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1、2011-2012 学年高二英语选修 5 Unit5 导学案 编号: 使用时间:班级:_小组:_姓名;_组内评价:_The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today .1Book Unit5 First aid 课文阅读导学案课文阅读导学案编写人:耿家伟 审核人: 小组评价: 教师评价: 【学习目标学习目标】 1、分析掌握文章中所出现的省略形式,深入理解课文,培养快速阅读、提升文章概括 理解能力。 2.、通过自主学习,整体理解课文,合作探究,大胆质疑。学会提炼主旨;捕捉细节和 推理判断,激情诵读,

2、流利复述课文。 3、了解皮肤对人体的重要性,烧伤的各种起因,三种不同的烧伤程度以及它们所表现 出的主要症状和所应采取的急救措施。激情参与课堂,享受学习的快乐。【使用说明与学法指导使用说明与学法指导】 要求:8 分钟迅速读文章第一遍,完成 Task I。 5 分钟读文章第二遍,提升文章概括 理解能力,完成 Task II。5 分钟大声朗读课文,深入理解课文, ,完成 Task III,Task IV。10 分钟小组讨论探究。10 分钟展示点评质疑。 2 分钟小结。 方法导引方法导引: 1 Task I 采用扫描式阅读(scanning) ,培养获取整体信息概的能力。 2 Task II 采用略读

3、(SKIMMING) ,找出主题句,快速概括每段大意。3 Task III: 激情诵读。4 Task IV 仔细阅读文章,找出你的重点和难点句。 分层目标:分层目标:C 层完成 Task I,Task II,Task III。B 层完成 Task I,Task II,Task III,Task。A 层完成所有.【课前热身】 1、Accidents happen anywhere and anytime. The first response to an accident is the most important. Often times, first aid given at the sce

4、ne can improve the victims chances of survival and a good recovery. The right response is better than an incorrect quick one. Any response, even if it is wrong, is better than none at all. 2、Warning There were 760, 327 traffic accidents in China last year, resulting in 106, 367 deaths. 71.16% of the

5、 deaths were due to the lack of timely first aid. So First aid is important for the victims (受害者), and necessary for us to learn about. 【预习案】 Task1: Read the passage quickly, find out main idea or topic sentence of each paragraph and match them. Part 1 the three types of burns Part2 what to do if so

6、meone gets burned Part3 the purpose of skin Part4 the symptoms of burns Part5 how we get burns Task2:What is the text mainly about? The passage tells us that that the skin is to us and when it is , we should know and Task3: Read the passage again and judge True or False. 1. Our skin has three layers

7、. 2. We will never get burned by the sun. 3. Burns are divided into three degrees according to the degree of pain.【方法导引】 简单了解急救 的必要性。Task1: 速读课文,通 过略读,根据 原文,总结各 段大意,培养 快速寻找有效 信息的能力。 Task2: 整体把握文章, 培养正确组织 语言,概括语 言的能力2011-2012 学年高二英语选修 5 Unit5 导学案 编号: 使用时间:班级:_小组:_姓名;_组内评价:_The only limit to our reali

8、zation of tomorrow will be our doubts of today .24. Third degree burns are the most serious and painful. 5. Put cool water on any burns to cool them. 6. Dont rub the burns. 7. Its better that you put some butter or oil on burns. Task 4:Give the answers to the following questions. 1. 1. Why should yo

9、u put cold water on a burn?2. Why doesnt a third degree burn hurt?3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?4. If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue? Task5: Careful reading Fill in the blanks. Part 1: The purpose of skin 1) Protect you against _, _

10、 and _; 2) Keep you _ or _; 3) Prevent you from _; 4) Give you _. Part 2: Cause of burns, , , , . Part 3: Types of burns There are _ types of burns depending on which _ are burned.First degree burns affect only the _ layer and should feel better within _. Second degree burns affect both the _ and th

11、e _ layer. These burns are _ and take _ to heal. Third degree burns affect all _ layers and any _ and _ under the skin. They are very _ injuries and the victim must get to _ at once. Part 4: Characteristics of burns First degree burns:Dry, red and mildly _. Turn white when _ _. Second degree burns:_

12、, red and swollen. Extremely painful._ watery surface Third degree burns:Swollen; _ can be seen. _ or _ _ pain. Black and white and _. Part 5: First aid treatment 1. _ clothing and jewelry near the burns. 2. _ the burns with cool water. 3. _ cool, clean wet cloths on the burns. 4. _ the burned area

13、gently. 5. _ the burned area with a dry clean bandage. 6. _ the burned area _ than the heart, if possible. 7. _ the victim _ the doctor or hospital, if possible. Task6: Underline the following phrases and try to keep them in mind.Task5: Read the passage carefully and write down the main idea of each

14、 Paragraph.Task6: Scan the text and underline the following phrases in red pen 5.refer to 指的是,提到,参考 7. be joined to 加入 6.Task3 、4: 依据课文内 容,寻找细 节,培养抓 信息的能力。Task5 依据 课文内容, 寻找细节, 培养抓信息 的能力。2011-2012 学年高二英语选修 5 Unit5 导学案 编号: 使用时间:班级:_小组:_姓名;_组内评价:_The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today .3first aid 急救 temporary form 暂时的形式 fall ill 生病 get injured 受伤 act as 充当 prevent from 阻止不受 get burnt 烧伤 be close to 靠近 depend on 依靠,


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