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1、第 1 页 共 9 页必修板块各个单元写作句型Unit 11. 奋斗过程1) After leaving school, she worked as for a year.2) With great efforts/With the help of/Thanks to, he made great progress in3) It was not until that he realized4) It takes him + some time+ to do5) Although he knew trouble was ahead of him, he didnt step back.2. 人

2、物成就1) Luckily/Unfortunately/Eventually, he 2) To ones great comfort/Much to ones comfort, he succeeded in 3) Young/Child as she was, she managed to 4) He made it through to , which comforted everyone.5) When she was years old, she had already3. 俗语谚语Nothing is difficult / impossible to a willing hear

3、t.Unit 21. 关系描述1) Sb. finds it impossible/difficult etc. to do sth.2) He treats me so well that it seems as if 3) She is such a good mother that4) With time passing by/As time passes by, we 2. 两者对比1) Compared with last year, my relationship with my mother is now.2) Instead of , he tells us how to 3.

4、 实用句型1) It is beneficial/necessary/important/essential etc. for sb. to do sth.2) It is considerate/kind/thoughtful/gentle etc. of sb. to do sth.3) It should be kept in mind that4) A survey shows that4. 谚语俗语A friend in need is a friend indeed.Unit 31. 生活剪影1) Its good news that .2) People are less lik

5、ely to , if they .3) Once the law takes effect, people will have to 4) We tend to do sth., with no idea how much damage it will do to our health.5) It is a small apartment, consisting of /which consists of2. 地理方位1) A is situated/located in the south of Guangdong Province.2) Behind the house lies a s

6、mall river.3) Tianjin is situated 120km southeast of Beijing.3. 实用句型第 2 页 共 9 页1) No doubt that2) Scientific studies have shown a fact that/which has long been ignored: Unit 41. 日常琐事1) Without ones permission, I went to do sth.2) It was not until that3) This story reminds me of an accident that happ

7、ened 4) Only with the help of can they 5) Tired as we were, we tried to have a competition to see2. 实用句型1) It is (high) time that we did sth.2) Theres no denying the fact that3) It should be kept in mind that4) According to the research, 30% of the students 5) It can not only keep , but also help 6)

8、 As stated in the passage, Unit 51. 生活缩影1) It is the first time that 2) After getting my paper back, I 3) Once you enter the school, youll 2. 奋斗历程1) She worked so hard that she 2) Despite/In spite of the difficulties, she succeeded at last.3) She worked so hard. (It is) no wonder (that) she 4) What

9、needs to be done now is to 3. 实用句型1) There is a tendency for sb. to do sth.2) It is a great chance (opportunity/ honor etc.) for sb. to do sth.3) It is of vital (great/much etc.) importance(significance/benefit etc.) for sb. to do sth.Unit 61. 兴趣爱好1) Its a hobby of mine to do sth.2) I like so much t

10、hat its impossible for me to give it up.3) I prefer doing sth. to doing sth.4) I prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.5) Collecting stamps not only gives , but also helps 2. 烦恼矛盾1) My parents think that doing sth. may take up too much of my time, which are supposed to 2) It takes a lot of time and e

11、nergy to do sth., so I have to drop it.3. 实用句型1) As is known to all, 2) It will not ; on the contrary, it will 3) Research has shown that 第 3 页 共 9 页4) From the passage, we can know that its very helpful/dangerous/unwise to do sth.Unit 71. 心情点滴1) I was so excited that I almost forgot my fear.2) A is

12、 not what I expected/was expecting.3) Although I do well in , Im still a little/somewhat afraid of her.4) Im eager/dying to know how you feel about it.5) I would be grateful if you 6) Im grateful for everything/what you have done for me.2. 情溢于表I burst into tears/laughter etc.(burst out crying/laughi

13、ng) when I read the , in which3. 衷心勉励1) Without perseverance and diligence, one cant succeed in anything.2) You should be whatever difficulties you come across.4. 实用句型1) What impressed/surprised/upset/delighted me most was that2) It was curiosity that drove him to 3) Unfortunately/Undoubtedly/Regret

14、tably, he 4) I still remember the days when weUnit 81. 生活剪影1) Sb. thinks it ones duty/responsibility to do sth.2) Sth. is certain to3) It is true that I have 4) To be frank, I have told your mom.5) Whether you like/believe it or not, 6) I took it for granted that they would 2. 实用句型1) Sb. cant ignore

15、 the fact that 2) There is no doubt that 3. 谚语俗语1) As the saying/proverb goes, 2) Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.3) The best mirror is an old friend.4) What one says agrees with what one does.5) The same man cannot be both friend and flatterer.Unit 91. 计划意图1) After

16、 doing sth., I plan to 2) Im going/planning to do whatever I can to 3) Ill take part in if possible/ if it is possible.4) When we get there, well 5) With more freedom, I shall arrange my time properly in case that 6) Whether the weather is good or bad, Ill 第 4 页 共 9 页2. 实用句型1) I have to admit that Ive never done 2) There is much point in doing 3) Sb. is determined that 4) Providing/Provid



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