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1、1初三下学期开学考试初三下学期开学考试初三年级初三年级 英语英语第第卷(选择题部分,满分卷(选择题部分,满分 75 分)分)第一节第一节 单项选择(共单项选择(共 25 小题,每题小题,每题 1 分,满分分,满分 25 分)分)( ) 1. We have been working around the clock to get it done on time.A. here and there B. up and down C. day and night D. now and then( ) 2.Whats funny about the film star ? Lend me your

2、ears and youll know what is funny about her.A . Ill borrow your ears B. Listen to me carefully C. Take me ears D. You can hear me( ) 3. We should help people who are in hot water, then the world will get more and more beautiful.A. are in trouble B. are swimming C. have no hot water D. have no water(

3、 ) 4. How many stamps have you collected ?I have collected 300 up to now.A. far away B. as well C. after all D. so far ( ) 5. Its difficult for Bob to find a good job because hes a green hand.A. he likes green B. his hand is green C. he has no experience D. hes hard_working( ) 6. These problems are

4、too hard to _. Will you give me some advice ?A. work out B. look out C. hand out D. break out ( ) 7. Tom _ his father. Because they both are cheerful and easy_going.A. looks like B. takes after C. doesnt take after D .isnt like( ) 8. Franklin told them all _ to be in Britain again.A. he was how happ

5、y B. how happy he was C. how was he happy D. he was happy how( ) 9. Vicky likes the book_ she borrowed from Jim.A. who B. that C. whom D. whose ( ) 10. How kind you are ! You always do what you can _ me.A. help B. helping C. to help D. helps( ) 11.Theres something wrong with your bike,_?Yes. Ill hav

6、e it _ tomorrow.A. isnt it, mend B. isnt there, mended C. isnt it, mended D. isnt there, mend( ) 12. They will lose the game _ they try their best.A. unless B. once C. since D. after2( ) 13. How do you like your English teacher ?He is great. We all love him. We _ friends since 3 years ago.A. were B.

7、 have made C. have been D. have become ( ) 14. Ive _ using plastic bags when shopping.Youre right. Its good for our environment.A. stopped B. finished C. started D. enjoyed ( ) 15. Jackie Chan has donated _ dollars to charity.He is an example to us all.A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. tho

8、usand of ( ) 16. My father was preparing for his speech _ my mother was doing some washing last night.A. if B. while C. unless D. until( ) 17. Everybody is playing outside. Can I join them, mom? _. Not until you have finished practicing the piano.A. Why not ? B. Will you ? C. I hope so D. Im afraid

9、not( ) 18. She had to sell the house even though it was _ her own wishes.A. above B. on C. against D. for ( ) 19. I like this set of sofa so much., but I dont know _ it in my small house. Youre supposed to put it in the living room.A. where to put B. why to put C. how to put D. when to put ( ) 20. I

10、ts said _ Yunnan Province will build a great railway in a few years. The railway will join several countries together.A. what B. which C. it D. that ( ) 21. _ youve already known, I dont want to say it again.A. Because B. Though C. Since D. While ( ) 22. Zhang Mang didnt run _ fast _ the girl from C

11、lass Thirteen ,so she failed to win the race .A. too, to B. so, that C. so, as D. too, that ( ) 23. If we _ now, we would arrive there in time.A. leave B. left C. go D. are off ( ) 24. We are not sure if it _ tomorrow. If it _, our sports meeting will be put off. A. will rain, rains B. rains, will r

12、ain C. will rain, will rain D. rains, rains ( ) 25. We can use MSN to talk with each other on the Internet.Really? Will you please show me _ it ?A. what I can use B. how can I use C. how I can use D. how long did the meeting last3第二节第二节 完形填空(共完形填空(共 10 小题,每题小题,每题 1 分,满分分,满分 10 分)分)I heard a story ab

13、out a famous scientist who had made several very important achievements. What made him 26 from others?He said it all came from 27 that happened when he was two years old. He tried to 28 a bottle of milk away from the fridge, but the slippery(光滑的)bottle fell, spilling its milk all over the 29 floor.W

14、hen his mother came in, 30 shouting at him, she said, “Robert, what a great mess you have made ! I have never seen such a big puddle (水坑) of milk. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes 31 we clean it up ?”Indeed ,he did. After a few minutes ,his mother said, “ Robert, whe

15、n you make a mess like this, you have to clean it up at last. So, 32 would you like to do that? We could use a towel or a mop. Which do you prefer ?” He chose the towel and together they cleaned up the milk .His mother then said. “ We had a failed 33 in how to carry a big milk bottle with two small hands in the kitchen Lets go out and fill the bottle with water and see if you can 34 a way to carry it without dropping it.” The little b


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