译林版7年级英语上册教案课件-第2课-牛津版七年级英语上册教案:Unit2 Grammar

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《译林版7年级英语上册教案课件-第2课-牛津版七年级英语上册教案:Unit2 Grammar》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林版7年级英语上册教案课件-第2课-牛津版七年级英语上册教案:Unit2 Grammar(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教教 案案教学课题教学课题课课 型型new本课题教时数:本课题教时数: 10来来源源:21 世纪教育网世纪教育网第第 5 课时课时Grammar备课日期:备课日期:9 月月 10 日日教教 学学 目目 标标:1、Understand how to use simple present tense of the verb to do2、Make positive and negative sentences using the verb to do in the simple present tense 3、Ask and answer questions using the verb to d

2、o in the simple present tense4、Communicate using simple present tense of the verb to do教学重点、难点:教学重点、难点:To learn to use the simple present tense with to do教学方法与手段:教学方法与手段:Taskbased method教教 学学 过过 程:程:教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 Presentation 1、A picture来源:21 世纪教育网Look, who are these men in the picture? They are

3、 basketball player. They play basketball very well. (Write down the two sentences) 2、Look at the sentences. Pay attention to the verbs. 当谈论经常性,习惯性的动作,爱好、能 力等时,常用行为动词的一般现在时。When the subject is hesheit, we need to add an s to the verb 3、Do you want to know how to add an s to the verb? Lets read the ta

4、ble on page 23 together.1.Learn how to use the simple present tense. 2.Make the sentences with the simple present tense according to the table.Help the Ss understand the simple present tense better.Step2 Practice 1、写出第三人称单数形式put_ enjoy_ write_ fly_ play_ have_ guess_ match_ go_ know_来源:21 世纪教育网 2、Co

5、mplete Part A 3、I want to know more about you , your family, and your friends. Please write five sentences to introduce yourtheir habits, hobbies and abilities.1.learn how to use to be with the simple present tense. 2.Do the exercises to consolidate it.Help the students to generalize the rules.Step3

6、 Presentation21 世纪教育网3.Do you want to know how to make negative sentences and ask and answer questions using the verb to do in the simple present tense? Lets read the tables together.强调: 句中有了助动词 do 或 does,行为动词用 原形。Step4 Practice 1、Please complete the questions in PartB. 2、Work in pairs.Ask more ques

7、tions according to the information in the table4.Step5 Presentation 1、I want to shop this Saturday or Sunday. Do you often shop at weekends? (Write down shop, at weekends) 2、Complete Part C 3、We know a lot about the weekend activities of the Class1, Grade7 students. Now please work in groups of four

8、 and talk about your own weekend activities. After that, write down the conversation in your notebooks. 4、Act out5.来源:21 世纪教育网6.7.homework1.Revise the simple present tense of the verb to be.2.Do some consolidation exercises.授后小记: As they have learnt this tense in Primary school, its easy for most of them to use to be. Have more time to do some extra Exx. 授课日期: 9 月 19 日资料来源:英语教师俱乐部 QQ:824560647


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