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1、1北师大考博英语北师大考博英语 summarysummary 的典型语句练习的典型语句练习一介绍作者的观点和研讨课题内容的语句一介绍作者的观点和研讨课题内容的语句4 X7 K% v9 _# ; 1. 文章内容与作者观点的常用语句文章内容与作者观点的常用语句+ K: t* r6 ?# (1)论及了此晶体的物理、化学性质Physical and chemical properties of this crystal are reported.(2).简述了性能目标与测量方法The performance goals and its measuring methods are briefly des

2、cribed.(3).临界实验解释了由中子引起铀核的链式反应The chain reaction caused by the uranium nuclei is explained in the critical experiment.(4).说明了这种技术对核探测的应用The application of this technique to nuclear detection is described.9 d; C7 t3 k6 M7 v(5).立即引入了研究与开发的工具4 M6 G 2 G% B5 gResearch and development tools are induced im

3、mediately. 9 P4 : w9 _0 T8 R9 _(6).给出了基本概念与收集的数据8 + * / V9 v. r; ? k6 I“ X7 E7 6 c(4).简要的讨论了反应堆里两相流的一些应用Applications of the two-phase flow in the reactor are briefly discussed.; B _“ N) o6 V6 K3 f# I1 “ M(5).对一特定系统进行了数值性研究A particular system is investigated numerically.+ L T( K) S“ V (6).简述了自然界中质量与能

4、量之间的关系1 C- G3 w j! i u“ e, RRelationship between mass and energy in nature is briefly described.# m( f( E* r. P$ Z! E0 V(7).研究了这个函数在某一边界条件下的连续性The function continuity under a certain boundary is studied.3. 文章涉及范围的语句文章涉及范围的语句/ Q1 |! l4 H! y- Z/ % Q(1).本文由引言、理论、实验方法与结论四部分组成/ g8 * ! O. nThis paper cons

5、ists of 4 parts: introduction, theory experimental method and conclusion.; y) M X. K( |! z“ Y) k(2).本文包含一种参数结构优化分析的构成、结构设计和结果The paper includes the configuration as well as the structural design and the results of parameter 2structural optimization analysis.(3).本文包括了反应堆堆芯里约 200 个带燃料棒的组建的测试结果 K0 8 !

6、p# 4 D! o4 This paper covers the testing results of about 200 assemblies of fuel and control rods in the reactor core.% C$ s5 _8 Q8 4 w(4).所引用的报告包括示踪元素研究大气层污染移动的研究The cited reports cover the research on the lower atmospheric air pollution movements by using the tracer elements.(5).本研究的范围涉及沥青产品和规格* e

7、4 X9 d- c“ WThe research concerns the asphaltic products and their specifications.(6).此项目包括了像 Fe、Au、Ag、Al、Cu 等许多元素Many elements are involved in this program such as Fe, Au, Ag, Cu and so on.5 d; b: f! E. ?) ; k6 I(7).此课题包括了煤的性质、锅炉的运行、煤灰尘收集器操作和边流系统+ E, y; m+ C/ d p2 S _3 hThe topic covers the coal pr

8、operties, boiler operation, dust collector operation and the sidestream system.( V8 2 G/ 0 M8 l“ b4. 综述于概括对某一个领域的研究课题常用语句综述于概括对某一个领域的研究课题常用语句(1).所有的运行规程如总规程(GP) 、异常运行规程(AOP) 、应急运行规程(EOP)都撰写了摘要All the operating procedures are abstracted such as the general procedures(GP), abnormal operating procedure

9、s(AOP), emergency operating procedures(EOP).(2).对测量这些特性的实验技术仅作概要叙述 q. a% t, ) N“ vThe experimental technique is outlined for measuring these properties.(3).评述了在机械工程中计算机辅助设计(CAD)的发展过程The development of CAD is reviewed in the mechanical engineering4 t9 z R“ ! 8 H. j. o The theory based on basic materi

10、al science is summarized.; n E x% h$ J2 n(5).详细地总结了要采用的设计规则The design planning to be used is summarized in detail.5. 文章重点的常用语句文章重点的常用语句6 P. p3 U% M- d. U3 (1).重点是在掌握量子理论上 L; H- t D N# P/ O EAttention is concentrated on the quantum theory. + 6 g! O“ r$ 6 m. g# D: g(2).重点是把时间延长到 24hThe point is to ext

11、end the lead time to 24h.3 h1 q6 T: ; L(3).现在到处都重视节能5 F/ i. G$ k# j) QFocus is on energy reserving everywhere.) t3 O% D6 p: z# X6 c) r- G(4).本文集中研究中子与铀原子核的碰撞5 D# U1 H1 - H c/ M2 nThe research is concentrated on the collisions of neutrons and uranium nuclei.3(5).现在到处都重视环境污水的管理和对有害废物的处理Attention is be

12、ing paid to the management of environmental effluent and disposal of hazardous wastes.(6).很重视对导体中的经济电流密度的评估Much attention is paid on the economic current density in the conductor.7 w7 r: Q* U9 Z(7).特别重视核反应堆的启动规程Particular attention is given to the start-up procedure of nuclear reactor operations.(8)

13、.及其重视核能的和平利用The greatest emphasis is paid on the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy.$ s) Z ?; * q1 v0 t r(9).重点还在于对核电所采取的态度Attention is concentrated on the implications of attitudes to nuclear power.6. 文章目的的常用语句文章目的的常用语句5 R# w* ?4 l R; X(1).此研究的目的是在零功率反应堆上进行临界实验,并获得重要的临界参数% k0 T; O1 v0 d6 A5 uTh

14、is research aims to carry out the experiment on the zero power reactor and obtain import critical parameters.% q% V C/ w“ i1 / T(2).许多研究者都在寻求这个问题的答案The answer to this question is sought for by many investigators./ D. T# g* v9 s(3).本文追求的目的是从安全分析报告的角度来论证这些补救措施的正确性The paper seeks to justify the remedia

15、l measures in terms of the final safety analysis report(FSAR).* s5 K; P% t4 5 + _7 # q8 r9 b( f(4).这项研究试图为保健规则人员就体系上的变化提供有用的信息“ Q7 a+ o- O# lThe research is to provide healthy planners with useful information on systematic changes.% + A Y8 m6 |$ z X. J(5).本研究的目的就是要表明先前提到的方法有前途# N* F( w8 q2 g# D5 B3

16、l- r% kThe purpose of this study is to show the methods mentioned above/aforesaid are promising.2 s4 J7 O) s- b$ A“ s+ g3 (6).本研究的目的是要获得具有很高稳定性的重混凝土The purpose of this study is to obtain the heavy concrete of much higher stability. Z$ K 7 t, R9 G# O, m3 v3 8 a二介绍文章成果的语句二介绍文章成果的语句1. 成果的获取和开发等常用语句成果的获取和开发等常用语句: r o9 B+ C+ R L“ d A2 s9 m: h此系统要设计成能传输出从反应堆堆芯产生的热量。4The system is designed for transferring heat from the reacto



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