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1、高三英语导学案 编制:张学辉 审核: 审批: 使用日期:10 月 6 日编号:30 班级: 小组: 姓名: 细心 耐心 专心Module1 Book 5 使用说明与方法指导 1. 认真独立完成学案上课前预习的所有题目。 2. 书写认真规范 ,用红色笔标记自己的困惑和不能解决的待上课论质疑解决。 3. A 层同学完成所有题目还需外完成高考领航上与本模块内容相关的题目。学习目标: 1. 会默写本模块的单词,并会相关的词形变化,记住本模块的重点短语及重要句型。 2. 通过掌握知识点,会做相关的练习题。 3. 激情投入,养成用英语思维的习惯。 预习展示: 1. compare v.比较,匹敌,比喻;相

2、比 n比较 完成句子: The two men look over the papers,_and make several telephone calls. 两人浏览文书,商量了一番,打了几个电话。 Dont_others strong points.不要拿自己的缺点与别人的优势相比。 _30 years ago,the Chinese standards in health care have greatly improved.和 30 年前相 比,中国的卫生保健水平得到了极大的提高。 2. differ vi.不同,相异 完成句子The conditions of our classro

3、om _what you saw five years ago. 我们教室的条件已经与五年前你看到的情况大不一样了。 Mary _her husband _.玛丽和丈夫对是否买一辆新车有 不同意见。 Changing schools _.转学对我的人生有着重大的影响。 She looked_她看上去与我所想像的不一样。 3have.in common有共同之处 完成句子I _Jane (与简毫无共同之处)Britain,_-_ (与一样) many other industrialized countries,has experienced major changes over the las

4、t 100 years. 4. 做某事有困难(have trouble in doing sth.have difficulty in doing sth. Can you imagine _?(你能想象出窝子解决这个问题方 面的困难吗?) 5By the 1850s, it was selling one million copies a year, making it one of the most popular school books ever. (仿写)6.用所给词的适当形式填空 (1)Because of climate change,the ice that polar bea

5、rs depend on for survival (slowly,disappear) (2)The scientists predict that if present trends ,women in 400 years will be 2cm shorter and have healthier hearts(continue) (3)By the time he realizes he into a trap,itll be too late for him to do anything about it(walk) 微写作(提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。 )很明显英国英语和美国英

6、语有很多共同之处。有时他们互相听懂有些困难,这导致了许多误 解。作为学英语的学生,我对什么是标准英语感到困惑。多亏了我的英语老师我现在已经弄清楚 并且在英语方面取得了很大进步。 _高三英语导学案 编制:张学辉 审核: 审批: 使用日期:10 月 6 日编号:30 班级: 小组: 姓名: 细心 耐心 专心_合作探究合作探究 .单项填空 1Dont forget to take a breath of _ fresh air and have some exercise each day.It will make_ difference. A/; a Bthe; a C/; the Da; the

7、 2_ the two designs, and you will find what problem there is with yours. AComparingBCompared CTo compare DCompare 3No one can imagine the difficulty he had _his son to get rid of the habit of playing computer games. Apersuading Bto persuade Cpersuaded Dpersuade 4That year his total income, with his

8、reward _, _ 12, 000 yuan. A.added to; added up to B.added; added to C.added up to; added D.adds to; adds up to 5All the students are looking foward to the first _ to pass the exam. Aattempt Bpurpose Cdesire Dmeasure 6The good result _ the correct methods, that is to say, correct methods _ good resul

9、t. Alies; lead Bleads to; lie in Clies in; lead to Dlies to; lead to 7_ it is true that a students most important goal is to do well in his or her studies, it doesnt need to be the only goal. AWhen BAs CWhile DBefore 8The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _ the helplessness of

10、the crew at sea. Aadded to Bresulted from Cturned outDmade up 9The prisoners _ an escape, but failed. Atried Battempted Cwanted Dwished 10My teaching style is _ that of most other teachers. Asame as Balike Csimilar in Dsimilar to 11It is in their ability to speak _ humans _ from animals. Awhich; dif

11、fer Bthat; different Cwhich; different Dthat; differ 12Where would you like to have your dinner, in a French restaurant or a Chinese one? It _ me. Amakes no difference to Bmakes not a difference Cis not a difference Dmakes no difference for 13All the students were _ my idea that we shoud go for a pi

12、cnic the next week. Ain honor of Binstead of Cin favour of Dby means of 14She couldnt have done that sort of thing. Whatever she did was reasonable, _ to what you did. Besides, its none of your business. Get down to _ your lessons. Acomparing; doing Bcomparing; do Ccompared; doing Dcompared; do 15In

13、 preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, a student should _ his findings in logical order and clear language. Afurnish Bpropose Craise Dpresent II.完形填空 There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. But _1_ a few of them are very _2_. English is one of these. Many, many people use it, not only in England and the US, but in other parts of the world. About 200,000,000 people speak it as their own language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it as a _3_ language. Many millions a



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