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1、1Unit9 How was your weekend主备课人:肖琳主备课人:肖琳审核人:张文静审核人:张文静二次备课二次备课Teaching Goals: 1. General aims: Talk about recent past events 2. Particular aims: A. Language Focus. Talk about recent past events and think of the past events. B. Language goals How was.? It was What did do over the weekend? C. Languag

2、e structures: (1). How was your weekend? I was great. Pay attention to no form. (2). What did you do over the weekend? I played soccer. We went to the beach. D. Useful words and phrases: Words: was, did, went, beach, over, project, test, wasnt, false, number, geography, spend, week, most, mixture, t

3、heir, had, little, cook, read, saw, change, everyone, sit, sat, no, anything Phrases: did ones homework, played soccer, cleaned my room, went to the beach, played tennis, went to the movies, on Saturday morning, over the weekend, cook for, what about, do some reading, have a party, talk show, go sho

4、pping E. Grammar language: Present simple past tense Regular and irregular verbs F. Teaching Difficulties 1. To master and use the past forms of the verbs such as did , went , played , watched , cleaned , wrote , was , asked , readred. 2. Some key words and expressions such as last weekend , play th

5、e guitar , stay at home , take show , go for a walk. 3. Use the Simple Past Tense to describe events correctly which happened in the past. 4. Correct responses to the questions “How was your weekend?” and “What did you do last weekend? Teaching time: 4 periods Period One Section A 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b Per

6、iod Two 2c Grammar focus 3a 3b Period Three Section B 1a 1b 2a 2b 2c 3a 3b Period Four self checkThe First PeriodTeaching ProceduresStepStepRevision 1.Greet the class as usual. 2. Review the words and expressions in unit 8What do you do weekends ? Please write out the phrases. 做作业 踢足球 打扫房间 去海滩 6打网球

7、去看电影 你能用以上短语造句吗?如: I do my homework on Saturday morning. He plays soccer on Sunday afternoon.Step2.Step2. PresentationsPresentations 1比较下列 A、B 两组句子,然后小结它们的区别。 A What do you do on weekends ? I often watch TV. What do your friends do on weekends ? They often watch TV. What does he do on weekends? He o

8、ften watches TV. What does your sister do on weekends? She often watches TV. B What did you do last weekend? I watched TV. What did your friends do last weekend? They watched TV. What did he do last weekend? He watched TV. What did your sister do last weekend? She watched TV. 以上两组句子的动词都是 。 A 组的句子用的是

9、 时,B 组的句子用的是 时; 的句 子有人称和数的变化, 的句子却没有人称和数的变化。 2什么是一般过去时?你能说出来吗?(课上抢答)。 3当句子中有表示过去的时间状语时,动词应该用它的 式,而这种形式是怎样构 成的呢?请观察并学习下列两组单词。 A 组: watchwatched cleancleaned playplayed B 组: is /amwas do/doesdid gowent Step3.学习新课:学习新课: 1.How was your weekend? 意思是 。 2.Finish 1a (先看图,组内合作,用英语说出每幅图的活动内容,然后将图与左边的短语匹配) 。 3

10、. Finish1b and check the answers. Step4.加上一个合适的过去时间,用 1a 的短语造句,看哪组同学造的句子漂亮。如:On Saturday morning, I cleaned my room. Step6. Pairwork 1.大声朗读 1c. 2.与同伴对话,然后在班上展示(注意 Saturday morning 可以替换)。 3.转换人称进行操练。He/She went to the movies. Step7. 大声朗读大声朗读 Grammar focus 的句子。的句子。 Step8. 归纳句型:归纳句型:What did 主语do last

11、weekend?主语动词的过去式其他。 Step9.Homework作业本 SectionAThe Second PeriodStep 1: GreetingStep2.Step2. Revision.Revision. 1. Ask: Where did you do last weekend? /yesterday evening?52. Check the past forms of some words and phrases.do go clean play Step2. Presentation 1Lets come to 2a. Listen and underline the

12、words you hear. Keys: grandmother, homework, math, beach, tennis 2.2b Listen again Keys: 1. E 2. E 3. B 4. C 5. C 3.2c Pairwork Practice the conversation below. Use the information in the box. Read the conversation after the recorder and then let them make a new dialogue like this 4.3a. 1、看图谈话,用上句型:

13、What did you do last weekend?I did my homework and watched TV2、如何回答“How was your weekend?”你能想到几个形容词来?It was / / / / / 。3、Pairwork(3b),仿照示例进行对话。 Step3. Grammar.( The Simple Past Tense.) 1 一般过去时的概念: 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过 去的时间状语连用。(如:ago, yesterday, last week, last (year, night, month),in 1989

14、, just now, ) 2. 一般过去时动词的变化:(1)、动词 be 的变化:am/iswas arewere(2)实义动词的变化: 实义动词分规则变化和不规则变化。 规则变化有以下几种: (1)一般情况下在动词后加-ed。 e.g. playplayed visitvisited walkwalked cleancleaned (2)以不发音的 e 结尾的词,在词尾加-d。 e.g. notenoted likeliked dancedanced namenamed (3)以一个元音加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节结尾的单词,要先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed。 e.g. stopstopped dropdropped planplanned (4)以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单词,先改 y 为 i,再加-ed。 e.g. studystudied carrycarried 不规则变化需要按一定的规律逐个记忆。 (同学们可以找一个不规则动词表,利用空余时间自己把它记下来,这对以后的学习会有很大的帮助。 ) 5在本单元中出现的不规则动词有以下几个: dodid gowent readread seesaw getgot sitsat have/hashad am/iswasStep4.H



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