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1、小学,中学,高中,大学英语试题下载由 http:/ 提供小学,中学,高中,大学英语试题下载请访问 http:/ 2005-09-27第一卷第一卷 I. 单词辨音。(共单词辨音。(共 5 分)分)1 talent A. relate B. passion C. patient D. face 2.honey A. poem B. comparison C. source D. blood3.branch A. switch B. machine C. sandwich D. stomach 4. balcony A. concrete B. consist C. finger D. anxiou

2、s 5. tiny A. chip B. mistaken C. diversity D. idiom II.单项选择题。单项选择题。(共共 15 分分) 1. _ him more clearly , I chose one of the seats in the first row at his lecture . A. Hearing B. Heard C. To hear D. Having heard . 2. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _.A. not to B

3、. not to do C. not to it D. do not to 3.Does John know any other language _ French?(MET 1989)A. exceptB. butC. besidesD. beside 4.The light in the office is still on. Oh, I forgot _.(MET 1991) A. turning it offB. turn it off C. to turn it offD. having turned it off 5.They were surprised that a child

4、 should work out the problem _ they themselves couldnt. (上海 1996)A. onceB. whileC. thenD. if 6.Could I borrow your dictionary? Yes, of course you _. (MET 1992) A. mightB. willC. canD. shoul 7.American is an _ country, you can improve(提高)your _ there.A. English-speaking; English spoken B. English-spe

5、aking; spoken English小学,中学,高中,大学英语试题下载由 http:/ 提供小学,中学,高中,大学英语试题下载请访问 http:/ English-spoken; English-speakingD. spoken English; spoken English 8. The editors job is to keep the newspaper_ and _ to the readersAbalanced;interested Bbalancing;interestingCbalanced;interesting Dbalancing;interested 9. My

6、 favorite article is_ I wrote about the efforts to bring stolen cultural relics back to ChinaAthat Bone Cwhat Dwhich 10. with her sons progress in his studies, Mrs. Brown promised him a new Mp3 the next day. A. Satisfying B. To satisfy C. Satisfied D. She was satisfied 11. Compare your answers to th

7、ese questions with _ your classmatesA/ Bthat of Cthose of Dwhich of 12. Boys wear fashionable clothes to attract girls. In a way, some birds have bright feathers. A. similar B. strange C. different D. certain 13. It was _ he said at the meeting _ disappointed me.A. what , that B. that, that C. what,

8、 what D. that, what 14. My daughter, a nice young doctor two years ago, will get married next month. A. got engaged to B. got engaged in C. engaged to D. engaged in 15. Dont let a chance easily. It may never return. A. give up B. go by C. fall off D. get over III. 玩型填空。(共玩型填空。(共 30 分)分) The famous s

9、cientist Albert Einstein died in 1955.His 36 now is in the central state of Kansas of the U.S. It belongs to a retired (退休的) 37 doctor, Thomas Harvey. 38 did this happen? And why? In the 1950s,Albert Einstein and Thomas Harvey 39 each other when they both lived in Princeton, New Jersey. Einstein was

10、 working at Princeton University 40 Doctor Harvey was working at Princeton Hospital. When Einstein died, Doctor Harvey was 41 to examine his 小学,中学,高中,大学英语试题下载由 http:/ 提供小学,中学,高中,大学英语试题下载请访问 http:/ It was then that he started to study 42 has become a long time examination of Einsteins brain. His goal

11、 was to 43 some physical evidence(证据)of the scientists genius(才华)。 Doctor Harvey, 44 ,did not tell Einsteins family that he 45 the great mans brain. It was only later 46 the family learned of Doctor Harveys work. They did not 47 the idea at first. After Doctor Harvey explained his idea to them, they

12、 agreed to 48 him to study the brain Doctor Harvey then asked 49 scientists to help. They cut the brain 50 three pieces. They marked each piece before placing it in containers 51 chemical formaldehyde(甲醛)to protect it. Doctor Harvey has been 52 Einsteins brain since then. He has carried it with him

13、as he moved from place to place. He has also lent parts of the brain to other scientists 53 study. Only one researcher has found something 54 . A doctor at the University of California found that the left part of Einsteins brain has more certain cells(细 胞)than 55 .Such cells are known to feed brain. She this may mean that the cells could affect intelligence. 16A. body B. heart C. brain D. head 17A. actual B. chemical C. natural D. medical 18A. What B. How C. Who D. Which 19A. realized B. recognized C. learned D. knew 20. as B. because C. while D. since 21A. called


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