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1、范文分析动物试验范文分析动物试验 20052005 年年 9 9 月月 1717 日日 A A 类类 TaskTask 2 2 考题考题 WRITING TASK 2 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some people think that using animals for experimentation purpose is cruel, but other people think that it is necessary for the developm

2、ent of science. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 考题解释考题解释 有些人认为把动物用于试验目的很残忍,但是另一些人却认为这对科学的 发展是必要的。请讨论这两种观点并给出自己的观点。 关键词关键词 experimentation 实验;试验 cruel 残忍的 考题分析考题分析 本题讨论的话题是是否可以拿动物作试验。考题中有两种

3、观点,分别是支 持和反对。因为提问中有明确的“discuss both views”的指令,因此两种 观点都必须讨论到。最后的观点可以采取折衷的方案,即动物是否可以用 来试验应该取决于试验的性质或者动物的种类等。 类似考题类似考题 Some people think that the animals should be treated as pets; others think that animals are sources of food and clothing. What is your opinion? Aquariums and wildlife sanctuaries are s

4、een as sources of education and entertainment for families. They are also essential to conduct life-saving research. However there is opposition to confining animals in this way. Discuss some of the arguments for and against the maintenance of zoos. Write at least 250 words.范文范文 A chimpanzee is perh

5、aps the animal most closely related to humans; but instead of treating the animal with love and respect, we subject it to cruel and inhumane scientific and medical experiments to further human development. What a cruel fate for the unfortunate chimpanzee. Or perh aps, in life as in the jungle it is

6、survival of the fittest, and so, as the m ost intelligent animal we are just exercising our right to dominate and us e other animals as we wish. For many people the issue of using animals for science is black and white; either very pro-animal rights, or very much in favour of using ani mals since we

7、 are the highest level creature. On the one hand, some p eople say that subjecting animals to pain and torture is truly barbaric; hi gher-level animals share with us feelings, thoughts and behaviors and so we should look after them and respect them. They may also feel that if we are so unsure about

8、the effects of a drug for example then we shou ld do further chemical testing before doing live and sometimes cruel ani mal testing. Others, however, believe that we must use animals for the benefit of our own species (humans); to test drugs, cosmetics and new developme nts in science which will pro

9、vide a safer and better lifestyle for us. Very few people are inherently cruel, but they still believe it is either them or us; it is better to test the drugs on a monkey rather than on a person. Being cruel for the sake of being cruel and with no tangible results t o show for it is definitely stepp

10、ing over a boundary of acceptable behavi or, but at other times if the benefits of the research are explicit, tangible and valuable then I feel that the research is justified. 296 Words 第一段第一段 引言段,背景介绍并给出观点引言段,背景介绍并给出观点 在第一段里作者先介绍了考题的背景。用黑猩猩(chimpanzee)和“适者 生存”(survival of the fittest)的事例来证明人类正在为了自身

11、目的让动 物遭受痛苦。 第二段第二段 主体段主体段 1,反对动物试验的理由,反对动物试验的理由 本段首先承认在是否可以把动物用于科学试验这个问题上存在明显分歧, 既有人支持也有人反对。随后重点讨论了反对动物试验的理由: 理由一: barbaric 动物和人类一样有情感、思想和行为(feelings, thoughts and behaviors),我们应该照顾它们尊重它们(look after them and respect them)。让动物遭受痛苦和折磨是野蛮的行为 (truly barbaric)。 理由二: chemical testing 如果对药物的疗效不是很确定(unsure

12、about the effects of a drug),应该进一步进行化学试验(do further chemical testing),避免用动物进行残忍的活体实验。 第三段第三段 主体段主体段 2,支持动物试验的理由,支持动物试验的理由 在第三段中作者讨论了另外一种观点,即应该支持动物试验。理由也有两 条: 理由一: safer and better lifestyle 动物试验可以帮助人类测试药物、化妆品等(test drugs, cosmetics)给人类带来更安全和舒适的生活(safer and better lifestyle)。 理由二: better than testing

13、 on human 有些人觉得既然一定要用活体试验,那么用猴子做试验总要比 用人试验要好(it is better to test the drugs on a monkey rather than on a person.)。 第四段第四段 总结,并给出作者观点总结,并给出作者观点 最后一段作者提出了自己的观点,认为如果是为了残忍而残忍而且没有任 何效果,则绝对是超出了可接受行为的范围(stepping over a boundary of acceptable behavior)。但如果研究所带来的利益是明显、实际并且有价 值的(explicit, tangible and valuabl

14、e),则这些试验是合理的(the research is justified.)。 subject to 使屈从于;使遭受 The inquiry found that the court had subjected them to unfair treatment. inhumane adj残忍的;不人道的 Conditions for prisoners were described as inhumane. survival of the fittest 适者生存 “Survival of the fittest” is the result of natural selection.

15、in favour of 支持;赞成 He voted in favour of the bill because he wants to please the law makers. torture n折磨;痛苦 Half of the prisoners died after torture and starvation. barbaric adj野蛮的;粗野的 She found the idea of killing animals for pleasure barbaric. species n物种;种类 Over a hundred species of insect are fo

16、und in this area. explicit adj外在的;清楚的 She was very explicit about what she thought was wrong with the plans. boundary n边界;分界线 The Ural mountains mark the boundary between Europe and Asia. tangible adj切实的;实际的 Other tangible benefits include an increase in salary and shorter working hours. justified adj有道理的;合理的 I accept that the criticism is completely justified. inherently adv天性地;固有地 Theres n



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