大学英语A4 Unit 5 教案

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1、1Book Four (Integrated Course 4) Unit 5 Fame and Success Text A FameTeaching Objectives: Non-English majors, Grade 2009 I. Teaching Aims1. Help students realize the adverse impact fame can have on ones life.2. Help students grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.3. Cond

2、uct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities centered upon the theme of the unit. II. Teaching Emphasis 1. the right attitude towards fame 2. Key words and expressions publicity, accompany, adverse, chase, ironic, style, portrait, turn away, momentary, fortune, sympathy, expec

3、tations, inability, privacy, motivate, launch, target, reputation, demonstrate, celebrity, hang on, for dear life, etc. 3. Grammar review: The Infinitive III. Time Allotment: Six periods for the unit1st period: Pre-reading; 2nd period: while-reading (Text Organization)3rd period: While-reading (Lang

4、uage Study check on students home reading (Text B)6th period: Theme-related Language Learning Tasks IV. Teaching Steps i. Before Reading 1. An English Song Success Has Made a Failure of Our Home 2. Warm-up Questions: 1. Who is the most successful person in the world in your opinion? Could you tell u

5、s something about him or her? 2. What qualities do you think successful people possess? 3. What do you think fame can bring to people? 3. Background Information 1) Ludwig Van Beethoven: one of the best known and most admired German composers. He continued writing music after he lost the ability to h

6、ear at the age of 30. His famous works include The Fifth Symphony (第五交响乐) and The Emperor Concerto (皇帝协奏曲). A. Biographical Background (1) Born in 1770 (2) His earliest music teacher was his father, a singer in the chapel at Bonn. (3) His father wanted to turn Ludwig into another Mozart. (4) When he

7、 was seventeen he played for Mozart, who prophesied a great future for him. (5) He studied with Haydn from 1792 to 1794 and briefly with other composers and teachers. (6) He began to lose his hearing around 1796, and by 1820 could hardly hear at all.2(7) Died in 1827. B. Output (1) Orchestral music

8、(2) Chamber music (3) Piano music (4) Vocal music 2) Thomas Edison: (18471931): an American inventor. He profoundly influenced modern life through his inventions such as the light bulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera. During his lifetime, he acquired 1,093 patents, and marketed many o

9、f his inventions to the public.ii While Reading 1.Text Organization Teacher draws students attention to Task One on Page 144. 2. Questions and Answers 1). What ironic phenomenon does the author point out in Paragraph 1? It is ironic that fame and the publicity that goes with it will put an end to th

10、e talent that gave rise to the fame in the first place. 2). Which do you think is more important for an artist, to perform in the same style year after year to meet public demand, or to create a new artistic style? I think it is a difficult choice for the artist to make. On the one hand, if the arti

11、st performs the same thing year after year in order to meet public demand, he or she will gradually lose artistic creativity. On the other hand, if the artist changes artistic style, he or she will risk losing popularity. Personally, I think being creative should be the primary concern for an artist

12、 to further develop his or her performing career. 3.True or False 1). It is easy for a performer to believe that they are as perfect as what the media describe. ( T ) Correction: According to the author, the more he knows, the more he knows he doesnt know. 2). People usually have lower expectations

13、of performers. ( F ) 3). When people fail, they can always find excuses and explanations for their inability to succeed. ( F ) 4). Thomas Wolfe was an American novelist, whose first novel was rejected 39 times. ( T ) 5). It is quite common that people who failed many times may find ways to be succes

14、sful and famous. ( T ) 4. Blank Filling 1).When you are famous, it is very obvious that you are the target of everyone. 2). Fame turns all the lights on and it takes the you out of you. You cant be what you want to be. 3). The reasons of wanting fame are: (1) to demonstrate excellence in some fields

15、; (2) to gain the admiration and love of many others; (3) to be the one everyone talks about; (4) to show family and friends you are more than they thought you were.5. Study of the Text Difficult Sentences 1. Fame and the publicity that accompanies it, force the famous person to participate in his o

16、r her own destruction.3(1)Paraphrase this sentence. (=When a person becomes famous, he or she will not only attract the public attention, but also work and live in line with the public expectations. This may put an end to his or her talent. ) (2)Translate this sentence into Chinese. (=声誉以及随之而来的名气迫使名人陷入穷途末路。) 2. The artist becomes the slave of his or her own success because of the public demands. (1) Paraphrase this sentence. (=In order to meet the need



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