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1、REFERENCE MATERIALS FOR JOURNALISM and without community, there could be no communication. The particular qualities of human communication are what chiefly distinguished human from other societies. (2) There were many things about Time that aroused criticism. Luce and his editors made no pretense(伪装

2、)of sticking to the usual concepts of journalism objectivity(新闻客观性), which they considered mythical(并不存在的). Nor did Time want to be called impartia 中立的 l, it said; rather, “fairness” was Times goal. In a historical essay published on its 25th anniversary, Time said: “whats the difference between imp

3、artiality 公平 and fairness? The responsible journalist ispartial (偏颇)to that interpretation of the facts which seems to him to fit things as they are. He is fair in not twisting the facts to support his view, in not suppressing(阻止) the facts that support a different view.”19.Terms(名词解释名词解释)Gatekeeper

4、:(1)The gatekeeper is the person who decides what shall pass through the gates(news filtering 过滤) in the news process. (2)Gatekeeper is information controller in the process of information dissemination(信息传播)especially refer to communicator who collect select and process information in the mass medi

5、a organizations .(根据自己的情况选择一个即可)Gatekeeping: gate-keeping is the process through which ideas and information are filtered for publication. The theory was first instituted by social psychologist kurt Lewin in 1947.(时间和创始人一定要答上)Two-step flow model(两级传播模式):Paul Lazarsfeld devised(想出)the two-step flow m

6、odel to show that voters are motivated less by the mass media than by people they know personally and respect.These people ,called opinion leaders. Two-step flow model poses that personal contact is more important than media contact.(中心:人际关系对受众的影响比大众传媒的影响更为重要)Uses and gratifications model(使用与满足模式):F

7、irst proposed by Katz, the theory is that members of the audience has a specific needs of individuals, their activities are based on media access to specific needs. Media competes with each other to meet the needs of the audience.Agenda-setting Hypothesis(议程设置假说):Introduced in 1972 by Maxwell McComb

8、s and Donald Shaw in their ground breaking study of the role of the media in 1968 presidential campaign in Chapel Hill.(时间和创始人一定要答上) The theory is that: the mass-news media have a large influence on audiences by their choice of what stories to consider newsworthy and how much prominence and space to

9、 give them. Its central axiom is salience transfer(显著性转移), or the ability of the mass media to transfer importance of items on their mass agendas to the public agendas.(中心:媒体的议题影响受众的议题,媒体的报道在很大程度上影响了受众接受什么)20.Key words(估计为连线题)(估计为连线题)1.authoritarian (权力主义的) the official of such a government,esp. reg

10、arded as oppressive and inflexible 2.pluralist(多元论者) a form of a society in which the member of minority groups maintain their independent cultural traditions 3.elite(精英,中坚分子) the best or choice part of a larger body or group4.intelligentsia(知识界,知识阶层) the class of intellectuals regarded as possessin

11、g culture and political initiative5.syndrome(综合症) a group of a concurrent symptoms of a disease6.hegemony(统治;势力范围) leadership by one State of a confederacy 7.paradoxical(自相矛盾的) of or like or involving a seemingly absurd or contradictory statement 8.inefficacious(无效力的) (of a remedy etc.)not producing

12、 the desired effect9.foldout(插页,折页) an oversize page in a book etc. to be unfolded by the reader 10. scribist(抄写员) those who copied books manually11.reciprocal(互惠的) in return,mutual12.patron(赞助人) a person who gives financial or other support to a person, cause, work of art , etc., esp. one who buys

13、works of art13.cadence(抑扬顿挫,韵律) a fall in a pitch of voice , esp. at the end of phrase or sentence 14.labile(不安定的,易发生变化的) unstable, liable to displacement or change ,esp. if an atom or group is easily replaced by other atoms or groups15.sensory(感觉的,感官的) a sensation of the senses 16. parameter(参数) a

14、quantity constant in the case considered but varying in different cases17.aberrant(异常的) departing from an accepted standard18.musculature(肌肉组织) the muscular system of a body or organ19.positivistic(实证主义) of the philosophical system of Auguste Comte, recognizing only no-metaphysical facts and observa

15、ble phenomena, and rejecting metaphysics and theism20.filament(灯丝;丝极) a conducting wire or thread with a high melting-point in an electric bulb or thermionic valve, heated or made incandescent by an electric current21. How could movable type make possible societal, cultural, familial, and industrial

16、 changes facilitating the Renaissance(文艺复兴文艺复兴), the Reformation(宗教改革运动)(宗教改革运动), and the scientific revolution? (1) it made it possible to produce literature and printed materials cheaply enough to reach the masses. Knowledge was no longer the exclusive property of the privileged classes. Availability of cheap printed reading matter encouraged the growth of literacy.(2)Learning to read is likely to make a man or woman curious, simply becaus


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