外研版三起五年级下册Module6 unit1 I went there last year

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1、课题: Module6 unit1 I went there last year.学习学习 目标目标1、让学生进一步掌握一般过去时态的基本特征的形式。2、认读理解新单词及句型: stay, west, JulyWhere /When / What did you? 2. Where is? 3. Its in 4. Did you go with? 3、能够根据图片猜测意思、说词语,能阅读短文并回答问题。4、能够运用所学词句,动词过去式进行书面表达,口头对话,了解他人旅游情况。学习重点Aim1、2、3、4 学情学情 分析分析对过去式有了一定的基础,能够简单针对事件,地点,方式提问,但不规则动词

2、变化仍有难度。首次接触东南西北方位的表达,会有一定困难。学习难点Aim 3、4教法与教法与 学法学法视听教学法,任务教学法,小组合作教学法新 课 标 第 一 网学习准备学习准备图片,多媒体课件,卡片板书设计板书设计Module 6 Unit 1I went there last year.Maps 1、Xinjiang in the west of China last year stayed with my grandma for a weekmountains beutiful 2、Hainan in the south of China w W w .x K b 1.c o M Li p

3、eople学案过程学案过程设计意图设计意图多元建议多元建议八、教学过程八、教学过程1. Greeting. 2. Sing a song : Where did you go?(课件显示歌曲内容) 教师与学生一起边唱边表演。Step 2. Learn the new words:(photo, stay, parent)1. T: Look!(出示地图) This is a map of China. Do 复习过去式动词的变化以及特殊疑问代词的使用。you know these cities? What is your favourite city?S1: My favourite city

4、 isT: Where is it?S1: Its in 2. T:My favourite city is Hainan. I went there last year. I went there with my friends. We stayed there for a week in July. Hainan is in the south of China.Learn the word: stay - stayed 3.Say a chantPhoto, photo, take a photo.Stay, stay, stay with my parent. http:/w w w.

5、xk b1. comWeek, week, seven days in a week.Step 3. Leading in the text.(1) (课件出示地图图片)T:Look at this map again. Where did Lingling go last year? S1: She went toT: Last year Lingling went to Xingjiang. Lets learn more about Linglings travel to Xingjiang.Step4. Learn the text.1. First, listen to the CD

6、-ROM. This time listen and answer my questions:A:Who has got some photos?B: Where is Xinjiang?2. T: Do you know Li people? (补充黎族的背景知识)Lets look at the screen.Listen to the CD-ROM again. This time listen and answer my four questions. A: Where is Hainan? http:/w w w.xk b1. com通过创设请学生帮忙的情境,自然引出“photo”和

7、本课课题。通过听听说说等环节,将单词 photo, stay, week, parent的学习和句型结合起来,并通过看看并描述这一环节,了解学生对单词及课文的掌握。学生边唱边拍手或做动作做B: Where does Linglings uncle live?4. Listen to the CD-ROM again. And read after it. 5.分角色朗读课文文本。Step5:Practice1.火眼金睛辨真伪。火眼金睛辨真伪。(Read ,then write T (true) or F (false)2.Play a game:智慧树智慧树 智慧树里有八个数字,你可以从中任意

8、选一个数字,(每个数字里都含有一个问题, )回答出数字里的问题就会受到多少不等的奖励。加油呀!新|课 | 标| 第 |一| 网3.Make a survey about your travelling .Where did you go?Where is it?Who did you go with?When did you go there?What did you do?热身活动,能调动学生的学习兴趣很快进入角色。通过听听做做,看看说说,认识更多的朋友、通过做游戏几个环节既活跃了课堂气氛,让学生在快乐中轻松学习,又由易到难,让学生由机械模仿到初步运用,最后达到灵活运用的目的。作业导航:作业导航:Retell Linglings trip.多元反思:参考文献:参考文献:Questionsname



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