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1、更多资料下载 请到学习人家 http:/1 目的目的 Objective1.1 确保公司提供生产件符合顾客批准的工程设计记录和规范的所有要求,并在实际生产过程中按规定的生产节拍来生产,满足顾客要求。Ensure that the production parts supplied by AICQ can meet all customer engineering design record and specification requirements and that AICQ process have the potential to produce products that meet t

2、he customers requirements during an actual production run at the quoted production rate.1.2 确保分供方提供生产件符合本公司工程设计记录和规范的所有要求,并在实际生产过程中按 规定的生产节拍来生产,满足本公司要求。Ensure that the production parts supplied by the suppliers can meet all AICQ engineering design record and specification requirements and that the s

3、uppliers process have the potential to produce products that meet AICQs requirements during an actual production run at the quoted production rate.2 适用范围适用范围 Applicable Scope 2.1 适用于本公司生产的所有产品。Applicable to all the products produced by AICQ.2.2 适用于本公司采购的主要原物料。Applicable to the main raw materials pur

4、chased by AICQ.3 职责职责 Responsibility3.1 横向协调项目组负责新品生产件批准过程的实施和所需资料的准备。The Cross Function Team is responsible for implementation of production part approval process and preparation of the required information.3.2 各相关部门配合横向协调项目组工作。Other related departments shall cooperate with the Cross Function Team.

5、3.3 技术工程部负责生产件批准的记录和标准样品的保存。The Engineering & Technical Department is responsible for recording the production part approval and maintaining the standard samples.3.4 质量部负责生产件批准资料向顾客提交。The Quality Department is responsible for submitting the Production Part Approval Data to 更多资料下载 请到学习人家 http:/the cu

6、stomer. 4 工作程序工作程序 Work Procedures 4.1 定义定义 Definition生产件批准提交(PPAP)从一个有效的生产过程中(该过程必须是 1 小时到 8 小时的生产,且规定的生产数量至少为 300 件连续生产的部件,除非顾客授权的质量代表另有规定)提取的零件和相关文件交顾客审批,且这个生产过程是由生产现场使用的工装、工艺过程来进行的。对于散装材料:零件没有具体数量要求;如果要求提交样品,那么样品的选取应能保证代表“稳定”的加工过程。Production part approval submission (PPAP): It refers to the subm

7、ission of the parts and the relevant documents that are picked up during an effective production process to the customers for approval (this process must be of production from 1 to 8 hours, and the specified production quantity must reach at least 300 pieces of components during a continuous product

8、ion, unless otherwise specified by customer authorized quality representative). And in addition, this production process is carried out by using the tools and processes available at the production site. For bulk materials, the parts have no quantity requirements. If it is required to submit samples,

9、 ensure the selected samples can represent the “stable” production process.4.2 生产件批准提交时机生产件批准提交时机 Production Part Approval Submission Time4.2.1 供方必须对下列情况获得顾客产品批准部门的完全批准:a.一种新的零件或产品(如:从前未曾给某个顾客的某种零件、材料或颜色) ;A new part or product (e.g. some kind of part, material or color never supplied to a customer

10、before).b.对以前提交零件不合格的纠正;Correction of nonconforming parts submitted before.c.由于设计记录、规范或材料方面的工程更改而发生的产品变化;Product change due to the engineering revision of design records, specifications and materials.d.只对散装材料:对于供方来讲,在产品上采用了以前未曾用过的新的过程技术。Only to bulk materials: The supplier has adopted a new process

11、technology that was never used before. e.第 4.2.2 章节要求的任一种情况。Any one of the situations required in Clause 本公司必须将下列的任何设计和过程更改通知给顾客产品批准部门。顾客可能因此会决定要求提交 PPAP 批准。如果顾客放弃提交正式的生产件批准,但是横向协调项目组仍应进行PPAP 所有项目,以反映当前有关过程的状况:AICQ must notify any of the following design and process revisions to the cust

12、omer product 更多资料下载 请到学习人家 http:/approval department. The customers might therefore decide to require the submission of PPAP approval. If the customers give up the submission of official product part approval, the Cross Function Team shall still keep performing all PPAP projects, so as to reveal the

13、 present process status.a.相对于以前批准过的零件,使用其它可选择的加工方法或材料;Comparable to the parts approved before, other optional machining methods or materials are used.b.使用新的或改进的工装(易损工具除外) 、模具、铸模、模型等,包括附加的和可替换的工装进行的生产;Use new or revised tooling (exclusive of easily damaged tools), dies, moulds and models, including t

14、he production using attached and replaceable tools.c.对现有工装或设备进行重新翻新或重新布置后进行的生产;The production after renewal or reallocation of present tooling or equipment.d.把工装或设备转到其它生产场地或在另一生产场地进行的生产;The production at another production site or under the conditions that the tooling or equipment are relocated to o

15、ther production sitee.分承包方对零件、非等效材料或服务(如热处理、电镀)的更改,从而影响了顾客的装配、成型、功能、耐久性或性能的要求;The sub-contractors change of parts, non-equivalent materials or services (e.g. heat treatment, electroplating) has affected the customers requirements for assembly, molding, functions, durability or performance.f.工装在停止批量生

16、产达到 12 个月或更长时间后重新投入生产;The tooling are put back to production after they have been stopped of batch production for a period of 12 months or longer.g.涉及由内部制造的或由分承包方制造的生产产品部件的产品和过程更改;The product and process change involving the product producing components internally manufactured or manufactured by the sub-contractors.h.仅适用于散装材料 Only applicable to bulk materials:



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