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1、1Reference Anwers to the ExercisesChapter 1 Language and Linguistics 1.1 The Nature of Language, pg3 .1.1 Language Is Systematic Ex3. a. This sentence is grammatical, but is nonsensical. b. This sentence is ungrammatical and nonsensical. c. This is a good sentence. d. This is a good sentence. 1.1.2

2、Language Is Symbolic 略 1.1.3 Arbitrariness, pg7 Ex1. According to the concept of arbitrariness, the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural resemblance to their meaning. The link between them is a matter of convention. Thus, the name Xiao Long is just a label for the son. However, in Chinese cultu

3、re dragon was the symbol for the emperor. Thus, the name may have certain associative meanings. Ex2. No. The speaker of a language, based upon the convention established in the speech community, associates linguistic signs with things and concepts. In peoples mind, “pig” stands for stupidity and laz

4、iness. If I name it Pig Hair Shampoo, no one will buy it. Ex3. Words are arbitrary in form, but they are not random in their use. Although the link between form and meaning is arbitrary, there has existed certain relationship between them in the years of use, which can be called rules. The individua

5、l does not have the power to change a sign in any way once it has become established in the linguistic community. 1.1.4 Language Is Primarily Vocal, pg10 Ex1. I prefer to use the spoken language. In a supermarket, the spoken language is much more convenient for people to communicate with each other.

6、 People do not have the time and necessity to use written language in communication. Ex2. I think listening and speaking should come first. The primary medium of language is sound, and language is primarily vocal. Whats more, children can learn to listen and speak a foreign language more quickly tha

7、n they can read and write in a foreign language. However, we should not neglect reading and writing, as time goes on. 1.1.5 Language Is Human Specific, pg12 Ex1. No, I dont agree to this point of view. Language is human specific. Although dogs can learn the meaning of certain sounds, the number of s

8、ounds they can understand is very limited. If we look at the kind of communication among humans, we can not say humans and dogs can not communicate with each other. Ex2. That is only the result of the stimulus-response training. Through this kind of training, a cat may understand the meaning of a fe

9、w simple sounds, but the number is very limited. Ex3. Human language is primary over animal communication in the following aspects: Humans have the ability to refer to things far remote in time and space. In contrast, it may be impossible for an animal to convey such ability.2Humans have the ability

10、 to produce and understand an indefinite number of novel utterances, but no animal can communicate creatively with another animal. Learning is much more important as a factor in human language than in animal communication. Human language structure and language use are vastly more complex than any an

11、imal communication system. Animal communication systems are closed-ended, but human languages are open-ended. 1.1.6 Language Is Used for Communication, pg13 Ex1. With advanced technology, humans can use the products of advanced technology like telephones and the Internet to communication much more e

12、asily and freely. Distance is no longer a barrier. Ex2. There may be several causes: The speaker can not express himself or herself clearly. The listener can not understand what the speaker has said. The listener is unwilling to communicate with the speaker. There are misunderstandings because of th

13、e different cultural background of the speaker and the listener. Ex3. In intercultural communication, we must pay special attention to the different ways of thinking, acting and speaking between speakers with different cultural backgrounds, for differences in this kind of knowledge may cause trouble

14、 in intercultural communication.1.2.1 General Functions of Language 略1.2.2 Metafunctions of Language, pg20 Ex1. General functions refer to the particular individual uses of language whilst metafunctions refer to the larger, more general purposes underlying language use. A metafunction is capable of

15、describing one or more other functions. Ex2. No. According to Halliday, every sentence in a text is multifunctional and has three metafunctions simultaneously: ideational, interpersonal and textual functions. 1.3 The Origin and Classification of Language,略1.4 What Is Linguistics? 1.4.1 Definition of

16、 Linguistics, pg28 Ex2. As a science, linguistics demands a scientific outlook upon language. To conduct a study of language scientifically, we must take an objective view of language and all linguistic phenomena and reflect on it in a detached and unbiased way. Even a local variety with few native speakers may also fall within our investigations. Moreover, we should adopt the general principles of empirical research procedures to observe and analyz



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