笑望明天,只管以自己的方式走下去文档 (2)

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《笑望明天,只管以自己的方式走下去文档 (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《笑望明天,只管以自己的方式走下去文档 (2)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、因为你只有 6 个盘子,3 个杯子,不能成为你为何不能请 12 个人过来吃饭的理由。你可以用果冻盒子,罐子。你可以用杯子来代替盘子。我曾经有一次做了一顿牛排晚宴,只有一把刀子,我们就用剪刀来替代,这顿晚餐让我们印象深刻。我喜欢临时的想法,因为它好玩,有冒险成分,还有创新的意思。不要把自己定在那些既已存在的条条框框中,你不知道为什么要去参照菜谱。我曾经试着用了很多的黄油,鸡蛋和大蒜,比菜谱上说的要多。我开餐馆也是这个原因,我从来没仔细想过要开,只是觉得想去做,直到开张了之后,我才发现比自己想象的难,但是已经晚了。当然,赚钱对我来说并不是最重要的,这就给了我足够自由,来创新。我不知道自己应该怎么做

2、。我就埋头苦思,找出一切可能的机会,犯尽可能多的错误。这给我提供了很多学习的机会。当一件事做成功了,我告诉自己,就应该这么做,失败了,我会去仔细想原因。我会去找一些其他的方法来试验。错误可以让你发现很多,学到很多,让生活更有意思。就像一碗汤。一碗我曾经做过的汤,却很不错。我喜欢找一些经过专业培训的人来我的饭店工作,只要你能记下订单,好好服务,就会让对方有个好的体验。我不在意你的穿着。事实上,不同是所有人的财富。有人说,太悲剧了,我的饭店是个失败。为什么?虽然破产了,但是最后我得到的却远比一个饭店老板挣到的要多。虽然不是钱。29 年前,我关闭了自己的最后一家餐馆,也实现了自己对即时想法的一种认定

3、。我走了,没有任何计划,我把所有的过往抛在脑后,我来到一个小镇画画。我仍然以自己的方式活着,我确信一件事情不会只有一个方法,现在行得通的只能代表现在,但是明天又会不同。【背景介绍背景介绍】明天虽不是确指,象皮筋一样可长可短,但明天毕竟是一个可以安慰心灵的词语,它比“不行”、“不可能”宽容和善多了,它的面孔是阳光的。明天的美好支撑着人们认真地度过今天。Comment 微微微微1: steak steik Comment 微微微微2: imprvaizComment 微微微微3: recipe resipi n. 食谱;医处方;秘诀 Comment 微微微微4: went along 前进,继续

4、Comment 微微微微5: sweep up 大扫除;收拾干净 Comment 微微微微6: occur to 想到;想起 Comment 微微微微7: spuz Comment 微微微微8: come up with 提出;想出;赶上 Comment 微微微微9: hired v. 雇用(hire 的过去式及过去分 词形式);租用 【英文原文英文原文】Just because you only have six plates and three glasses is no reason why you cant invite 12 people to dinner .You can dri

5、nk out of a jelly jar or ten can . And there are lots of things you can use for plates ,like .cups lined with .,I once made a steak dinner in an apartment that only had one knife .We uses scissors ,it was quite memorable .I believe in improvising ,its exciting ,its an adventure ,a challenge and chan

6、ce to be creative . Not being locked into a plan ,a prescibed way of doing something ,leaves room for all kinds of wonderful stuffs to happen .You dont know what has to follow a recipe. I tend to use more butter ,eggs ,and garlic than a recipe calls for .The only unfortunate change this brings about

7、 is in my sizes .I didnt study how to own and run a restaurant .I pretty much made it as I went along . I was swept up with the idea ,the fantasy of having a restaurant just make something happen. It never occurs to me I couldnt do it ,I only felt that way after I opened up .But by then it was too l

8、ate .And of courese ,making money at it was way down on the list of what mattered . And that allowed me the freedom to focus on creating something really wonderful .I had no idea how anything was supposed to be .I just buried head ,discovering all kinds of possibilities and making plenty of mistakes

9、 .And those are really great oppotunities to learn .When something works ,well ,thats that .When it doesnt I have to think about why .And I have to come up with some other way that will make it work .Mistakes lead to discovery and that can produce the life .Like cream of .soup ,I made it in a pint o

10、nce and believe me its good .You should try it .In my restaurant ,I really hired people who were trained ,that was important .As long as you can Comment 微微微微10: oddity diti n. 奇异;古怪;怪癖 take down an order ,treat people well ,and give them an experience they would remember .I didnt care if you were dr

11、essed up like a piece of .In fact ,it was oddity that brought richness to everyone . Someone said it was too bad my restaurant was a failure ,why ?because when bankrupt ,I came away richer than restaurant owner could possibly dream of.Just not in terms of money . My belief in improvising was confirm

12、ed when I close my last restaurant 29 years ago . I just walked away . I didnt make any plans , I left everything behind and I came to live in a provinces town where I always wanted to live and paint . I am still making it up as I go along .I believe there is no one way to do things ,the way that wo

13、rks for me is the way that works right now . But that might change tomorrw .1.memorable adj. 值得纪念的,难忘的值得纪念的,难忘的如:We had a memorable trip last year.我们去年有一次难忘的旅行。It was a memorable experience for me.对我来说那是一次难忘的经历。2.improvise v. 即兴即兴如:If an actor forget his word, he have to improvise.演员要是忘记台词,那就只好即兴现编。

14、The pianist forgot his music and had to improvise (the accompaniment).弹钢琴的人把乐谱忘了,只好即兴伴奏。3.open up 打开,开发,展现,开始,揭露,开放打开,开发,展现,开始,揭露,开放如:Coughing like that might open up your wound.你那样咳嗽会把伤口震开的。After a few drinks he began to open up a bit.他喝了几杯酒话就多起来了。4.bankrupt adj. 破产的,贫穷的,道德败坏的,枯竭的破产的,贫穷的,道德败坏的,枯竭的 bkrpt 如:The purport of the statement is that the firm is bankrupt.该项声明大意是说该商行已经破产。5.in terms of 就就 . 而言,在而言,在 . 方面方面如:In term of money, hes quite rich, but not in term of happiness.就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了



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