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1、 weep v. 1.哭泣,流(泪) 2.(伤口) 渗出液体 calculator n. 计算器 geometry n. U 几何(学) package n. 1.(包装用的)盒 2.(中,小型的)包裹,包 vt. 包装,打包,捆扎 camel n. C 骆驼 filter vt. 过滤 vi. (人群)逐渐走出(走入) n. C 过滤器 grateful a. 感激的,感谢的 stove n. 炉子,火炉 harden v. 1.(使) 变得坚强, (使) 变得冷酷无情 2.(使) 变硬, (使) 硬化 brand n. (商品的) 牌子, 商标 vt. 1.打烙印于,以烙铁打(标记) 2.

2、给. .抹黑,加污名于 manufacturer n. 制造者,制造商,制造厂 prince n. 王子,亲王,王孙 cane n. 手杖 movie n. 电影 hopeless a. 1.毫无希望的,绝望的 2.无能的,糟糕的 hopelessly ad. 没有希望地 hook vt. 钩住 n. 钩子,钩状物 noticeable a. 易见的,明显的 unnoticeable a. 不引人注意的,不明显的 sixteen num. 十六;十六个 wheeze n. 喘息声,气喘声 pneumonia n. U 肺炎 lung n. 肺 reunion n. 1.再联合,重聚,团聚 2.

3、聚会,联谊活动 largely ad. 一大部分,大半 slim a. 1.苗条的,纤细的 2.薄的 3.微小的,渺茫的 advertisement n. 1.广告,启事(提供或征求商品、服务) 2.广告活动,宣传 drag vi. 1.抽烟 2.缓慢而费力地行进 vt. 拖,用力拉 n. 障碍物,累赘 starve v. (使)挨饿或饿死 weaken v. 使弱,变弱 poisonous a. 1.有毒的 2.恶毒的,有恶意的 swallow vt. 1.吞,咽 2.轻信,轻易接受 vi. 做吞咽动作 n. 吞,吞咽 bunch n. 1.串,束, 把 2.群,伙 vi. 集中,挤在一起

4、vt. 使成一束(或一群等) insect n. C 虫,昆虫 insecticide n. 杀虫剂,杀虫药 useless a. 无用的,无效果的 uselessness n. 无用,无价值 pregnant a. 怀孕的,妊娠的 poison vt. 使中毒,毒杀,毒害 n. 毒物,毒药 self-poisoning a. 自我毒害 batter v. 接连重击 zone n. (具有某种特征或目的的)区,区域,地域 helpless a. 1.无助的,无保护的 2.不能自立的,靠别人帮助的 helplessly ad. 无助地,无能力地 Phrases and Expressionscl

5、ose at hand 近在手边,在附近 pick up 拿起,举起 be grateful for 对感激,对致谢 be dressed in 穿着 couple with 联想,并提,和联系在一起 die from 由于(除疾病、感情以外的原因)而死亡 lean on 倚,靠 Third World countries 第三世界国家 direct at 旨在引起注意,针对 starve of (使) 因缺乏而受困苦,渴望,(使) 丧失 struggle to do 奋斗,挣扎 die of 因(某疾病,某情感等)而死 spoil vt. 1.(尤指对孩子)溺爱,宠坏 2.使无用,损坏,破坏

6、 vi. (食品等)变坏,变质 overnight ad. nobody I knew ever smoked these brands. She doesnt know this, but it was Camels that my father, her grandfather, smoked. But before he smoked cigarettes made by manufacturers - when he was very young and very poor, with glowing eyes - he smoked Prince Albert tobacco in

7、cigarettes he rolled himself. I remember the bright-red tobacco tin, with a picture of Queen Victorias partner, Prince Albert, dressed in a black dress coat and carrying a cane. By the late forties and early fifties no one rolled his own anymore (and few women smoked) in my hometown of Eatonton, Geo

8、rgia. The tobacco industry, coupled with Hollywood movies in which both male and female heroes smoked like chimneys, completely won over people like my father, who were hopelessly hooked by cigarettes. He never looked as fashionable as Prince Albert, though; he continued to look like a poor, overwei

9、ght, hard working colored man with too large a family, black, with a very white cigarette stuck in his mouth. I do not remember when he started to cough. Perhaps it was unnoticeable at first, a little coughing in the morning as he lit his first cigarette upon getting out of bed. By the time I was si

10、xteen, my daughters age, his breath was a wheeze, embarrassing to hear; he could not climb stairs without resting every third or fourth step. It was not unusual for him to cough for an hour. My father died from “the poor mans friend“, pneumonia, one hard winter when his lung illnesses had left him l

11、ow. I doubt he had much lung left at all, after coughing for so many years. He had so little breath that, during his last years, he was always leaning on something. I remembered once, at a family reunion, when my daughter was two, that my father picked her up for a minute - long enough for me to pho

12、tograph them - but the effort was obvious. Near the very end of his life, and largely because he had no more lungs, he quit smoking. He gained a couple of pounds, but by then he was so slim that no one noticed. When I travel to Third World countries I see many people like my father and daughter. The

13、re are large advertisement signs directed at them both: the tough, confident or fashionable older man, the beautiful, “worldly“ young woman, both dragging away. In these poor countries, as in American inner cities and on reservations, money that should be spent for food goes instead to the tobacco c

14、ompanies; over time, people starve themselves of both food and air, effectively weakening and hooking their children, eventually killing themselves. I read in the newspaper and in my gardening magazine that the ends of cigarettes are so poisonous that if a baby swallows one, it is likely to die, and

15、 that the boiled water from a bunch of them makes an effective insecticide. There is a deep hurt that I feel as a mother. Some days it is a feeling of uselessness. I remember how carefully I ate when I was pregnant, how patiently I taught my daughter how to cross a street safely. For what, I sometim

16、es wonder; so that she can struggle to breathe through most of her life feeling half her strength, and then die of self-poisoning, as her grandfather did? There is a quotation from a battered womens shelter that I especially like: “Peace on earth begins at home.“ I believe everything does. I think of a quotation for people trying to stop smoking: “Ev


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