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1、1Module 1 Alphabet Unit 1 Its the ABC Song.A. 教学目标:1熟记 26 个字母,并能熟唱字母歌;2掌握 26 个字母的书写;3理解句子 Whats your favourite song?B. 教学重点:1熟记 26 个字母,并能熟唱字母歌;2理解句子 Whats your favourite song?C教学难点:1掌握 26 个字母的书写。D教学准备:教学磁带、录音机、字母卡、单词卡。E教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动备注Warming- upT: Do you like singing? T:Do you know what is my fav

2、ourite song? T: My favourite song is the ABC song. Lets listen to the tape, ok? (Playing the tape.)Ss: Yes! Ss (guessing)Ss: OK. 1.Listening to the radio. 2.Learning the ABC song.这首字母歌学生没接触过,有点生疏,学生比较喜欢通俗的那首字母歌。Presen -tation1.Using the letter cards to teach the letters. 2.Mixing up the letters and

3、let the Ss to read them 1.Learning the 26 letters one by one. 2.Trying to read out the letters 上学期已学过26字母,现在再次复习2out. 学生学得 有兴致 。Revision1.Using the words cards and let the Ss to review the words (book 1). Then Let the Ss try to spell the letters. 2.Spelling game (as fast as they can, and as correctl

4、y as they can.) 1.Review the words (book 1) and trying to spell the words.Try to spell the words quickly and correctly.上学期的单词2班学生遗忘不少, 1和3班学生记忆很牢固,这与课堂纪律和学习气氛有很大的关系。Conso -lation1. Playing the tape.1.Listening and reading the letters. 2.Sing the ABC song again.Homework 1. Listening and reading Unit

5、1 by the tape. 2. Writing the 26 letters one time. 3. Trying to recite the 26 letters. 4. Finishing the exercises in Activity book.自我反思学生对 26 字母已能熟练背出,但是个别的识记就容易出错,说明学生并不能完全记忆单词。26 字母的书写一个个写,学生能写得很漂亮,但是要他们写一个单词或句子时就不行了,书写就容易出错,需要多布置书写练习。3Unit 2 My favourite toy is a car.A.教学目标:1.掌握单词 favourite、toy、s

6、hip、computer game、car、kite、doll;2.熟练运用句子表达自己的喜好 My favourite _ is .3.理解和熟读 chant.B.教学重点:1.掌握单词 favourite、toy、ship、computer game、car、kite、doll;2.熟练运用句子表达自己的喜好 My favourite _ is .C教学难点:熟练运用句子表达自己的喜好 My favourite _ is .D教学准备:教学磁带、录音机、字母卡、单词卡、面具、挂图。E教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动备注Warming- up1.Playing the tape and le

7、t the Ss to sing the ABC song. 2.Using the letter cards to review the letters.1.Singing the ABC song. 2.Looking at the letter cards and say out the letters.Presen -tation1.Using the cards to teach the new words. 2.Playing guessing game.(Whats missing?)1.Learning the new words. 2.Playing guessing gam

8、e.(say out the 43.T: Do you like toys? T: Me too. My favourite toy is a computer game. Please say with me: My favourite toy is a computer game. T: Great! Look ! Who is she? (用Amy的面具 ) T: Right! Hello every body! Im Amy. How are you? T: Im fine, too. I like toys. My favourite toy is a computer game.

9、How about you? 4.Look at the picture and find out their favourite toys. T: Whats Sams favourite toy?missing words.) 3.Ss: Yes! Ss: My favourite toy is is a computer game.(2 times)Ss: She is Amy.Ss: Fine, thank you. And you? S1:My favourite toy is a doll. S2: My favourite toy is a ship. 4.S1: His fav

10、ourite toy is a car.Revision1.Playing the tape to read Activity 1. 2.Teaching new words: lovely and translating the chant in Chinese. 3. Playing the tape and let the Ss to repeat the chant.1.Listening to the tape and read the sentences. 2.Learning new word and try to understand the chant. 3. Listeni

11、ng to the tape and read the chant. Conso -lationDoing the Activity Book.Doing the Activity Book.Homework 1. Listening and reading Unit 2 by the tape. 2.Finishing the exercises in Activity book. 3.Tell your friends what is your favourite toy.5Blackboard writingUnit 2 My favourite toy is a car.His dol

12、lship computer gameHer kite自我反思:“favourite”这个词太长拗口学生总是读不准确。除去这个单词,句子掌握的不错,几乎能造句,并造的有创意。Module 2 ZooUnit 1 Theyre monkey.A.教学目标:1.掌握单词 monkey、tiger、lion、elephant、panda、big、small、fat;2.运用句子 Its.识别并描述动物;3.理解和运用句子 What are they? Theyre.B.教学重点:1. 掌握单词 monkey、tiger、lion、elephant、panda、big、small、fat;2. 理解和

13、运用句子 What are they? TheyreC教学难点:运用句子 Its.识别并描述动物;D教学准备:教学磁带、录音机、单词卡、气球。E教学过程图片SamTomAmy yyyDaming图片图片 图片图片6教学步骤教师活动学生活动备注 Warming- upGreeting then singing The ABC song.Say hello to the teacher then singing the song. Presen -tation1.Drawing a monkey tail let the Ss to guess what is this. 2.Let some S

14、s to do the monkey actions then ask what are they? 3.Teaching new words: tiger、lion、elephant、p anda by the same way. 4.Guessing game(make animal noise, then let the Ss guess what are they.) 5.Take out the different colour ballooms and let the Ss to blow up. Then say : “Its bigsmall.” 6.Let the Ss to

15、 describe the things by the new words.1.Trying to guess what is the teacher drawing. 2.Ss: Theyre monkeys. 3.Learning new words: tiger、lion、elephant 、panda. 4.Guessing the animals by the noise. 5.Some Ss blow up the colour ballooms. Then learn to describe the ballooms. 6.Using the words: big、small t

16、o describe the things. S1:This book is big. That book is small. S2:My eraser is small. Her eraser is big.Revision1.Showing monkey and panda pictures then say: “The monkey is thin. The panda is fat.” 2.(Using the zoo picture)T: Do you like animals? Lets go to the zoo.1.Saying the sentences with the teacher. Then l



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