外研版英语六年级下册MODULE 6《Unit I bought you this book》学案

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1、 中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ 外研版(三起)六年级英语下册教学案外研版(三起)六年级英语下册教学案Module 6 Unit 1 I bought you this book一、学习目标:一、学习目标:1.Learning task:1).I bouoght you this book. 2)Thank you . It looks interesting.3)Who gave to you? 4)Simons family gave it to me.2.Ability: Sending and receiving prese

2、nts.教具:a tape-recorder 二、预习学案:二、预习学案:1.Do you like sports ? What sports do you know?1).basketball 2).football 3).volleyball 4).table tennis 5).long jump 6).high jump 7).morning exercises 8).swimming 9).running 2.Let students read the text and answer the two questions:1)What did Daming buy his mum?Da

3、ming bought his mum a book about America.2)What did Simons family give Daming?Simons family gave Daming a bassball set.三、导学案:三、导学案:Step1.Greeting:T:Hello!Boys and girls! T:Whats the weather like today? Its sunny.Whats the weather like yesterday? It was windy.Whats the weather like tomorrow? It is go

4、ing to be sunny.T:Sit down ,please.Step2.RevisionRevise the present continues tense: the subject +be going to do .T:The summer holiday is coming.I have a plan. I am going to go to Qingdao.Qindao is very beautiful and very famous. The 2008 Olmpics ,the game of sailing will be held in qingdao. I am go

5、ing to see the sea. I like the sea. The sea is blue and wonderful. I think Ill swim in the sea.Would you like to go to Qingdao with me this summer holiday?中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ Would you like to tell me your plan?Then let several students tell their plan.Others should listen

6、 and answer the questions.STEP3.Presentation1.Do you like sports ? What sports do you know?1).basketball 2).football 3).volleyball 4).table tennis 5).long jump 6).high jump 7).morning exercises 8).swimming 9).running 2.This class ,well know another sport -baseball.Then teach to read the phrases abou

7、t the baseball.a bassball stick, a bassball cap, a baseball = a bassball setStep4. Text:1.Look at the pictures,who are they? Where are they?2.Let students read the text and answer the two questions:1)What did Daming buy his mum?Daming bought his mum a book about America.2)What did Simons family give

8、 Daming?Simons family gave Daming a bassball set.四、课堂检测:四、课堂检测:1.Do you like sports ? What sports do you know?1).basketball 2).football 3).volleyball 4).table tennis 5).long jump 6).high jump 7).morning exercises 8).swimming 9).running 2.Let students read the text and answer the two questions:1)What

9、 did Daming buy his mum?Daming bought his mum a book about America.2)What did Simons family give Daming?Simons family gave Daming a bassball set.五、课后作业:五、课后作业:写一篇小短文,写出自己完整的一天或一个活动,要求句子最少 6 个。六、板书设计:六、板书设计:Module 6 Unit One I bought you this book.1.1).I bouoght you this book. 2)Thank you . It looks interesting.3)Who gave to you? 4)Simons family gave it to me.中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ 2.1).basketball 2).football 3).volleyball 4).table tennis 5).long jump 6).high jump 7).morning exercises 8).swimming 9).running


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