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1、专业好文档为您搜集整理谢谢使用更多精彩内容,请关注本页Unit3 Our HobbiesTopic2 What sweet music!Section C【学习目标】1. Learn some new words and phrases:at last, set up, member, continue, birth, director, weight, kg, height2. Learn to describe your favorite singer or band:(1) U2 is the name of a band from Dublin, Ireland.(2) It is o

2、ne of the most famous rock bands in the world.(3) People all over the world still enjoy their music very much.3. Talk about and write ones personal file.【学习重点】谈论及描述喜欢的乐队,培养口语表达能力和阅读能力【学习难点】个人简历的书写、英语口语的表达能力【教学方法】任务教学法,讨论法,个人作业/小组合作【教具】音乐 MP3,明星或乐队图片,录音机,小黑板,多媒体课件【教学过程】 Review (时间:7 分钟)师生对话,复习音乐类型,引导

3、学生谈论自己喜欢的歌手、歌曲等,引出新课。1. (教师播放音乐 Take Me Home, Country Roads)T:Do you enjoy this song?Ss: Yes.T:Which kind of music is it?Ss: Country music. 专业好文档为您搜集整理谢谢使用更多精彩内容,请关注本页T: Well, how many kinds of music we have learned before? Ss:(和学生一起复习音乐的类型)2. (就学生喜欢的音乐种类、歌手和歌曲,进行师生对话,引出有关乐队的话题。)T:How clever! What k

4、ind of music do you like? Which singer do you like best? S1: I like pop music. I like Jay Chou best.S2:T: Do you know any famous bands in China?(在学生的回答中,可能会出现一些演唱组合,如飞儿乐队、S.H.E 等。如不出现,可用 Do you like any music groups like S.H.E? 来引导学生回答。通过师生对话,引出关于乐队的话题。)T:How many singers are there in S.H.E?(或其他乐队。)

5、Ss: Three.T:And The flowers?(或其他乐队。)Ss: Four.T:Yes. You are right. They are music groups. We often call this kind of music group a band.(板书领读,并让学生猜测词义,只需了解。)T:Can you tell me something about other music bands?Ss: (学生可以用汉语说出飞儿乐队,信乐团等。)T:Good! In this lesson, lets talk about some bands. Please follow

6、me. Presentation (时间:13 分钟)利用图片、音乐或录像片断等,引导学生谈论有关乐队的话题,引出并学习 1a 生词、短语及其他目标语言。1. (教师出示几个组合的图片或演出录像的片断。)T:Look! Who are they?Ss: Theyre Fir Band, .T:Yes, they are Chinese bands. Do you know them? (展示披头士乐队的图片)Ss: Beatles. (帮助回答)T:Its a foreign band. Where are they from, can you guess?专业好文档为您搜集整理谢谢使用更多精

7、彩内容,请关注本页Ss: They are from Britain.T: Very good. They are British rock band. And this band? ( 展示 U2 的照片)Ss:I dont know .T: Ok, lets learn something about U2 which comes from Ireland.2. (让学生听 1a 录音,并跟读。然后让学生齐声朗读 1a 课文。)T:Now, please listen to 1a and read after the tape. Then read the text together.3.

8、 (让学生快读 1a,并找出有用的表达,让男女学生比赛,看谁找得多。)T: Well done. Next please read 1a quickly and try to find the useful expressions. Lets do a competition. Consolidation (时间:10 分钟)指导学生完成 1b,然后根据关键词复述 1a,强化学生对 1a 的理解。1. 课文重难点讲解a 17-year-old high school student, one of the most famous rock bandsclose friends , be clo

9、se to continue to do sth./ continue doing sth.2. (让学生再读 1a,独立完成 1b。)T:Read 1a quickly and mark True (T) or False (F) in 1b according to 1a.(2 分钟后核对答案。)3. (让学生找出关键词,复述课文。)(全部学生一起复述、个别学生复述)(1) U2 name Ireland famous world(2) 1978 a 17-year-old musicians at last set up(3) traveling concerts people love

10、 songs popular Grammies(4) four still continue to people enjoyBoys PK Girlsthe name of one of in the word in the fall of at last set upgive concerts close friends 专业好文档为您搜集整理谢谢使用更多精彩内容,请关注本页. Practice (时间:12 分钟)通过师生交流,了解更多的歌星及乐队,学习制作个人信息表。1. Group work. Discuss the questions in groups. Finish 1c. Is

11、 U2 your favourite band? If not, which band is your favourite? Who is your favourite singer?.(学生两人一组进行问答,完成 1c。)2. Work alone. ( 让学生学习如何写个人简介)T:Read Lin Jies personal profile and introduce her to your class. (教师讲解个人简介的写作格式,教学生词,要求学生掌握 birth, weight, kg, height,director;理解 nationality,occupation,Hong

12、 Kong 和 MTV。 )T: Please introduce Lin Jie in your own words. You can begin like this:Her name is Lin Jie. Her English name is (鼓励学生参与此活动,教师要随时提供帮助。)3. 给学生展示歌手周杰伦个人简介的部分内容,让学生根据教师的介绍填写全该简介4. Summary (小结本节课所学到的内容)5.(师生共唱 Take Me Home, Country Roads 这首歌。完成 3。)T: Lets sing this song: Take Me Home, Count

13、ry Roads. Project (时间:3 分钟)通过模仿写作及制作个人信息表,培养学生写作能力,进一步巩固本节课所学的语言知识点。1. (根据你搜集的资料,模仿 1a 写一篇短文来介绍自己喜欢的乐队。如有时间,该任Chinese name: Zhou Jielun Favorite food: fried chicken, sweetsEnglish name: Jay Chou Favorite music: R&B,Hip-HopDate of birth: January 18th , 1979 Favorite color: black and bluePlace of birt

14、h: Taiwan Hobbies: playing basketball,Nationality: Chinese writing songs,Occupation: singer and director watching moviesWeight: 60kg Height:173cmFavorite food: fried chicken, sweetsFavorite music: R&B,Hip-Hopfavorite color: black and blueHobbies: playing basketball,writing songs,watching movies专业好文档

15、为您搜集整理谢谢使用更多精彩内容,请关注本页务在课堂上做,反之留做作业。)T: I know many of you love popular singers and bands. Now please write a passage about your favorite band, according to the information youve collected. Then Ill ask several students to report it in class.(教师点评,对表现好的学生进行鼓励。)2. Homework (根据林杰的个人档案格式,制作一个自己的信息表。)T: Please make your own personal file.Example:Chinese name: English name:Date of birth: Place of birth:Weight: Height:Favorite color: Favorite food:Hobbies: Favorite song:板书设计:What sweet music!Section



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