【人教版选修七】unit 词汇学习(2)

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1、个性化教案个性化教案人教版选修七 unit 3 词汇学习适用学科高中英语适用年级高中二年级适用区域全国课时时长(分钟)60知识点1、 掌握 unit 3 的基础词汇的意义、短语教学目标知识:1、掌握词汇的基本用法。2、能准确使用新词汇的短语运用。方法:1、要总结、熟记词汇的重要的用法;要学会在实际中灵活运用。能力:1、能正确运用各类词汇。2、掌握并会运用词汇的用法。教学重点1、词汇基础意义的学习;教学难点词汇的扩展短语的学习教学过程一、复习预习教师引导学生复习上节课所学的知识, (以提问、回顾的形式进行) ,针对上节课的作业进行讲评、订正、答疑,并通过对疑问代词具体用法的分析和扩展导入本节课所

2、要学习的内容个性化教案个性化教案二、知识讲解知识点 1:annualannual adj. 每年的;按年度计算的/ n. 年刊;年鉴重点用法annually adv. 年年地, 每年地典例 1) an annual income. 年收入2) an annual report 年度报告3) Premier Wen Jiabao noted that the two most important problems would be previous to anything else in the government annual report.温家宝总理在政府年度报告中指出要优先解决这两大问题

3、。练习 汉译英1) 为加深理解,我们愿意与国外友人交换学校年鉴。2) 工人们的年收入增加了 250 元。Keys: 1) To have a better understanding, we would like to exchange the school annual with the foreign friends. 2) The wage of workers makes an annual increase of 250 yuan this year.个性化教案个性化教案知识点 2:witnesswitness n. 目击者;证人;证据 vt. 当场见到;目击典例 1) He is

4、the witness to the accident. 事故的目击者2) This old auditorium has witnessed many ceremonies.这个古老的礼堂内举行过许多次典礼重点用法give witness on behalf of sb. 为某人作证练习 汉译英1) 没有人能证明他在场。_2) 这些事实证明了他的粗心。_3) 她替被告作证。_Keys: 1) None could witness that he was present. 2) These facts are a witness to his carelessness. 3) She gave

5、 witness on behalf of the accused person.个性化教案个性化教案知识点 3:accommodationaccommodation 住所 重点用法accommodate v. 向.提供, 容纳, 调和; 适应accommodation address 临时通讯处accommodation allowance 膳宿津贴典例 1) The high cost of accommodation makes life difficult for students in London由于住宿费用昂贵,伦敦的学生感到生活困难。2) The university offe

6、rs excellent accommodation for summer visitors这所大学为夏季来访者提供了很好的住宿。练习 汉译英1) 我们今晚能找到旅馆住宿吗?_2) 这间旅馆可以容纳 500 多人住宿。_Keys: 1) Can we find accommodations at a hotel for tonight? 2) This hotel can accommodate more than 500 guests.个性化教案个性化教案知识点 4:abandonabandon vt. 放弃;遗弃;抛弃 n放任, 狂热重点用法abandon oneself to sth./

7、doing sth. 沉溺于abandon to sb 把舍弃给with abandon 放任地;放纵地;纵情地典例 1) They abandoned all hope of finding an effective way to solve the problem他们放弃了寻找有效方法解决问题的所有希望。2) We should keep off those who abandon themselves to drugs我们要远离那些吸毒成瘾的人。3) Dont waste the food left, and abandon it to the dog不要浪费剩下的食物,把它舍弃给狗吃。

8、练习根据括号里所给的汉语补全句子。1) After the victory,the soldiers sang and danced_(纵情地).2) (这项方案的放弃)_ resulted from lack of enough money.3) During the Second World War,millions of people throughout the world_(离弃家园)4) _ (不要悲观失望)though in great difficulty.Keys: 1) with abandon 2) The abandon of the project 3) abando

9、ned their homes. 4) Do not abandon yourself to despair个性化教案个性化教案知识点 5:reflectreflect vt. 映射;反射 vi. for B. for; from C. from; with D. in; for6. He had a(n) _ look on his face. A. absence B. absent C. puzzling D. surprising 7. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _

10、 to eat more fruit and vegetables. A. persuaded B. will persuade C. are persuaded D. persuade 个性化教案个性化教案【拔高】8. I _ some sympathy _that point of view. A. had; with B. had; at C. gave; with D. showed; at 9. As he _ , he was surprised to see that the man had disappeared. A. turned against B. turned in

11、C. turned around D. turned up 10. It _ that two travelers had been killed. A. turned around B. turned away C. turned out D. turned up个性化教案个性化教案答案及解析答案及解析1. C。be desired for somebody.2. C。be of adj. 具有某种属性。3. D. hope somebody to do something。故选 D。4.A.本题考查考查宾语从句 desire that 主语(should) do。5. B 本题考查介词。Absent from school, for 表示因为,表原因。6. C. a puzzled look。7. C. 本题考查主将从现。而且是被动。所以选 C。 8. B. have some sympathy at something。9. C. 根据句子意思,他转过身,用 turn around。10. C. 考查句子意思,证明用 turn out.



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