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1、1 学号: 论学校教学中使用电子化的利与弊论学校教学中使用电子化的利与弊学院名称: 专业名称: 年级班别: 姓 名: 指导教师: 2012 年 10 月本科毕业论文1 学校教学中使用电子化的利与弊学校教学中使用电子化的利与弊摘 要本论文首先介绍了电子化教学的现状和实际运用情况,其次结合我国教育部办公厅对教育事业发展“十二五”规划编制工作的指导意见,综合国内外教育界的历史和现状来鲜明阐述本论文的论点和建议。然后结合国外教育机构在多年电子化教育实践过程中带来的利与弊,并通过时间轴的方式呈现国外电子化教育的历史和现状。上海市虹口区,在全市率先试点“电子书包”教学方式,首期覆盖 8 所幼儿园和中小学校

2、,涵盖 760 余名学生。据悉,2011 年 9 月, “电子书包”试点范围将进一步扩大。它将课堂搬到信息化的环境中让学生具有更加直观的学习体验,使改变教育形式带来教学模式的改变。当将来电子化书籍走进更多低龄化的学生时,我们将对孩子们的视力发育、智力的发育、动手能力的发开、阅读能力的培养提出担忧,另外对电子书籍的数据的更新、升级保障又有谁来承担等。对“电子书包”书籍的扩展,书籍分类、书籍分级我国目前还没有一个明确而统一的国家标准,国家文化局如何审批“电子书包”书籍、如何确定年龄分类等都存在缺陷,有可能导致大量非法或未经审批的电子化图书流入市场,甚至整个网络。也对我国“网络监察部门”提出了更高的

3、要求。关键词: “十二五”规划;教育事业;基础及原理;电子书包华东师范大本科毕业论文IISchool teaching in the use of electronic pros and consAbstractThis paper first introduces the electronic teaching present situation and practical application of combinative our country, followed by the general office of the Ministry of education on the dev

4、elopment of educational cause“ 925“ planning guidance, comprehensive educational circles at home and abroad to clear the history and current situation of the argument and proposal.Then combined with foreign educational institutions for many years in the electronic education practice process, advanta

5、ge and disadvantage, and by the time axis form foreign electronic education history and current situation.Shanghai Hongkou District, in the city take the lead in the pilot“ E-Book Package“ teaching method, first covering 8 kindergartens and schools, covering more than 760 students. It is reported, i

6、n 2011 September,“ electronic“ pilot will extend the range further. It moved into the classroom information environment to make students have a more intuitive learning experience, to change the form of education brings the change of teaching pattern.When the future of electronic books into more youn

7、ger students, we will to the childrens visual development, the development of intelligence, ability development, cultivation of the reading ability raise concerns, in addition to the electronic book data update, upgrade safeguard and who will bear etc.On the“ electronic“ books books books classifica

8、tion, classification of expansion, China is still not a clear and unified national standards, National Bureau of culture how to examine and approve the“ electronic“ books, how to determine the age of classification of defects, is likely to lead to a large number of illegal or unauthorized electronic

9、 books into the market, even the whole network. To our country“ the network supervision department“ has put forward higher requirements.Keyword: The “Twelfth Five-Year Plan“; education; basic and principle; E-Book Package华东师范大本科毕业论文III目目 录录摘 要 .IABSTRACT.II前 言.11 我国电子化(信息化)教学现状.21.1 电子化教学新模式.2 1.2 电子书包设想 10 年.3 1.3 教学电子化带来帮助与障碍.42 电子化教学带来的利.62.1 学生视野观天下.6 2.2 兴趣是最好的老师.7 2.3 教学相长 激发兴趣.8 2.4 国外教育实践的成功案例.83 电子化教学带来的弊.103.1 生长发育、影响终生.10 3.2 “土豆”还是“IPAD”.11 3.3 国外教育实践的失败案例.124 结 论.12参考文献.13致 谢.14华东师范大本科毕业论文1前 言微型计算机被发明至今已经约有 30 多年,进 10-15 年在中国才有了迅速的发展和普及,这个是因为国家战略层面的调整和中国坚持改革开放 30 年不动



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