Module1 Unit2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person学案(无答案) 人教新目标版

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1、1课题Module1UnitModule1Unit 2 2 HobbiesHobbies cancan makemake youyou growgrow asas a a person.person.课型新授课授课时间年 月 日执笔人审稿人总第 课时相关标准 陈述1.能读懂短片故事。 2.能写便条和简单的书信。学习目标1. . .知识目标:1)词汇:记忆 2)句型:能够结合语境理解并应 用。 2.能力目标:熟练运用快速读和仔细读的阅读技巧;提高提取信息、 仿写片段的能力;能运用所学知识表达自己或他人的爱好。 3.情感目标:通过谈论爱好培养对他人爱好尊重,维持良好人际关 系。评价活动 方案1.朗

2、读、回答问题。 2 纸笔练习。教 学 活 动 方 案随记2【创设情境创设情境】 “Can you guess what I like to do in my spare time? That is to say, What are my hobbies?” “Yes, everyone has his own hobbies, and hobbies are very useful and helpful in our life. In a word, hobbies can make you grow as a person. Now I introduce a mew friend cal

3、led David Smith to you , who maybe has the same hobbies as you. Do you want to make friends with him? Lets come to Unit 2 ” 【确立目标确立目标】见学习目标 【自主学习自主学习】 根据音标拼读单词,注意词性及读音,小组内部讨论互相正音。 【合作交流合作交流】 多层阅读(1)个人静心默读全文,回答下列问题。 ( 小组讨论答案并展 示。 )1. Why do people usually have hobbies?/ What does the writer think of

4、the hobbies?2. Is writing a usual activity for a summer camp?3. When did David become a successful writer?4. How many hobbies does David have? 5. Which .hobby is David interested in most? (2)精读全文,找出下列短语。1. 在菜园里种菜_2. 照看动物_ 3.使你长大成人_4. 发展你的兴趣_ 5. 帮你学习新技能_6. 和你一样_ 7. 出版_ 8. 结果_ 9 对-感兴趣_10. 打排球_ 11. 花费-

5、干某事_ 12. 在-上花费_ 13. 新的或不同的事情_你还能找出哪些短语? 将它们写在横线上_ 【分组展示分组展示】 一、 读第 2 段,完成下列问题:David Smith likes writing. He learned writing during a summer camp of 2000.There was a professional writer on the camp. David wrote a story about his life in senior high school.Davids first book came out in 2003. His book

6、was very popular.3Writing was his only hobby in his free time.David decided to write more books in the future. 二、读中学: (一)通读全文,将文中含不定式的句子划出,写的背面,熟读能 背。 (二)分段阅读,完成下列问题: I读第一段:Many student have hobbies ,for example reading, painting, growing vegetables. (同义句)_ II.读第二段:用 spend 做句子_ III. 读第三段:They are _

7、_ to have _ food to eat.= They are not _ _ to have _ food to eat. IV. 读第四段:也许将来我会写更多的书,但我不很确定。(汉译英)_. 【释疑解惑释疑解惑】 1.对重点内容和疑难问题进行合作探究学习。1)some hobbies are relaxing and others are creative. 英语中表示“一些-一些-其它的”经常这样说 _如:操场上有很多学生,一些在打篮球,一些在踢 足球,其它的在跑步。There are some students on the playground. _are playing b

8、asketball, _are playing football, _are running. 2. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, 由这句话可知使某人干某事是:make sb._ sth. 1. The mother made her son _(sweep)the floor twice a day. 2. He has made me _(wait) for him for an hour. 3. Reading more can make you _(be) a good writer. 我们还学过关于 make 的另一用法 make sb

9、. +_如:使你幸福/ 健康_ 使他生气_Eg: 多吃新鲜蔬菜会使你健康。_ 3)During the summer of 2000, he spent four weeks on a summer camp.Spend 的意思是_.过去式是_spend-on 表 示_而 spend-(in) doing sth. 表示4_. 例如:1. 我每天花两个小时做作业。I _two hours _my homework every day . 2. 工人们花了两个月的时间修了这座桥。The workers _two months _this bridge. 4). As well as the us

10、ual activities, such as sailing, climbing and the mountain biking, there was a writing workshop with a professional writer. 除了像帆船,爬山和山地 骑车等常见的活动以外,还有一个由职业作家指导的写作研习班。 such as 用来列举同类中的事物,意思是_; as well as 表示_例如:我们都想既去上海,又去北京。We all want to visit Beijing _Shanghai. 这个商店出售学习用具,如钢笔和书包。This shop sells scho

11、ol things, _ pens and school bags. 5). She asked us to imagine that we were in a story.ask sb. to do sth. 其否定形式是_翻译句子:1. 我爸爸叫我去超市买些蔬菜。2. 警察要求孩子们不要在马路上踢球。 6). In senior high school David wrote a story about teenage life, and it came out as a book in 2003. 上高中时,大为写了一个关于青少年生活的故事,这个故事于 2003 年以书的形式出版了。Co

12、me out 是一个动词短语,在本句中是_的意思。它还 有很多其它的意思,例如“出现;(秘密等)传出;结果是”等。 例如: 你的新书什么时候出版? When will your new book _? 真相终于大白了。 At last the truth _. 这道题的答案结果是错了。The answer to the question _wrong. 7). Many teenagers love his book, and as a result, David has become a successful young writer. as a result 表示_. 例如:雪下的很大,结

13、果他来 晚了。It snowed heavily, and _, he came late. 【巩固训练巩固训练】I. 根据首字母提示完成单词51. His new book sells well. Its really a great s_.2. Would you like to play v_ with us on the playground?3. The students have many a_ after class.4. Do your hobbies help you learn new s_?5. He asked us to i_ that we were in a forest.6. He is very l_, and doesnt want to do anything.II 根据汉语意思,完成句子。1. I have many hobbies _(比如) playing football and reading.2. _ (除-之外) running, I like playing tennis.3. This book _ (出版) in 2003.4. _(结果) , they got the first in the competition



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