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1、摘 要摘要在信息时代,存储设备作为记录信息的载体,越来越被人们广泛的使用。传统的机械硬盘具有容量大,技术成熟的特点。但在工业,军事应用中往往要求存储设备具有稳定性高,轻便,体积小,工作温度范大等特点。电子盘,一种以Flash 芯片作为存储介质的存储设备就具备这样的特点。本文将介绍一种基于 FPGA 的 Flash 高速读写及电子盘设计的方案。本方案设计的电子盘采用改进的 IDE 接口与采用 VxWorks 系统的主机通讯,并对 Flash存储介质进行读写。具体介绍两方面的内容,一方面是标准的 IDE 接口和在其基础上做出改进;另一方面是对 Flash 芯片的读写等操作。然后针对这两方面进行ED

2、A 编程。最后,与主机联机调试。关键字:关键字:电子盘,IDE 接口,Flash 读写,FPGAABSTRACTABSTRACTAs an information carrier, the storage device is more and more widely used in the information age. Traditional mechanical hard drives have their charactors in both large capacity and mature technology. But in industrial and military, th

3、e storage drivers must have the following features, high stability, lightweight, wide range of working temperature. Electronic disk, a storage driver with flash chips as the storage medium, has such characteristics.This thesis introduces a design of an FPGA-based electronic disk with high-speed read

4、ing and writing operation. The electronic disk communicate with the host, a VxWorks operation, through an improved IDE interface and be able to read, write, and erase the flash chips. The paper describe two aspects in detail: one is the standard IDE interface and the improved IDE interface based on

5、it. Another one is the operation of reading and writing on the flash chips. Then focusing on the EDA programming on both of the aspects. Finally, connecting with the host to test the electronic disk. Key Words: electronic disk, IDE interface, Flash reading and writing, FPGA目录目录第 1 章 引言.11.1 选题背景.11.

6、2 课题目标和意义.1第 2 章 电子盘的技术基础.22.1 硬盘技术简介.22.1.1 硬盘的逻辑结构.22.1.2 硬盘的工作原理.32.2 IDE 接口介绍 .42.2.1 IDE 接口信号定义 .42.2.2 IDE 接口寄存器访问 .62.2.3 IDE(ATA)协议概述.92.3 Flash 芯片介绍 .122.3.1 内部组织结构.122.3.2 指令系统和读写时序.142.4 FPGA 芯片介绍.17第 3 章 电子盘的总体设计.193.1 电子盘的设计要求.193.2 要求分析.193.3 模块的划分.223.4 电子盘读写和擦除操作对模块的调用.24第 4 章 各个模块的设

7、计.274.1 改进的 IDE 接口寄存器模块的设计 .274.1.1 i_ctrl_reg 模块的设计.284.1.2 i_cmd_reg 模块的设计.294.1.3 state_r 模块的设计 .314.1.4 sector_reg32 模块的设计 .334.1.5 其它模块的设计.354.1.6 读写 FIFO 模块的设计 .364.2 Flash 操作控制模块的设计 .37目录4.2.1 flash_wr 模块的设计.384.2.2 flash_rd 模块的设计.414.2.3 erase 模块的设计.434.3 改进 IDE 接口与 Flash 控制交互模块的设计.464.3.1 address_cal 模块的设计 .



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