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1、1MODULE 1 1. listen 听(强调动作) hear 听见(强调结果) I listened carefully but I heard nothing. 我仔细听但什么也没听到。 2. We are on a school trip. 我们在参加学校郊游。 3. What are the others doing? 其他人在干什么? 4. lie in the sun / on the beach 躺在沙滩上 5. send sb a postcard 寄给某人一张明信片 send sth. to sb. = send sb. sth. 6. enjoy the school t

2、rip a lot/ very much 非常喜欢学校郊游 7. anyway 无论如何 (转移话题) 8. buy some presents = shop for presents 买礼物 buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.go shopping for presents 去买礼物 9. enjoy sth. 喜欢某物 enjoy oneself = have a good/ great time enjoy/ like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 10. take sth. to sw. 把某物带到某地 take away 11. at this mom

3、ent=now 此时此刻 (现在进行时) 12. in different places 在不同的地方 (比较 the same) 13. do different things 做不同的事情 14. leave work 下班 be at work 上班 He is at work. = He is working. 15. wait for buses 等公共汽车 16. run for trains 跑去乘火车 17. have afternoon tea 喝下午茶 18. go to the opera 去听歌剧 19. watch a ballet 看芭蕾 20. get dress

4、ed 穿衣;打扮 see friends 看望朋友 20. call home 给家里打电话 call sb. = give sb. a call= phone sb. 21. greetings from 来自的问候 22. talk on ones phone 用某人的手机打电 话 23. do taijiquan,打太极拳 do yangge 扭秧歌 24. 现在进行时的构成:be 动词+ 动词的现在分词MODULE 2 1. What traditions do you have at the Spring Festival? 在春节你们有什么传统? 2. lots of tradit

5、ions 许多传统 3. clean the house 打扫房子 do some cleaning 4. sweep away bad luck 扫走坏运 5. paint red 把涂成红色 6. It means 它意味着 What does it mean? (meaning n.)7. decorate with 用装饰 8. have a haircut 剪头发 9. everyone 后面谓语动词用单数: everyone has a haircut 10. visit our family and friends 看望亲戚朋友 11. at midnight 在半夜 (at n

6、oon= in the middle of day) 12.fireworks 用复数 13.bring sb. sth. bring sth to sb. 给某人带来 bring back 14. at night , in the evening 15. get ready for sth. (be ready for sth.) get ready for doing sth. 为做准备 16. sweep the floor 扫地 17. learn a dragon dance 学舞龙 18. make lanterns 做灯笼 19.cook the meal 做饭 do some

7、 cooking 20. be interested in sth 对某物感兴趣 be interested in doing sth. 对做某事感兴趣MODULE 3 1. check my email 查收我的邮件 get up early 起早 have a picnic 郊游 go to a party 2去参加聚会 at the party revise / review for my test 复习准备考试 (为考试而复习) do some revision stay in bed 呆在床上 at a friends home 在朋友家 take the plane to=go t

8、o sw. by plane 乘飞机去/ take the plane fromto乘飞机从到 walk up the Great Wall 爬长城 make friends 交朋友 stay in a hotel 呆在酒店里 2. What are your plans? (同义句) What are you going to do? 3. look forward to sth/ doing sth. We are looking forward to the Spring Festival. We are looking forward to going to Guilin. 4. co

9、ok 厨师 (名词) 它还可以当动词: cook sth for sb cook sb sth 5. How do you get (from) Shantou to Xiamen? By bus. 6. Why + 一般疑问句?用 because 来回答. I am late because my bike is broken. 7 in the morning on Sunday morning 具体到某一天用 on on a hot afternoon 有描述词用 on 8. be going to +动词原形Im going to do my homework this evening

10、. Its going to rain tomorrow. Its going to be rainy tomorrow. There is going to be rain/ snow/wind(名词)MODULE 4 1. study at home 在家学习 do the dull jobs 做枯燥的工作do heavy work 干重活 three days a week 一周三天long holidays 长假 free time 空闲时间 be free to do sth. get warm 变暖2. everyone every one of 3. by email 通过电子邮

11、件的方式 on the computer on TV on the radio 5. Im not sure. 我不确信。be sure to do sth.6. The teachers wont write on a blackboard with chalk. The teachers wont use chalk to write on a blackboard.do sth with sth = use sth to do sth 用来做某事chalk 不可数名词 一支粉笔 a piece of chalkWe will use the sun to heat our homes.

12、We will heat our homes with the sun. 7. Flying will be very cheap. flying 为动名词,作主语。 家庭供暖将会很便宜。 Heating homes will be cheap. It will be cheap to heat homes. 打篮球是我最喜欢的运动。Playing basketball is my favourite sport. 8. will 动词原形 They will play football. will be 形容词 It will be cool in summer. There will be

13、名词 There will be rain tomorrow.There will be a big bridge over the river. 9. My dream will have big classrooms. (同义句) There will be big classrooms in my dream school. will 可以用 be going to 代替,但 be 动词要根据单复数来变化。There are going to be big classrooms in my dream school. There is going to be a big classroo

14、m in my dream school. 10. Its going to rain this afternoon. Its going to be rainy this afternoon. (但只有 there be 句型除外,be 后跟名词。 )311. In my dream school there wont be any teachers. MODULE 5 1. seven million millions of Americans 2. answer some questions for my homework 为我的作业回答一些问题3.Whats the populatio

15、n of ? 某地人口是多少?形容人口多用 big 或 large Whats its population? 4. Shanghai has 13 million people. Shanghai is a city with a population of 13million. The population of Shanghai is 13 million seven million. It has a population of 13 million people. 5. be famous for 以而出名 如:北京以长城而闻名。Beijing is famous for the Great Wall. 6. in the east/south/west of 在的东、南、西(内部) 上海在中国的东部。 Shanghai is


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