Book 6_U2_重点词汇讲解

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1、U2 重点词汇讲解重点词汇讲解1. injure 比较 wound, injure 和 hurtwound 和 injure 均可指对身体的伤害。但 wound 侧重利器或子弹对肉体的伤害,是故意的行为,常与战争有关;而 injure 强调人在意外事故中受伤,如机器造成的或运动中受伤。hurt 既可以是重伤,也可以是轻伤。同时也可以是伤害感情。 1. She was _because she was not invited to the party. (hurt) 2. He couldnt come to work because he was knocked down by a bike

2、and _his feet. (injured) 3. In that battle two of our soldiers were killed and five were _. (wounded)2. apart adj, adv. 1). 相距 The two buildings are 100 meters apart. 2). 成碎片 The cup fell apart in my hand. 3). 分开,分离 You never see them apart these days. apart from 远离 ; 除外; Apart from a house in Nanji

3、ng, they also have one in Beijing. (=besides) Apart from a few words, I dont know any French at all. (=Except for)3. junior (年少的,初级的)年少的,初级的) junior middle school 初中 He is junior to me. 他的职位比我低。 He is three years my junior. 他比我小 3 岁4. in difficult times times 时代;时势in ancient times _in the times of H

4、enry III _ the actors of the times _ Times _ (have) changed.5. dedicate 1)dedicate sth. to (doing) sth.Andy wants to dedicate more time to his hobbies. This woman has dedicated her whole life to helping others. 2) dedicate oneself to sth. 把自己献身于He dedicated himself to academic work. 3) dedicate sth.

5、 to sb. 题词把献给某人Lynne has dedicated the novel to her friend Norma.6. cost 1) 花费某人(钱/时间/精力/劳动)The book cost me 5 yuan. 2) 使某人付出代价 His carelessness cost him his life. 常用搭配:1)cost sth. to do sth. How much does it cost to hire a bike? 2)cost sb. dearly: cause a serious loss We made two mistakes that cost

6、 us dearly. 3)at the cost of 以为代价 He saved the boy from the fire at the cost of his life.7. be rushed to somewhere. rush sb. to/ into/ off : to take or send someone or something somewhere in a hurry.急忙送到Eg: Frank was rushed to hospital with violent stomach pains. rush sb. into (doing) sth.: 催促(某人);

7、使赶紧 eg: You cant rush someone into marrying you. rush into sth.: 仓促做;急忙做 eg: Try not to rush into a decision you may later regret. 最好别仓促作出决定,否则你以后会后悔的。8. in good spirits lift/ raise sbs spirits 振作精神The bad weather did nothing to lift her spirits. in high/good spirits 心情好 Dads in high spirits today,

8、isnt he?in low spirits 不高兴的keep up ones spirits 提起精神the spirit of the law 法律的真谛thats the spirit 那样才对,那才算好样的9. overcome v. overcame overcome1) 克服Jimmy overcame his difficulties to graduate with a first-class degree. 2) 使垮掉,使昏迷 Two men died when they were overcome by smokes from the fire. 3) vi./vt. 战

9、胜,制服 (to defeat someone or something)Government troops have finally overcome rebel forces in the north.10. accomplish v. (to succeed in doing sth, especially something that you have been trying to do for a period of time) e.g. He didnt accomplish much at work this week. accomplishment n. : achieveme

10、nt e.g. Arranging the peace talks was a remarkable accomplishment.accomplished adj. 熟练的, 有才艺的 e.g. one of Scotlands most accomplished pianists11. adapt to 1) vi. 适应,适合Most students have little difficulty adapting to college life.2) vt. 使适应,使适合Course can be adapted to suit the needs of the individual

11、 .3) vt. 改编,改写 adapt sth. from sth. The film is adapted from a Michael Crichtons novel.12. He thinks that I need to arrange to spend even more time working on my basket skills. arrange vt. 1)arrange sth. arrange a ceasefire 安排一次停火 2)arrange for sth. arrange for a private meeting 安排一次私人会面 3)arrange f

12、or sb. to do sth. Peter arranged for a friend to drive him there. 彼得安排朋友开车送他去那儿。 4)arrangement n. make arrangements for 为作安排13. It feels like allocating time for each is just not practical. 看上去为每件事安排时间是不实际的。看上去为每件事安排时间是不实际的。 1)allocate vt. 分配,配给 The results will depend on how each department allocat

13、es its resources. 结果将取决于每个部门如何分配其资源。 2)allocate sth. for sth. One million dollars has been allocated for disaster relief. 已拨款 100 万美元用于救灾。 3)allocate sth to sb. 把分配给 4)allocation n. 分配,配给量14. because humans will have learned to fix many of the problems that fix vt.1)使固定,放在固定位置He fixed the picture on

14、 the wall.The chair was fixed next to the door.2)确定,决定Weve fixed the date for wedding.3)安排,解决If you want to meet them, I can fix it.Everything had been fixed in advance.15. Technology will guarantee good health and guarantee vt. 保证保证1) 跟名词Buying a train ticket doesnt guarantee you a seat. 2) 跟从句 I c

15、an guarantee that you will be satisfied with the result.3) 跟不定式We guarantee to be here on time tomorrow. n. 保证;保修单(可数) I give my guarantee that he will be here tomorrow. With my new watch was a guarantee that it will keep good time.16. enjoying each others company company cn.公司公司 un.陪伴陪伴,交往交往eg: to form a new company We will be glad with your company. 常用搭配:in company (with) (和) 一道 He came in company with a group of boys. keep company (with) 和要好, 伴随 Never keep company with dishonest persons.Ill keep company with you as far as London Bridge. accompany vt. On the first day of the ne



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