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1、Unit 1Reading A The Human complex A Never failing Source of Wonderment(人类的复杂性一个永远不会失去惊叹的话题)“ In my view, ” wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1814 , “no knowledge can be more satisfactory to a man that of his own frame, its parts, their functions and actions. ” Distinguished thinkers before and since Jeffers

2、on have held this belief, but curiously, it is not one that the average person wholeheartedly shares.Mans attitude toward his own bodyhis single most precious possessionis decidedly ambivalent. At one and the same time he isfascinated by it and fearful of it, partly in echo of ancient taboos, partly

3、 in the conviction that the body is too complicated to understand.( “在我看来,”托马斯杰佛逊于 1814 年写道:“对人来说,没有什么知识会比了解自身的架构、部件、功能和作用更能使他满足。”包括杰佛逊在内的杰出思想家均持有这个观点,但有趣的是,这个观点并不为普罗大众所由衷地接受。人们对自己的身体,这个对他自身来说最为宝贵的财富,态度其实是充满矛盾的。一方面,人们被肉体的奥妙所深深着迷,另一方面,却又对其深感敬畏,这在一定程度上与远古的忌禁遥相呼应,也在一定程度上反映了人们确信肉体过于复杂而难以理解。)The possible

4、 approaches to a study of the body are legion.To the cynic, the body is no more than a tenement of clay; to the poet, a palace of the soul; to the physician, an all-too-ailing hulk. The psychiatrist sees it as a housing for the mind and personality. The geneticist sees it as a perpetuator of its own

5、 kind.The biologist sees it as an organism which can alter the future as a result of the experience of the past.( 研究人体的途径可谓纷繁多样。对愤世嫉俗者来说,人体贱为粘土陋室;对吟诗作赋者来说,人体尊为灵魂的宫殿;对救死扶伤者来说,人体悲为脆弱多病的躯壳。 精神病学家视其为思想和性格的居所。遗传学家当其为自我繁衍的机器。生物学家视其为能借过往的经验来改变未来的生命体。)All the specialized scientific views of the body are val

6、id. All, however, must start from the same premise: an awareness of the bodys basic structure and functionsits anatomy and physiology. And the bedrock principle of our present understanding of the body is that all living matter is composed of cells basically similar in structure and function.(所有有关人体

7、的专业科学的观点都是有意义的,然而,所有的这些都必须从同一个前提开始:那就是对研究人体的基本结构和功能的解剖学和生理学的认识。我们对身体的了解的基本原则是,所有生物都是由结构和功能基本相似的细胞构成的。)A Swarm of Tiny Specialists(一帮微缩的专家)Studies of the cellwhat it is , what it does and how it reproduces itself have revealed it to be a fantastically complex world in itself. One of the major wonders

8、 of the cell is the disparity between its minuteness and the prodigiousness of its activity. Each cell is so tiny that millions of them may be found in a half-inch cube of human body tissue. Yet each comprises an almost unimaginably busy chemical laboratory with a highly ordered division of labor.(关

9、于细胞的研究细胞是什么,它是干什么的和如何复制的已经显露出细胞本身那令人难以置信的复杂世界。细胞的一个主要的神奇之处在于其体积的微细与其活性之间的巨大差距。每个细胞是如此渺小,以至于数以万计的细胞有可能被发现在一个半英寸立方体大小的人体组织中。然而,每个细胞都堪比一个繁忙到难以想象的并有着高度的分工的化学实验室。)The cell has two main parts: a nucleus, containing the genetic material deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and a surrounding semifluid cytoplasm.Bou

10、nding the cytoplasm is the cell membrane, which keeps the cell contents in and undesirable material out, yet permits passage of both proper nutrients and wastes. The nucleuscell headquartersgoverns the major activities of the cytoplasm; its finest hour, however, comes at reproduction time, when chro

11、mosomes containing DNA split. It is in the cytoplasm, that the cells day to day business is carried on. Each of its various components, or organelles, is a specialist of surpassing skill. one type breaks down the food given entry by the cell membrane and converts it into energy .Another provides the

12、 site for the synthesis of proteinalong with reproduction, a major function of mostcells. Another packages the manufactured protein for transport wherever needed in the body.(细胞有两个主要部分:含有遗传物质脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)的细胞核,以及周围呈半流质的细胞质。包围着细胞质的是细胞膜,它包含着细胞内容物并将不需要的物质隔离在外,然而它允许营养物质和代谢废物通过。细胞核细胞的指挥部调控细胞质的主要活动;然而,它最重要的时

13、候是当细胞分裂,染色体内的 DNA 分裂时。细胞日复一日的工作是在细胞质中完成的。各种组件或细胞器,都是一个个卓越的技术专家。其中细胞器的一种功能是分解进入细胞膜的营养物质,并将其转化成能量。另一个功能是提供结合蛋白质的场所伴随着细胞复制的始终,大多数细胞的主要功能。再一个是组装功能蛋白质,并将其运输到身体的各个所需部位。)To operate efficiently, the cell thus requires specific help from the body as a whole: food to provide raw material for the release of en

14、ergy, oxygen to help break down the food, water to transport inorganic substances like calcium and sodium.Once its needs are satisfied, the cell itself provides the intricatemechanism for maintaining the balance essential to keep it in kilterin short, to keep the body alive and healthy.(为了高效的运转,因而细胞

15、需要得到身体的帮助:食物提供可释放能量的原材料,氧气帮助分解食物,水分转运无机物,比如钠、钾。一旦这些需要得到满足,细胞本身就会提供复杂的机制,使其维持正常运作必须的平衡状况总之,能保持身体的活力和健康。)Cells share certain common characteristics, but most of the bodys cells develop specialized features and abilities. The cells that form bone collect calcium salts; these cells are locked together i

16、n solid chunks, immobile. By contrast, the white cells of the blood, which fight off invading bacteria, roam freely about the body.Other cells make special chemicals for the bodys usethe hormones produced in the endocrine glands, or the digestive enzymes poured into the intestine from the pancreas. Still other cells from theincredibly thin membranes in the lung or kidney that permit the filtering or exchange of dissolved body fuels and wastes.(细胞共享某种相同的特性,但是大部分的人体



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