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1、摘要I摘摘 要要互联网业迅猛发展,信息化时代的到来,高等学校的财务管理工作也不能仅仅停留在会计核算电算化的阶段。随着各级财政及教育主管部门对高校资金运作监管力度不断加强;大学规模的壮大逐步实施二级办学体制改革等等,这些外部的、内部的因素都促使高等学校加强财务信息化建设的步伐。本文旨在通过对高校财务管理现状的分析,适应校园数字化建设的客观需要,构建具有综合功能的财务管理信息系统。本文从实际出发,针对现存的问题,基于信息化规划、业务流程重组理论和方法,从组织结构、核心业务等方面进行分析,给出了高校财务管理的业务流程和数据流程,并以数据字典加以说明。在系统分析的基础上,本文对系统的软件硬件环境、系统

2、功能、数据库等进行了设计,并在 VisualBasic6.0 平台上在 SQL Server 支持下进行了实现。本文设计的高校财务管理信息系统能够达到提高会计人员工作效率、科学化进行高校财务管理的目标。关键词:财务管理,管理信息系统,设计,研究AbstractIIAbstractAbstractWith the rapid development of the Internet industry, the advent of the information age, the financial management of colleges and universities can not ju

3、st be stopped at the stage of computerized accounting. And with financial and education at all levels, departments in charge of funds for the operation of colleges and universities continue to strengthen supervision and management; the University of the scale of the growth of the progressive impleme

4、ntation of secondary school reform, etc., these external and internal factors have prompted colleges and universities to strengthen the financial information of the pace of construction.The purpose of this paper is to build the financial management information system of colleges and universities thr

5、ough the analysis of the status quo, which is adapt to needs of building the digital campus. According to the current situation of financial system and existing problems, this paper designs financial MIS based on information planning, Business Process Re-engineering theory and methods. And through t

6、he analysis the organizational structure, core business areas, the author gives the financial management of University business processes and data flow and data dictionary. According to the analysis, the author designs the system software and hardware environment, system, database, etc., and program

7、ming it with VisualBasic6.0 platform and SQL Server in support.The design of the college financial management information system in the paper is able to improve the efficiency of accounting and carry out the financial management scientifically .Keywords: Financial management,Management information s

8、ystems,Design,Study目录III目目 录录摘 要.IAbstract.II 1 绪论.1 1.1 研究背景.1 1.2 研究意义.1 1.3 研究的方法与内容.2 2 相关理论及方法介绍.1 2.1 管理信息系统.1 2.1.1 基本概念.1 2.1.2 开发方法.2 2.2 高校财务管理的理论基础.5 2.2.1 资源配置论.5 2.2.2 均衡价格理论.5 2.2.3 投入产出理论.5 2.2.2 可持续发展理论.6 2.3 业务流程再造的理论基础.6 2.3.1 流程再造的基本理论.6 2.3.2 业务流程再造的实质和原则.8 2.3.3 业务流程优化与重组的方法.10 2.4 SQL Server 2000 简介.12 3 高校财务管理系统分析.14 3.1 财务管理信息化的特点.14 3.2 高校财务的任务.1


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