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1、高三英语陕西专用(RJ) 必修五 Unit 2 班级: 姓名: 学号: 课时作业 22 Unit 2 The United Kingdom.单项填空 1My parents check our package carefully to make sure we dont_anything we will need on the trip. Aleave off Bleave out Cleave about Dleave for 2Its said that Kate and Mary have been in conflict with each other. Yes,but they ha

2、vent_why. Ainstructed Bclarified Cadmitted Dcomplained 3To my_,my pet dog,which was lost three days ago,came back safe and sound. Aattraction Berror Ccredit Ddelight 4The computer system_suddenly while Paul was searching for information on the Internet. Abroke down Bbroke out Cbroke up Dbroke in 5Do

3、 you know when_accident happened? I was not there,so I dont know the exact date.But it must be_Sunday because I was off duty only on Sundays. Athe;a Ba;a Ca;不填 Dthe;不填 6I wonder if it is_for you to pick me up on your way home this afternoon. Acomfortable Bconvenient Cenjoyable Dlegal 7Nowadays,I fin

4、d myself planning more and more but_less and less. Aclarifying Barranging Crecognizing Daccomplishing 8Compared with that of last year,the price of housing in my county has increased by_10% so far. Asecretly Broughly Coriginally Ddeeply 9_surprised me most was that severe earthquakes struck so many

5、places in the last couple of years. AIt BThat CWhich DWhat 10Lily found one of her friends had been_after she finished the invitations to her wedding party. Aleft out Bput out Cpicked out Dtaken out 11With so much noise going,the little girl had to raise her voice to make herself_by her mother. Ahea

6、r Bhearing Cheard Dto hear 12How was your journey to the countryside? It was great. The scenery was beautiful beyond_. Ainstitution BadministrationCcollection Ddescription 13The sales manager quitted his job and I wonder who will_him. Atake place of Btake the place of Cin place of Din the place of 1

7、4With the book I had looked forward to_,I went out of the bookstore,satisfied. Abuy Bbuying Cbought Dbe bought 15If what you say is not_with what you do,it will have a bad effect on your children. Acontroversial Bconsistent Cconfident Dconsiderate.完形填空 (2012原创题)Apple cofounder and longtime Chief Exe

8、cutive Officer Steve Jobs died at the age of 56 after years of battle against pancreatic cancer. “Steve died peacefully today _1_ by his family, ”Jobsfamily said in a statement. “We are_2_for the support and kindness of those who_3_our feelings for Steve.We know many of you will mourn with us,_4_we

9、ask that you respect our privacy during our time of _5_, ”said the statement. Apples website has_6_to “Steve Jobs: 19552011, ”along with the most iconic picture_7_the scraggly bearded charismatic(超凡魅力的) man posed_8_one hand up to his chin.“Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius,and the world

10、 has lost an_9_ human being, ”the company said in a statement.“Steve_10_behind a company that only he could have built and this spirit will_11_ be the foundation of Apple.” US.President Barack Obama on Wednesday_12_Jobs a visionary leader and one of the greatest US.innovators. “Steve was among the g

11、reatest of American innovatorsbrave enough to think_13_,bold enough to believe he _14_change the world,and_15_enough to do it, ”Obama said in a statement. Apple Board of Directors also said “Steves brilliance,passion and energy were the source of countless innovations that _16_and improve all of our

12、 lives.The world is immeasurably better because of Steve.” Jobs took a medical leave of_17_ earlier this year,the third in his battle with pancreatic cancer that began in 2004. On Aug.24,he_18_as Apple CEO,saying “I have always said if there ever came a day when I could no longer_19_ my duties and e

13、xpectations as Apples CEO,I would be the first to let you know._20_,that day has come.” 1A.surrounding Bcrowded Csurrounded Dcircling 2A.grateful Bconsiderate Cconsiderable Dthoughtful 3A.experience Bshare Cdesire Dappreciate 4A.but Bor Cso Dstill 5A.grief Brelief Ccourage Dbravery 6A.turned Bchange

14、d Cmoved Dcome 7A.when Bthat Cwhich Din which 8A.with Bfor Cin Don 9A.shocking Bamusing Camazing Dsurprising 10A.falls Bleaves Cdrops Dgoes 11A.ever Bonce Cforever Dnever 12A.called Bfound Cmade Drecalled 13A.similarly Bdifferently Cindifferently Dconsistently 14A.must Bneed Ccould Dshould 15A.proud

15、 Btalented Cadventurous Dcourageous 16A.progress Benlarge Cenrich Ddeepen 17A.presence Battendance Cabsence Dlack 18A.stepped forward Bcut down Cstepped down Dshut down 19A.meet Bcomplete Caccomplish Darrive 20A.Luckily BSurprisingly CUnfortunately DAccidentally .阅读理解(2012河北省荆州市毕业班质检)In Greek mythology (神话



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