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1、3.1 4.英语常见动词词组英语常见动词词组1.add to添加 2.apply apply to 应用apply for, 申请 3.agree agree with同意 (人或意见) agree on达成一致 agree to同意 (事情) 4. break break down (机器) 损坏,出故 break off 断绝关系,中断 break out 爆发 break up 解散,分散 break with 与(人) 断交 5.back back out of 收回(诺言),承担的责任back down 放弃要求back up 支持back away 逐渐后退 6. bring br

2、ing about 带来,导致,产生 bring down 降低,减少 bring s.b. through 救活,挽救 bring up 抚养成人,提出 (问题) 供讨论 bring s.th. into play 使发挥作用 7. brush brush aside 忽视,置之不理 brush up 改进,提高 8. blow blow off (非正式) 泄气;生气 blow up 爆炸;充气;放大 9. call call for 请求,需要;接 (人) 取 (物);找人 call on s.b. 拜访, call on s.b. to do s.th.号召,请求某人做某事 call

3、off 取消,删除 call up 召集,给(人)打电话 10. care care about 关心,惦记 care for 喜欢,照顾 care to do 喜欢做某事 11. carry carry away 得意忘形,使神魂颠倒 carry on 继续;经营,处理 carry out 实施,贯彻 12. catch catch on 理解catch sight of 看见; 瞥见be caught of 热衷于 13. come come across 碰到,偶遇 come down with (非正式) 染,患病 come to do 谈及,达到,共计;终于做 come throug

4、h 到达,经历3.2 e by 获得,偶然得到 come up with 想出,提出 come off 脱落,发生,成功 come about 发生 14. cut cut down on 削减,减少 cut off 切断,隔绝 cut out 剪除,创造,停止 cut s.b. short 打断某人讲话 cut in 打断 15. do do away with 废除,消灭 do with 做好,处理 do for 可以用做,毁掉 do up 重新装修 do with out 将就,凑合;需要 16. draw draw in (车) 进站;(车辆) 停到路边 draw up (车辆) 停下

5、来;(制订) 17. drop drop s.b. off 打瞌睡,将某人送到某处drop out 弃权,不参与;放弃drop in on s.b. 偶然拜访drop by / inoverround偶然拜访 18. fall fall back on 求助于,依靠 fall off (质量) 降低,减少 fall out 解散,争吵 fall through 中断 fall into 可分成;开始 19. get get across (使人)了解,接受 get around (消息) 传开;避开 to 找时间做 get away with 拿走;抢走;逃避 get down to 认真处理

6、某事 get through to 打通 (电话) 20. give give away 赠送;泄露 give in 屈服,让步 give off 放射,散发 give up 放弃,戒除 give way 塌;退让 21. go go back on 毁约,食言 go off 爆炸 go on 发生,正在进行 go over 查看;复习 go along with 同意;赞成 go by 以为依据 go for 喜欢,追求 go with 与相匹配,合拍 go with out 将就,凑合3.3 4.22. hold hold back 阻挡,抑制;保守 (秘密) hold on 等候,坚持;

7、(电话) 别放下 hold out给予; 支持;伸出 hold out for 要求 hold up 阻塞,拦劫 23. keep keep s.th. to one self 保守秘密keepfrom 使某人不做,克制 keepout of 远离,不参与 keep pace with 与保持同步 keep up with 赶上 24. lay lay down 制订规则,原则lay s.b. off临时解雇,不再做 lay out 陈设,安排,设计 22. 1eave leave behind 遗忘,将某人落在后面leave off 停止做leave out 遗漏,不考虑;省去 25. 1o

8、ok look down upon 蔑视,瞧不起 look forward to 盼望,期待look back upon 回顾,追想look onuponas 把视为,看作look into 考察,调查 look up 好转;查找;顺路探访 26. makemake for 向某一方向走去make of s.th. 理解make off (急忙) 逃跑make out 辨认,识别;理解make up 构成,编撰;化妆;和解make up for 弥补,补上 27. pull pull down 拆毁;使人衰弱pull in (火车) 进站pull off 成功;pull out (火车) 出站

9、pull through 恢复健康;(使) 克服困难pull up 停下 28. putput away 贮存;省钱put for ward 提出;拨快put off 延期;让某人下(车;船) 惹怒put on 增加,表演put s.b. up 搭起:建造;供膳宿;put up with 忍受put in a word for 替人说话 29. run run down 疲惫;撞倒;诽谤 run for 竞选 run into 猛力撞倒,偶遇;达到(水平,数字) 3.4 4.run over 压过,碾过 run out of 用完,耗尽 30. see see about 处理;安排see s

10、b. off给某人送行see to s.th. 负责留意;照料see through s.b.st.h.看穿某人,某事see s.b.s.th. through帮助某人度过难关;坚持 31. set set about doing 开始做;从事 set aside 拨出;保留 set back 阻碍;妨碍 set in (不利的天气或自然现象) 开始 set up 设置;建立;创立 32. stand stand for 代表;标志;忍受stand off 临时解雇stand out 杰出,突出;坚持stand up for 支持,拥护stand up to 勇敢面对;经得起磨损 33. ta

11、ke take after (长像,性格) 像take for 把当作;把某人错看成take in 包括;缩减;欺骗take on 聘用;呈现;承担 take up 从事于:占据;接纳take to 喜欢;开始从事take s.th. into consideration考虑某事take s.th. for granted把某事当作理所当然的事情 34. turn turn s.b. away 拒某人于门外turn down 减弱,降低;拒绝turnout 出席,到场;生产;结果turn up 找到;出席,露面;增强turn in 就寝turn over 营业额达于turn s.th. over in ones mind 再三斟酌 35. throw throw light on 解释;使明白throw off 甩掉;恢复 36. show show off 卖弄;炫耀;展现show up 到达;露面;揭发 37. wear wear away 磨损;使消逝wear down 磨掉;挫败wear out 磨坏;穿坏;(使人)筋疲力尽



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