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1、1WarmingWarming upup BBS Bulletin Board System _ EU European Union_ _ ASAP _ IQ _ 重点词汇重点词汇 private adj. 1)私人的;个人的 2)私下的, 保密的; 典例 1) When children grow up, they are eager to get private rooms for themselves. 2) I wish to have a private talk with you. 练习 汉译英 1)老师应该允许孩子具有自己的观点。 _ 2)私下讨论后,他们达成令人满意的协议。 _

2、 1.settlement n. 1) 定居点C 2)(解决纷争的)协议C 3) 解决,处理U 典例 1) The Indians often attacked the settlements of the colonist. 2) The strikers and the employers have reached a settlement over new working conditions.3) After the settlement of our differences, we became friends. 重点用法 _ v.定居 _解决; 决定; 和解 _. 定居加拿大 _安

3、顿下来:过稳定有序的生活: 练习 汉译英 1) 他与一家人安顿下来务农 _ 2) 她丈夫死后,她定居俄亥俄 _ 2.impression n.印;印痕;印记;印象;意念;概念 典例 1) Your performance gave me a strong impression 2) What I said made no impression on him 重点用法 _ v.留下印象 _把牢记在心上 _ 给某人留下印象 _ 对无影响效果 _给某人以好印象 _某人的脚印 练习 汉译英 1)我隐约记得我们以前曾经见过面 _2你对他的印象如何? (他给你的印象怎样?) _ 我父亲让我铭记艰苦劳动的价

4、值。 3.remind v.提醒;使想起 典例 1) The picture reminds me of my college days 2) Remind me to write to father 3) Please remind me that I must call her up before nine. 重点用法 _- 提醒某人某事;考例单项填空What you said just now_ me of that American professor. A. mentioned B. informed C. reminded D. memorized 练习根据句子的意思在横线里填入适

5、当的词。 1)Please remind yourself often _ your weak points,shortcomings and mistakes 2)Please remind him _(post)the letters. 4.previous adj.先的, 前的; 事前的; 以前的 重点用法 _在之前 典例 1)He did better in his previous study. 2)His previous attempt was successful. 3)Previous to the conference we had discussed the matter

6、. 练习 汉译英 1)你以前有过这种工作经验吗? _ 2)来这里之前,我为你准备了文件. _ 5.lack vt.缺乏;没有 n.缺乏;短缺的东西 重点用法 lack sth.(wisdomcommon sensemoney缺乏智慧常识/金钱) be lacking in (couragedetermination to do.) 缺乏做某事的勇气决心 _ 的缺乏 _ 因缺乏 _不缺乏 典例 1) You will not be lacking in support from me. 2) I lacked for nothing. 练习用 lack 的适当形式填空。 1)Though _(1

7、ack)money,his parents managed to send him to university 2)He completely _ conscience 3)She is _ in responsibility. 4) _ of rest makes her look tired. 6.require v.需要;要求;命令3重点用法 require+ n./ pron. /doing sth./ to do sth/that-clause 典例 1) This suggestion will require careful thought. 2) To carry out th

8、is plan would require increasing our staff by 50 练习用括号里所给词的适当形式填空。 1)His health requires that he _(go)to bed early 2)The floor requires _ (wash) 7.assist vt.vi帮助;援助订参与,出席 重点用法 _辅助(某人)某事 _ 辅助(某人)做某事 _ 辅助(某人)做某事 _- 帮助(照料,做);在上给予帮助 典例 1)I am willing to assist you whenever there is an opportunity 2)Im a

9、fraid I cant assist you,you have to go and see the manager 3)The headmaster assists with a lot of things when free 4)You will be required to assist MrsSmith in preparing a report练习 根据句子的意思在括号里填入适当的词。 1)The young nurse was very nervous when she _ in her first operation 2)A team of nurses _ the doctor

10、 _ performing me operation 3)She employed a woman to _ her _ the housework 4)Good glasses will _ you _ read 重点词组重点词组 1. take up 从事;占(时间、空间、注意力、等);继续典例 1)This table takes up too much room 2)She has taken up a job as a teacher 3)This chapter takes up where the last one off 短语归纳 _脱掉(衣服等);起飞:打折:作为折扣而减价:

11、 _接管:获得对的控制或管理 _拆开:分开后将分成许多部分 _-把视作:误认为 _认为是理所当然 _写下,记下 _收回(诺言); 练习根据括号里所给的汉语补全句子或翻译句子。 1)To keep healthy,Professor Johnson _(从事;开始做)cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired 2)Helen always helps her mother even though going to school _(从事,占据)most of her day 3) 你以为我是个傻瓜吗?4_ 4) 不要把沉默误认为是同意。 _



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