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1、河 海 大 学本科毕业设计(论文)任务书本科毕业设计(论文)任务书(理(理 工工 科科 类)类)、毕业设计(论文)题目:基于 OPNET 的无线传感器网络 QoS 路由及流量建模研究与仿真、毕业设计(论文)工作内容(从综合运用知识、研究方案的设计、研究方法和手段的运用、应用文献资料、数据分析处理、图纸质量、技术或观点创新等方面详细说明):(1)搜集/阅读无线传感器网络、OPNET 网络仿真等资料文献,熟悉无线传感器网络的基本理论问题,熟悉 OPNET 网络仿真这个仿真软件。 (2)对无线传感器网络的 QoS 路由进行了研究分析,定向扩散进行了扩展,利用一种新的 QoS 路由算法建立网络模型提高

2、网络的生存期。(3)对 OPNET 的流量建模机制进行研究分析,然后阐述一种建立无线传感器网络流量模型的方法。 (4)利用 OPNET 平台对仿真模型进行仿真实验,验证模型的有效性。 (5)总结与展望。总结前面的工作,展望以后需要进一步展开的工作。(6)整理论文,完成论文答辩。 、进度安排:3.23.17 查阅无线传感器网络(WSN) 、OPNET 网络仿真及相关资料 3.183.28 熟悉 OPNET 仿真平台 3.294.12 研究分析无线传感器网络的 QoS 路由算法和 OPNET 的流量建模机制,提出一种建立无线传感器网络流量模型的方法 4.125.8 对所提模型进行 OPNET 仿真

3、实验,验证其有效性 5.86.5 整理相关资料,撰写毕业设计论文,准备论文答辩 、主要参考资料:【1】王文博,张金文. OPNET Modeler 与网络仿真,人民邮电出版社,2003.10 【2】孙屹,孟晨. OPNET 通信仿真开发手册,国防工业出版社,2005.1 【3】陈敏. OPNET 网络仿真,清华大学出版社,2004.4 【4】孙利民,李建中,陈渝,朱红松. 无线传感器网络,清华大学出版 社,2005.5.1 指导教师: , 2006 年 3 月 2 日学生姓名: ,专业年级:2002 级通信工程专业系负责人审核意见(从选题是否符合专业培养目标、是否结合科研或工程实际、综合训练程

4、度、内容难度及工作量等方面加以审核): 系负责人签字: , 年 月 日河海大学工学学士学位论文 中文摘要摘摘 要要无线传感器网络是一种全新的信息获取和处理技术,是一种新型的、无基础设施的、自组织的无线网络。大量的传感器节点通过自组织的方式构成了网络,每个节点集成了传感器件、数据处理单元和通信模块。无线传感器网络具有硬件资源有限、电源容量有限、以数据为中心、自组织、多跳路由、动态拓扑、节点数量众多切分布密集等特点。无线传感器网络凭借其潜在的优势得到了广泛的应用。然而在信息技术日新月异的现代社会,随着网络结构和规模越来越复杂化以及网络的应用越来越多样化,单纯地依靠经验进行网络的规划和设计、网络设备

5、的研发以及网络协议的开发,已经不能适应网络的发展,因而急需一种科学的手段来反映和预测网络的性能,OPNET 网络仿真技术应运而生。本设计基于 OPNET 仿真平台,首先在分析无线传感器网络 QoS 路由问题的基础上,对定向扩散进行扩展,组合利用路径节点最小能量和最小跳数信息的分布式 QoS 路由算法建立了仿真模型,使网络生存期提高了 500%;在不同比例的混合业务模式下,可以很好地支持不同业务的资源需求分配,达到全网能耗均衡。其次着重对无线传感器网络的流量工程进行了建模与仿真,分析了网络业务负载对网络的吞吐量、数据丢失率和端-端时延等性能的影响,通过将业务流合理地映射到网络资源,减少了拥塞,提

6、高了网络的性能与可靠性。通过仿真,我们可以有效地提高网络规划和设计的可靠性和准确性,降低网络投资风险,减少不必要的投资浪费。关键词:无线传感器网络;OPNET 仿真;QoS 路由;定向扩散;流量工程;网络吞吐量;时延河海大学工学学士学位论文 英文摘要AbstractAbstractWireless sensor network (WSN) is a new kind of wireless networks, using bran-new information-gathering and processing technology. The WSN, self-organized, is o

7、f no infrastructure. Numbers of sensing nodes, composing of sensing implement, data processing unit and communication module, structure the WSN self-driven. WSN has such characteristics as hardware resource limitation, power capacity limitation, data-central, self-organization, multi-hop routing, dy

8、namic topology, dense distribution with numerous nodes. WSN is widely used for its potential ascendancy.However, in modern society, information technology changes with each passing day. With the network structure and scale going more and more complex and the multiplicity of network application, itll

9、 never adapt to the rapid development if you still rely simply on your experience when you layout and design a new network, R second, the after-tax profit one year before the listing must reach 60 million yuan; and third, the minimum amount of money the company can raise from the stock market should

10、 be no less than US $50 million.In order to promote a rapid and should development of Chinas Internet industry, we must act appropriately. Here Id like to share my suggestions:First, China should conduct research on the development of the Chinese and international Internet markets, and the policies

11、on Internet investment and antitrust. Second, the Government should draft, as soon as possible, laws and regulations concerning telecommunications, Internet investment, and rates for Internet services. Third, Chinese Internet companies should be listed on the domestic stock market as soon as possibl

12、e. Chinese Internet investors, who tend to divide their investment among different enterprises, should concentrate their investment so as to make the companies more viable in terms of financial strength.河海大学工学学士学位论文 附录 英文资料翻译37Planet Earth will don an electronic skin in the not-too-distant future. I

13、t will use the Internet as a scaffold to transmit its sensations. This skin is being stitched together. It consists of millions of electronic measuring devices, such as thermostats, pollution detectors, cameras, EKGs. These will probe and monitor cities and endangered species, the atmosphere, our sh

14、ips, highway vehicles, our bodies- even our dreams. It is predicted that ten years from now, there will be trillions of such telemetric systems, each with a microprocessor brain and a radio. They will be in constant contact with河海大学工学学士学位论文 附录 英文资料翻译38one another. What will the earths new skin permit us to feel? How will we use its sensation? For a decade or longer there will be no central nervous system to manage this vast signaling network. And there will be no central intelligence. But we believe that some qu


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