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1、北北 京京 四中高考英语综合模拟试卷四中高考英语综合模拟试卷 第一卷第一卷 (三部分,共 115 分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)分)略 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)分) 第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 21. I didnt do well in the exam; how about you? I did _ you. A. as well as B. no better than C. no more than D. the same like 22. I

2、f he goes on swimming in that lake for _ four hours, he _ in it for twelve hours. A. another; will have been swimming B. a; will swim C. other; has swim D. the; will be swimming 23. I _ fifteen dollars on the jacket. A. cost B. paid C. spent D. took 24. If no one _ the phone at home, ring me at work

3、. A. answers B. receives C. holds D. returns 25. I had worked here _ you came here. But I shall leave for England _. A. before long; before long B. before long; long before C. long before; before long D. long before; long before 26. Ill talk about a newly opened market _ you may get all _ you need.

4、A. in which; which B. where; that C. where; what D. which; that 27. Im sorry to keep you waiting. Ill make short work of this. _ . Im in no hurry. A. Come to your time. B. Dont be nervous. C. Take it easy. D. Why didnt you do it earlier? 28. Im too tired _ so much reading. And Im tired _ those books

5、, too. A. in doing; about B. in doing; from C. to do; of D. to do; at 29. _ in bed, the old man felt very _, without any child in front of him. A. Laid; alone B. Lain; alone C. Laying; lonely D. Lying; lonely 30. In cold winter people _ usually have their stoves _ day and night. A. in north; to be b

6、urned B. in north; to burn C. in the north; burned D. in the north; burning 31. _ into the darkness, the boy burst into tears. A. Having been taken B. Having taken C. Taking D. To take 32. If you know, answer it in a _ enough voice _ all the class may hear. A. loudly; because B. loudly; in order to

7、C. loud; so that D. loud; to make 33. I remember _ to their party, but I _ the invitation in the office. A. being invited; have left B. inviting; was leaving C. to be invited; have forgotten D. to invite; forget 34. In short, _ he lives, a man belongs to some society. A. anywhere B. somewhere C. whe

8、re D. wherever 35. I regret to tell you that Im leaving here tomorrow. _? But you promised to stay with me. A. Are you sure B. Leave here C. Leaving here D. Pardon 第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑。 It was Fridaythe most tiring day of a

9、 teachers week. As I was going to dismiss the class, Jan, who sat at the back of Bill, suddenly shouted, “Teacher! Bill took my dime. It was36 here by my ink bottle when I went to sharpen my pencil and now it is 37 .” Billy only drooped his head 38 . The dime had 39 been there. I had seen it. And Bi

10、lly was the 40 one who had been near Jans desk. By now the children were quiet, obviously waiting for me to take 41 . Perhaps I hadnt slept well the night before; 42 perhaps it was the look of expectation in the childrens eyes. 43 , I lost my control. I scolded Billy for being 44 . “Give Jan her dim

11、e.” I ordered. Billy didnt say one word in 45 . “Now turn all your 46 inside out and take off your shoes!” He did 47 . But there was no dime. “ 48 your desk!” I commanded. Patiently he did so. The dime wasnt there either. He returned the books and papers to his desk without a word. Then he 49 his fa

12、ce in his arms. Instantly I 50 my mistake. I, the very person who could have defended him, had 51 him. That afternoon one of the boys went to the front of the room to sharpen his pencil. “Hey!” he cried, “Heres Jans dime on the board ledge. She must have 52 there when she sharpened her pencil.” I fe

13、lt heartsick. I went to Billy, and 53 him into my arms. “Im so sorry, Billy. I had no 54 to scold you. Will you ever pardon me?” Slowly he raised his eyes to mine. There were no tears but the 55 in his eyes branded my heart forever. 36. A. only B. very C. straight D. right 37. A. settled B. missed C

14、. disappeared D. gone 38. A. low B. down C. loose D. on 39. A. certainly B. directly C. not D. already 40. A. troublesome B. actual C. first D. only 41. A. part B. place C. action D. turn 42. A. and B. but C. or D. either 43. A. Forever B. Anyway C. Even D. Still 44. A. silent B. dishonest C. untrue D. frightened 45. A. self-satisfaction B. self-defense C. self-respect D. self-service 46. A. clothes B. bags C. pockets D. hands 47. A. so B. such C. this D. that 48. A. Move B. Lift C. Push D. Empty 49. A. covered B. touched C. turned D. buried 50. A. r



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