牛津沪教一年级下册《Unit 4 Postman and policeman》教案

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1、 中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ Unit 4 Postman and policeman一单元目的要求:通过课堂活动得到一些信息,主要是让学生掌握有关职业 方面的内容 二课时数:5 课时。The First PeriodLets act一教学目标: 1知识目标:用祈使句发简单的指令。e .g. Follow me. 2能力目标:提高学生自然运用英语进行交际的能力。 3情感目标:培养学生从小养成一切行动听指挥的良好习惯。 二教学重点:发指令。 三教学难点:听指令做动作。 四教具准备:录音机、磁带、卡片。 五教学过程: Step I:

2、 Warning up. A rhyme(P14) Step II: Revision Review the classroom instruction language students have learned by playing the game: Simon says. e.g. Simon says: Draw Step III Presentation 1. Learn to say: Follow me. (1) T: Hello! (Wave the teachers hand.) Follow me! (Gesture for the whole class to repe

3、at “Hello!”) P5: Hello! (Wave their hands.) (2) Replace : T: Goodbye. (Good morning ) Follow me. P5: Goodbye. () (3) 学当小老师。 2. Learn to say: Turn left. Turn right. (1) Show a remote control toy. Repeat several times so that students understand the meaning of the commands. (2) T: Left. (背对学生用左手指指向左面。

4、 ) Follow me. Ps: Left. Have students follow the teacher. Do the same with “right”.中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ Have students stand up and follow the teacher. (3) 背向学生说:Turn left and demonstrate the action. Repeat several times and let the students copy the teacher. Step IV Consoli

5、dation 1. Play the cassette tape. 2. Play a game. Simon say: Step V Homework Listen to the cassette tape. 板书设计:课后小结The Second PeriodLets talk一、教学目标: 1、知识目标:用肯定句来辨认人物。e.g. He is a postman. 用一般疑问句来辨认人物。e.g. Is he a postman? 2、能力目标:提高学生运用英语交际的能力。 3、情态目标:培养学生对从事不同职业的人都要尊敬的美德。 二、教学重点: He is a Is he a? 三、

6、教学难点:policeman postman 四、教具准备:录音机、磁带、玩具手枪、信、一瓶牛奶、玩具消防车、卡片。五、教学过程:StepWarming upA song活跃气氛。中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ StepRevision Simon says: Follow me. Turn left. Turn right. StepPresentation 1. He is a. (1)He is a postman. Get two boys to come up. Give one a toy gun. Point to h

7、im and say: He is a policeman. Repeat the word “policeman”. Ask students to follow the teacher. Point to him again and say: He is a postman. Repeat and have students copy the teacher. Pass the toy gun .Point the boy and say the sentence. 2. Do the same (1)Give one boy a big bag of letters. To elicit

8、: He is a postman. (2)Hold up a box of milk. Ask: Do you drink milk every day? Do you like milk? Say: Every day, milkman deliver milk to many homes. Get a boy to carry the box of milk. To elicit: He is a milkman. (3)Use the toy fire-engine to try to explain the work of a fireman. Invite a student to

9、 make the sound of a fire- engineers siren with the teacher. To elicit: He is a fireman. (4)Show students some pictures of drivers and what they drive. To elicit: He is a driver. 3. Is he a.? (1)Put up the wallchart. Tell the story. To elicit: Is he a.?Yes.(No.) (2)Point to the postman .Ask: Is he a

10、.? (3)Repeat step(2)with people in uniform. Step Consolidation 1. Play the cassette tape. 2. Play a game. 把玩具手枪等分发给五个男生,并且放在身后, 让同学们用 Is he a.?来猜。 3. Do some listening exercises. (1)Workbook page 12.复习旧知识为新授 policeman 埋下伏笔。用玩具手枪代表警察, 使学生一目了然。用各种小道具来引出所 学内容,能维持学生的 兴趣。在具体的情景中引出一 般疑问句,比较真实。巩固已学知识。锻炼听力。

11、中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ (2)Workbook page 13. StepHomework (1)Introduce your father or uncle with “He is a .” (2) Ask your friends father or uncle with “Is he a .?”板书设计:课后小结:The Third PeriodLets learn一、教学目标。 1、知识目标:用名词来辨认人物的职业。e.g. postman,policeman 用形容词来描述人物。 e.g. tall, short

12、2、能力目标:提高学生运用英语交际的能力。 3、情感目标:培养学生从小树立平等对人的思想。 二、教学重点:Words: postman policeman driver fireman milkman tall short 三、教具准备:录音机、卡片、图片、五种职业的衣服。 四、教学过程:Step III: Presentation 1. Learn five words: a.Dress five boys up as a driver, a milkman, a postman, a policeman and a fireman. Stand in a row at the front

13、of the class. Each holds the appropriate word card. Point them one by one and say together with the class: He is a b. Read the words after the teacher. c.Read one by one. d. Invite some pupils to put the words under the pictures. 2. Learn: tall, short a.Stand in front of the blackboard and mark the

14、活跃气氛。复习旧知,为认识字形作准备。中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ teachers own height with a piece of chalk. Have a student come out and measure his height against the teachers. To elicit: tall, short b. Write the two words. Read after the teacher. c.A rhyme show a picture, and listen to the cassett

15、e. Sam 和 Peter 比身高,都说自己长得高。比一比,奥,Peter is tall. Sam is short. Read after the cassette. Step IV: Consolidation 1. Play the cassette tape. Listen and repeat. 2. Play a game. Show a boy the word card for “driver” without letting others see it. Have him act out the word. The others guess “Is he a?” The first student to guess correctly gets the second card. Compare: Is he tall? Continue the game. 3. Workbook page 14. Step V: 1.Listen to the cassette. 1. Listen to the cassette. 2. Workbook page 15. 避免常常用图片,让学生参与进来。培养兴趣,加深对 tall, short 的理解。 板书设计:课后小结:中小学教育资源站(http:



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