深圳初中英语七年级下册C7 重点单词词组

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《深圳初中英语七年级下册C7 重点单词词组》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《深圳初中英语七年级下册C7 重点单词词组(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、7B C7 基础知识基础知识1.ordinary ordinary adj. “普通的普通的, 平凡的平凡的”; 其近义词为其近义词为 usual; 反义词为反义词为 special; out of the ordinary “不寻常的不寻常的, 非凡的非凡的” What is ordinary in one country may be very strange in another. 在一个国家很平常的事, 在另一个国家可能很新奇. 2.feeling feeling n. 可数名词可数名词, “情感情感” He has no feelings. 他没有感情. Feel v. “感觉感觉”

2、 It feels cold outside. 外面感觉很冷. Ann felt very happy. 安感觉非常高兴 3.order order n. “命令命令, 指令指令” Soldiers should obey orders. 军人应该服从命令. Order n. “顺序顺序” Please put the names in alphabetical order. 请按照字母表顺序排列这些名字. Order v. “命令命令”, “订购订购” The doctor ordered him to have a rest for a month. 医生指令他休息一个月. They or

3、dered a meal. 他们点了饭菜. 4.poem poem 可数名词可数名词, “诗诗, 诗歌诗歌” Li Bai was good at writing poems. 李白擅长写诗. Poet 诗人诗人 Wordsworth is my favorite poet. 华兹华斯是我最爱的诗人. 5. complete v. “完成完成”, 相当于相当于 finish, 后常接名词作宾语后常接名词作宾语 The work is not completed yet. 这个工作尚未完成. Complete adj. “完全的完全的” You need a complete rest. 你需要

4、彻底休息. 6.Water has no taste at all. 水全然没有味道水全然没有味道 Taste n. “味道味道, 风味风味” The soup has a good taste. 这汤味道很好. Taste v. “品尝品尝; 尝起来尝起来(后面跟形容词后面跟形容词)” She tasted the soup to see if it was too salty. 她尝了一口汤, 看是否太咸了. The milk tastes sour. 牛奶尝起来有酸味. At all 用于否定句用于否定句, not at all 意为意为 “一点也一点也(不不)” I am not hu

5、ngry at all. 我一点也不饿. Not at all 不用谢不用谢 7. Too tired to laugh or play. 累得既不笑也不玩累得既不笑也不玩Too to do “太太而不能做而不能做”, too 后面跟形容词或副词后面跟形容词或副词, 表否定意义表否定意义. 其同义句其同义句 “so that ”句式句式He was too excited to fall asleep. = He was so excited that he couldnt he couldnt sleep.他太激动而不能入睡. 8.Theyre hurrying to work. 他们匆忙去

6、上班他们匆忙去上班.该句的同义表达为该句的同义表达为: They are going to work in a hurry. Hurry v. “匆忙匆忙; 赶紧赶紧” He hurried to his class. 他匆忙去上课. Hurry up “赶快赶快”; in a hurry “匆忙匆忙; 很快地很快地” Hurry up, or we will be late. 快点, 不然我们就迟到了. She went to school in a hurry. 她匆忙去上学. 9.They take their papers quickly, and put down some mone

7、y. 他们迅速拿起报纸他们迅速拿起报纸, 放下钱放下钱 Put down “放下放下; 把把放下放下” The bus put down some passengers. 公交车让几位乘客下车. 10. A crowd of people, all very busy, with tired faces. 一群人一群人, 都很忙碌都很忙碌, 面带倦容面带倦容 Crowd n. “人群人群; 一群人一群人” A large crowd 一大群人 Crowd v. “聚集聚集, 拥挤拥挤” Streets are crowded with traffic. 马路上挤满了车. 11. When yo

8、u have a shower, you wash your body while (you are) standing. 当你淋浴时当你淋浴时, 站着洗浴站着洗浴. While 用作连词用作连词, “当当时时”; 其引导的时间状语从句常用进行时其引导的时间状语从句常用进行时 While she was listening to music, she fell asleep. 她听着音乐睡着了. While “”然而然而” You like sports, while I prefer music. 你喜欢体育, 而我更喜欢音乐. 12. If you are afraid of standi

9、ng high, you should not work on a building site. 如果你害怕站在高处如果你害怕站在高处, 你就不应该在建筑工地工作你就不应该在建筑工地工作. Be afraid of sth. “害怕害怕, 担忧担忧” Dont be afraid of any difficulty. 不要害怕任何困难. Be afraid of doing sth. “害怕或担心某种情况发生害怕或担心某种情况发生” He is afraid of falling down from the tree. 他害怕从树上掉下来. Be afraid to do sth. 害怕或不敢

10、做某事害怕或不敢做某事 He is afraid to travel by plane. 他不敢坐飞机. Be afraid + that 从句从句 “担心担心, 害怕害怕” I am afraid that I cant help you. 恐怕我不能帮你的忙 13. Do you know the meanings of these words? 你知道这些单词的意思吗你知道这些单词的意思吗? The meaning of “的含义的含义”, 其动词是其动词是 mean, “含义含义, 意义意义” What is the meaning of the word? = What does t

11、he word mean? 这个单词什么意思? 13. excited adj. 兴奋的兴奋的; 激动的激动的 excited 与与 exciting excited“兴奋的”, 一般修饰人She was so excited about the film. 她对这部电影兴奋不已.exciting“令人感到兴奋的”; 一般修饰物This film is so exciting. 这部电影真让人兴奋.14. Ive heard that noise three times before. 之前我听过那个声音三次之前我听过那个声音三次 Three times “三次三次, 三回三回”; (once

12、 一次一次; twice 两次两次; four times 四次四次) Remember to take the medicine three times a day. 记住这药一天吃三次. He has been to Beijing twice. 他去过北京两次. Before adv. “先前先前; 从前从前”, 通常位于句末通常位于句末, 句子一般用完成时句子一般用完成时Have you ever been there before? 你曾经去过那儿吗? 15. Not worried about the height. 不要担心高度不要担心高度 Be worried about /

13、worry about 为为担忧担忧 Dont worry about my safety. Ill take care of myself. 别担心我的安全, 我会照顾自己. She is worried about her blind brother. 她担心她的盲人哥哥. Tall adj. 高的高的 High adj. 高的高的 Height n. 高度高度 How tall are you? = Whats your height? 你多高? How high is the building? = Whats the height of the building? 那个建筑物多高?

14、16. Then I see him working. 然后我看见他在工作然后我看见他在工作. See sb. doing 看见某人正在做看见某人正在做 See sb. do 看见某人做过看见某人做过 Did you see the lovely children singing and dancing? 你看见那些孩子们在唱歌跳舞吗? I never see him play football. 我从没看见他踢过足球.Key Phrases Not at all 一点也不, 完全不 be worried about 为担忧 Newspaper stand 报摊 rush out 冲出去 A crowd of 一群 too to do 太而不能 See sb. doing 看见某人正在做 hurry to do 匆忙做 lets do 让我们做 Be afraid to do 害怕做



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