenWhen a a borrowerborrower wisheswishes toto checkcheck outout a a book,book, thethe librarianlibrarian scansscans thethe barbar codecode onon thethe bookbook andand onon thethe borrowersborrowers card,card, andand thenthen enter


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