中三总复习 七年级上册 Units 16

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《中三总复习 七年级上册 Units 16》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中三总复习 七年级上册 Units 16(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、中三总复习中三总复习 七年级上册七年级上册 Units 1-6 Starters 1-3 1.-Good morning! -_ _! 2.Good _(下午)! 3.Good _(晚上) 4.-How are you? -Im _,_. 5.-Whats this _English? -Its _ orange. 6.-Whats that_English? -Its a _(夹克) 7.Thats a _(被子) This is a _(钥匙) 8.-What _(颜色) is it? -Its _ and _(黑白) 9.This quilt is _(蓝色)and_(黄色).10.It

2、s _ “X”(F/H/L/M/N/S/R/hour/honest) A. a B. an 11.Its _“U”. A. a B. an 12.Its _ uniform.(university/Europe) A. a B. an Unit 1 1.-Whats _ _(你的名字)? -_ name is Jack.=_ _ Jack. 2.-Whats her _ ? -_ name is Lucy.=_ _ Lucy. 3.His name is Tom Green. His first name is _. His last name/family name is _. 4.Her

3、name is Linda Smith.Her first name is _.Her last name/family name is_. 5.-Nice to meet you! -_ _ _ _ , _! 6.-Whats your _ _(电话号码)? -Its_(1234567890) 8.I live on the _(三) floor. 9.This is the _(五) person to get there. 10.写序数词:one_ two_ three_four_ five_six_ seven_ eight_nine_ Unit 2 1.-Whats this? -I

4、ts _ _(橡皮擦)-Is this _(你的) eraser? -Yes,its _eraser.=Its_. 2.-Whats that? -Its a _(词典)-Is that _(她的) dictionary? -No,_ _.Its not _ dictionary.=Its not_. 3.This is _ _(他的双肩背包)=This _ (双肩背包)is _. 4.This is _(我们的)classroom.=This classroom is _(我们的) 5.That is _(他们的)school.=That school is _(他们的) 6.This is

5、 my pencil.(1)一般疑问句:_ _ _ pencil?(2)否定句:This _ _my pencil. 7.7.That is his ruler.(1)一般疑问句:_ _ his ruler?(2)否定句:That _ _his ruler 8.Its a _(手表). This is a _(棒球) Is that a _(笔记本)? 9.Please call me _49565329 . A. in B. at C. On 10.This is _ _ _(一套) keys. Unit 3 1.This is my _(哥哥). 变为复数句子:_ _ my _. 2.Is

6、 that your _(表哥)? 变为复数句子:_ _ your _? 3.This is my _(父亲),this is my _(母亲).=_ _ my _(父母亲).4.That is my _(祖父).That is my_-(祖母)=_ _ my_(祖父母) . 5.Is this your_(叔叔)?Is that your _(阿姨)? 6.Thanks_the photo_your family. A. of,for B. for,of C. for,on Unit 4 1.-_ _ the backpack? -Its _ _ _(桌子下面) 2.-Where _ is

7、the keys? -_ in the _(抽屉) 3.-Wheres the _(植物)?-Its _ _ _(地板上) 4.-Where_ the books? -_ in the _(书柜) 5.The baseballs are under the bed.(就划线提问) _ _ the baseballs? 6.The dictionary is on the chair.(就划线提问) _ _ the dictionary? 7.The books are on the sofa.(变一般疑问句) _ the books_ _ _? 8.This is _ _ _(一个闹钟) 9.

8、The math book is on the_(梳妆台) 10.Please_(带去)these things_ the bedroom. 11.Can you _(带来) some things _ me? Unit 5 1.I _(有) a _(排球)She_(有) a _(网球拍) 2.I have a soccer ball. (1) 否定句: I_ _ a soccer ball.(2)一般疑问句:_ you _ a soccer ball? 3.4.He has a baseball.(1) 否定句: He_ _ a baseball.(2)一般疑问句:_ he _ a base

9、ball? 4.Lets _volleyball. A. play B. playing C.to play 5.That made me _. A. cry B. crying C.to cry 6.I_ sports every day. A. play B. plays C. Playing 7.He_ TV every day. A. watch B. watches C.watchs 8.She plays sports every day. (1) 否定句:She_ _ sports every day.(2)一般疑问句:_ she _ sports every day? 9.I

10、watch TV every night. (1) 否定句: I_ _ TV every night.(2)一般疑问句:_ you _ TV every night? Unit 6 1.I _(喜欢)_(西红柿)and _(汉堡包) 2.She_(喜欢)_(草莓)and _(花椰菜) 3.They_(喜欢)_(胡萝卜)and _(梨) 4.I like apples and pears.(1) 否定句: I_ _ apples_pears.(2)一般疑问句:_ you _ apples_ pears?(3)就划线提问:_ _ you _? 5.He like tomatoes and stra

11、wberries.(1) 否定句: He_ _ tomatoes_strawberries.(2)一般疑问句:_he _ tomatoes_strawberries?(3)就划线提问:_ _ he _?(4)反义疑问句:He like tomatoes and strawberries ,_ _? 6.I like chicken and salad _ lunch. A. in B. of C. for 7.She eats carrots and eggs _dinner. A. in B. for C. of 8.I have milk and hamburgers for_(早餐) 9.。She likes _(蔬菜) and _(水果) very much.


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