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1、1人力资源专业绩效考核管人力资源专业绩效考核管 理方面英文文献及中文翻理方面英文文献及中文翻 译译appraisals properly. Especially the detractors and the critics. Help anxious managers (and directors) develop and adapt appraisals methods that work for them. Be flexible. There are lots of ways to conduct appraisals, and particularly lots of ways to

2、diffuse apprehension and fear - for managers and appraises alike. Particularly - encourage people to sit down together and review informally and often - this removes much of the pressure for managers and appraises at formal appraisals times. Leaving everything to a single make-or-break discussion on

3、ce a year is asking for trouble and trepidation. Look out especially for the warning signs of negative cascaded attitudes towards appraisals. This is most often found where a senior manager or director hates conducting 2appraisals, usually because they are uncomfortable and inexperienced in conducti

4、ng them. The senior manager/director typically will be heard to say that appraisals dont work and are a waste of time, which for them becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. All that said, performance appraisals that are administered without training (for those who need it), without explanation or consu

5、ltation, and conducted poorly will be counter-productive and is a waste of everyones time. Well-prepared and well-conducted performance appraisals provide unique opportunities to help appraise and managers improve and develop, and thereby also the organizations for whom they work. Just like any othe

6、r process, if performance appraisals arent working, dont blame the process, ask yourself whether it is being properly trained, explained, agreed and conducted. 4. Effective performance appraisals Aside from formal traditional (annual, six-monthly, quarterly, or monthly) performance appraisals, there

7、 are many different methods of performance evaluation. The use of any of these methods depends on the purpose of the 3evaluation, the individual, the assessor, and the environment. The formal annual performance appraisal is generally the over-riding instrument, which gathers together and reviews all

8、 other performance data for the previous year. Performance appraisals should be positive experiences. The appraisals process provides the platform for development and motivation, so organizations should foster a feeling that performance appraisals are positive opportunities, in order to get the best

9、 out of the people and the process. In certain organizations, performance appraisals are widely regarded as something rather less welcoming (blocking sessions is not an unusual description), which provides a basis only on which to develop fear and resentment, so never, never, never use a staff perfo

10、rmance appraisal to handle matters of discipline or admonishment, which should instead be handled via separately arranged meetings. 5. Types of performance and aptitude assessments (1)Formal annual performance appraisals (2)Probationary reviews (3)Informal one-to-one review discussions (4)Counseling

11、 4meetings (5) Observation post (6) Skills or career-related tests (7) Assignment or task to follow the review, including the secondment (8)Assessment Centre, including the observation group exercises, presentations and other tests (9)Communicate with people who investigate the views of others (10)

12、Acts of psychological tests and other assessment (11)Handwriting analysis 绩效考核探究绩效考核探究 摘要摘要 在人力资源管理方面,绩效考核的方法多种多样,到底在人力资源管理方面,绩效考核的方法多种多样,到底应该采用哪一种绩效考核方法更为合理,绩效考核又应该应该采用哪一种绩效考核方法更为合理,绩效考核又应该通过什么样的途径更易于实现并取得更好的管理成效,是通过什么样的途径更易于实现并取得更好的管理成效,是一个值得深思的问题。本文将重点探讨关于绩效考核的类一个值得深思的问题。本文将重点探讨关于绩效考核的类型及其效型及其效果问

13、题,分析目前绩效考核的种类,并探究如何正确适果问题,分析目前绩效考核的种类,并探究如何正确适当地进行绩效考核,做好管理工作。当地进行绩效考核,做好管理工作。 1、考绩考核的用途和如何使其易于实现、考绩考核的用途和如何使其易于实现 绩效考核根本上是对职员有效的管理和评估。评估帮助绩效考核根本上是对职员有效的管理和评估。评估帮助开发个体开发个体, 改进组织表现改进组织表现, 并投入业务规划。正式的绩效考并投入业务规划。正式的绩效考5核核,一般每年组织一次全体工作人员的考核。他们的直线经一般每年组织一次全体工作人员的考核。他们的直线经理估价各个职员。董事考核首席执行官理估价各个职员。董事考核首席执行

14、官,鉴定委员会主席或鉴定委员会主席或公司所有人公司所有人,根据公司的规模和组织结构。根据公司的规模和组织结构。 年度绩效考核年度绩效考核,能规定管理和监测标准能规定管理和监测标准,同意期望和目标同意期望和目标,代代表团的职责和任务。人员的业绩考核表团的职责和任务。人员的业绩考核,建立个人培训需求建立个人培训需求,并并对组织的培训需求进行分析及规划。对组织的培训需求进行分析及规划。 绩效考核也典型地对组织每年薪水和分级的回顾,通常绩效考核也典型地对组织每年薪水和分级的回顾,通常也刚好与下一年的贸易计划一致。也刚好与下一年的贸易计划一致。 绩效考核一般审查在营运一年里,每一个人在上年定下绩效考核一

15、般审查在营运一年里,每一个人在上年定下的业绩目标和标准。绩效考核也是十分必要的关系到个人的业绩目标和标准。绩效考核也是十分必要的关系到个人的职业生涯规划的职业生涯规划,更重要的工作更重要的工作,和整个组织。绩效考核的重和整个组织。绩效考核的重要性是为员工的激励、态度和行为的发展要性是为员工的激励、态度和行为的发展,沟通和协调了个沟通和协调了个人和组织的目标人和组织的目标,培养积极的关系管理和工作人员。培养积极的关系管理和工作人员。 绩效考核提供了正式的记录绩效考核提供了正式的记录,定期检验个人的业绩定期检验个人的业绩,以及未以及未来发展的规划。来发展的规划。 工作绩效考核,无论其采取何种形式,

16、工作绩效考核,无论其采取何种形式,因此因此,关键是管理业绩的人组织。关键是管理业绩的人组织。 经理和评估者普遍厌恶经理和评估者普遍厌恶评估评估,尽量避免评估。尽量避免评估。 对这些人来讲评价是一项艰巨而费时。对这些人来讲评价是一项艰巨而费时。评估过程被他们看成是一项困难的行政工作和情绪的挑战。评估过程被他们看成是一项困难的行政工作和情绪的挑战。年度考核也许是唯一的一次年度考核也许是唯一的一次,去年以来去年以来,两个人坐在一起一对两个人坐在一起一对一地对一个有意义的评估进行讨论。难怪评比是有压力的一地对一个有意义的评估进行讨论。难怪评比是有压力的,这便违背了考核的目的。这便违背了考核的目的。 如果老板满足每个员工单独和定期作一对一的讨论如果老板满足每个员工单独和定期作一对一的讨论,贯穿贯穿6全年,评比则容易得多全年,评比则容易得多,尤其是较为宽松。尤其是较为宽松。 有意义的定期讨论工作、职业目标、进步、发展的希望有意义的定期讨论工作、职业目标、进步、发展的希望和梦想、生命和宇宙、电视台、共同利益等等。不管什么,和梦想、生命和宇宙、电视台、共同利益等



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